|  |  | H I G H L I G H T S
| Thursday, December 8, 2005 | |
Secretary's Travel to Europe Secretary Rice is traveling to Germany, Romania, Ukraine, and Belgium December 5-9, 2005. Her visit highlights the enduring importance of transatlantic relations and U.S. efforts to partner with Europe to address common challenges around the globe. Secretary Rice (Dec. 8): "I'm pleased to have engaged so far in very productive discussions with my NATO colleagues. ...NATO is truly a multilateral organization that is vibrant, that is a contributor to global security. It has European roots, of course, but if you look at what it is now doing -- it is involved in helping the people of Darfur; it is involved...in Afghanistan, in training in Iraq -- this is an alliance that is indeed beginning to really meet the challenges of the 21st century." full text | more from the trip
Rebuilding Iraq President Bush (Dec. 7): "We're helping the Iraqis build inclusive democratic institutions that will protect the interests of all Iraqis. We're working with the Iraqis to help them engage those who can be persuaded to join the new Iraq, and to marginalize those who never will." full text | fact sheets: Rebuilding Iraq / USAID Strategic Accomplishments / USAID in Najaf and Mosul
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Under Secretary Burns (Dec. 5): "The OSCE is a vital platform for advancing the cause of human freedom.... As OSCE participating States, we recognize that freedom, human rights and democracy are not limited to those who speak a particular language, or are part of a particular culture, or ethnicity. They are the birthright of every person in every country in the world." full text
Did You Know? Did you know that the Chief of Protocol is the President's personal representative at diplomatic functions and serves as the U.S. Government's principal liaison with the foreign Ambassadors and embassies in Washington? more
| |  | I N O T H E R N E W S | | | Deputy Secretary Zoellick released a statement describing the discussions and topics covered at the Second U.S.-China Senior Dialogue held in Washington, DC on Dec. 8. The purpose of the Senior Dialogue is to look "over the horizon" and discuss the strategic framework of U.S.-China relations.
The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration has released guidelines specifically for proposals benefiting victims of the October 2005 Pakistan earthquake. Applicants are encouraged to carefully read this document. Pakistan earthquake relief-related proposals will be accepted by PRM on a rolling basis until funds have been expended.
| | A new fact sheet provides a breakdown of Department funding for and description of non-governmental organization programs aimed at preventing and responding to gender-based violence. Response to this initiative by the international community has been extremely positive.
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