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Anchorage Daily News: Alaska's Newspaper

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Last Update: December 7, 2005 5:47 PM

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Delivery Service Interruption Form

Please fill out the following form if you would like your paper
delivery service postponed for any reason.

Address *
City *   AK  ZIP *
Home Phone (907) *
Work Phone (907) *
E-mail *
I would like you to:
Deliver the papers I missed when I return.
Donate my papers to the Meals on Wheels program.
Donate my papers to the Newspapers in Education program.
Credit my account.
Deliver my paper to the following address while I am away.

City: AK Zip
(delivery must be within home delivery area to be eligible... for more information please contact customer service at 257-4400.)

STOP DATE * (i.e. JAN 01)
START DATE * (i.e. JAN 08)
I would like a copy of the previous Sunday paper when I return. I understand my account will be charged 25 cents for this paper.
Yes! You can contact me by e-mail in regards to my subscription (note: this will not replace any current means of contact, but will be an additional means of contact for you).
*Required Fields

Questions: E-mail us at
or call us at:
Anchorage - 257-4400
Matsu - 352-6700
Kenai 260-5215
or (800) 478-4200.