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Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security
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Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security
Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers
Office of Plans, Policy and Analysis
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Archive: 1997-2000

Bureau of Political-Military Affairs

The Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM), headed by Assistant Secretary John Hillen, is the principal link between the Departments of State and Defense. The Bureau provides policy direction in the areas of international security, security assistance, military operations, and defense trade. PM is instrumental in the State Department's efforts to accomplish three major goals under the United States Strategic Plan for International Affairs:

  • Combating Terrorism: PM plays a key role in the Global War on Terrorism that includes securing base access and overflight permission to support the deployment of U.S. military forces, coordinating the participation of coalition combat and stabilization forces, and promoting critical infrastructure protection.

  • Regional Stability: PM promotes stability around the world by fostering effective defense relationships with key friends and allies; regulating arms transfers; promoting responsible U.S. defense trade; controlling access to military technologies; combating illegal trafficking of small arms and light weapons; negotiating status of forces and base access agreements; and facilitating the education and training of international peacekeepers and other foreign military personnel.

  • Humanitarian Assistance: PM manages humanitarian mine action programs around the world and works with the Defense Department to provide assistance in the event of natural disasters and other crises abroad.


Ottawa Convention
Read about the sixth meeting
of States Parties to the Ottawa Convention Ban on Anti-Personnel Landmines.

Landmine Map
New Department of State-Newsweek wall map charts global landmine problem.

Fact sheet released on containing the threat from Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS).

18th Annual Global Trade Controls Conference
Assistant Secretary Hillen delivered address to the conference.

Chicago Coalition for Landmine Action Conference
Chicago, the "city of big shoulders," was the site of a National Conference for Landmine Action that encouraged civil society to help combat the global landmine problem.  Read Secretary Rice's video-taped welcome remarks.

Destroying MANPADS
U.S. Ambassador George H. Walker III, on the left, and Hungary's Minister of Defense, Ferenc Juhász, to his right, shake hands during the formal signing of the agreement between the United States and Hungary to destroy 1,540 MANPADS that are no longer necessary for the defense of Hungary.The United States and Hungary have agreed to cooperate in the destruction of 1,540 of Hungary's Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS).

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