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Southern Oregon's Lower Rogue River

Agness to Gold Beach

Vacation, Agness, Gold Beach,

The Rogue comes out of the National Wild and Scenic Canyon section at about 37 miles upstream from the Pacific Ocean arriving at the mountain river town of Agness, Or. Nestled in the Siskyou National Forest 30 miles upstream from Gold Beach,  near the confluence of the Rogue and its largest tributary the Wild and Scenic Illinois.

National Wild and Scenic Rivers

"It is here by declared to be the policy of the United Sates that certain selected rivers of the nation which, with their immediate environments, possess outstanding remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural or other similar values, shall be preserved in free-flowing condition, and that they and their immediate environments shall be protected for benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations."
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
October 2, 1968

Lower Jet Boat rides at Gold Beach /

Jerry's Jetboat Rides

A Siskiyou National Forest road following the Lower Rogue River canyon serves Agness as well as Tour Boat Rides bringing passengers upriver from the from Gold Beach.

Several lodges provide food, drink and lodging to river travelers as has been done here for most of a hundred years. The towns of Gold Beach and Agness are very dependent on the Rogue for recreation and lively hood. The friendly people here seem displaced when not near the water for the river surely runs in their veins.
Vacation , Vacations / Gold Beach
Here at Agness the Rogue joins its largest tributary the Illinois, named one of the Nation's first  Wild and Scenic Rivers in 1968 by U.S. Congress. Only the most hardy and experienced whitewater enthusiasts will tackle the Illinois with its 47 miles of wilderness whitewater known for outstanding whitewater rafting vacations.

Spring Chinook, Fall Chinook, Summer Steelhead and Winter Steelhead with Silver Salmon runs keep anglers busy non-stop 365 days a year here on one of the nations best kept vacation secrets.

The stream between Gold Beach and Agness is a Mecca for fishermen with a history of angling dating to the early 1870's. Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing Vacations here on the Lower Rogue River still draw both experienced and novice fly-fishermen from around the world.

The area is still beautiful, the fish are still abundant and the pace of life is still as it should be and vacation visitors are welcomed.

Vacation / Vacations / Lower Here you will find a Fly Fishing destination very rich in Summer Steelhead Flyfishing history and opportunities. Home to more Summer Steelhead fly fishing opportunities than anywhere else on earth. Other famous Summer Steelhead Flyfishing Rivers located here in our area are the North Umpqua east of Roseburg, Or., the Rogue from Gold Beach to above Shady Cove, Or., has 160 miles of top Summer Steelhead Flyfishing waters, the Klamath in Northern California has 150 miles of historic Steelhead Flyfishing from Klamath, California to Iron Gate Reservoir near Hornbrook, California. This adds up to nearly 350 miles of top Summer Steelhead Flyfishing river to Fly fish in this area.   

The Lower Rogue has a number of secluded lodges and Resorts. Accommodations are set back from the river’s edge with decks that over look the beautiful waters as it makes its way to the sea. Otters and osprey search the pools and riffles for dinner, deer and the occasional black bear are seen at rivers edge. Salmon and steelhead break the water's surface to throw sprays of water skyward. A cold drink, a soft chair and dinner being prepared for your evening meal a thousand miles away from life’s bustle. If this sounds good to you check out our Lodge and Resort members to reserve a few days on the deck.

Be Listed on Rogue River Country Web Site!

E-mail: Contact Rogue River Country   Office Phone: (541) 247-4138