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Drug and Alcoholism Treatment Directory and Information Listings

Drug Rehab Center
Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Holistic Addiction Treatment Center, Inc.

Alcohol Rehab

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and Recovery Directory

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Self-help groups can complement and extend the effects of a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. The most prominent self-help groups are those affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Cocaine Anonymous (CA), all of which are based on the 12-step model, and Smart RecoveryŽ. Most drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs and rehabs encourage patients to participate in a self-help group during and after formal treatment. This will give the drug addict or alcoholic their best chance in developing long-term coping skills so they can maintain a healthy and happy life without their drugs and/or alcohol.

It is also very important to remember that Family and friends can play critical roles in motivating individuals with drug and alcohol addictions to enter and stay in a alcoholism or drug treatment program. Family therapy is important, especially for adolescents (See Approaches to Treatment Section). Involvement of a family member in an individual's treatment program can strengthen and extend the benefits of the program.

Abuse Diagnosis Dual Substance through Addiction Newark Treatment Listings

Addiction Phoenix Treatment through Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center Listings

Alcohol and Drug Treatment through Alcoholism Addiction Treatment Listings

Alternative Drug Treatment through Center Drug Florida Rehabilitation Listings

Center Drug Rehab Treatment through Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Listings

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center through Drug Rehab in Florida Listings

Drug Rehab in Texas through Florida Drug Rehab Listings

Georgia Alcohol Treatment Center through Ohio Drug Rehab Listings

Opiate Addiction Treatment through Virginia Drug Rehab Listings

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation News for

Home-Poured Drinks Not 'Standard' Servings
Safe drinking guidelines are based on a standard drink containing 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol, but when people drink at home they usually pour larger than standard-sized drinks, according to researchers at the Alcohol Research Group at the Public Health...
Russia urged to face up to demographic crisis
A new World Bank report on Russia's grim demographic situation, warns that population decline could speed up and pose a major risk for national security.
The American professor and the French Baroness
American Harry W. Paul, 72, is a charmingly reserved historian who cuts his own graying bangs. Baroness Philippine de Rothschild -- actress at the Comedie Francaise in her youth, patron of great artists, confidante of royalty -- is the larger-than-life matriarch of Chateau Mouton Rothschild near Bordeaux.
Cephalon Could Have A Tough Year In 2007
Morgan Stanley maintained an "equal-weight" rating on the biotechnology firm.
Gene Linked to Drinkers' Response to Alcohol
How alcohol makes a person feel can play a part in whether or not that drinker develops alcohol problems and now researchers believe they have found the gene that is directly linked to a drinker's level of response to alcohol....
'Surrogate' Alcohols Are Deadly
High death rates in Russia from drinking are even worse due to the consumption of "surrogate" alcohols -- products that contain alcohol but are not intended for consumption, such as aftershave products and cleaning fluids. Read More: Moonshine Still Causes...
Substance Abuse Claims Lottery Winners' Lives
Within five years after Mack W. Metcalf and his estranged wife, Virginia G. Merida, split a $34 million winning lottery ticket, both were dead -- him of complications due to alcoholism and her to a possible drug overdose. In a...
Word Game: 12 Step Slogans
Slogans from the 12-step programs are the subject of this word game, which is an online version of the old Hangman game. How fast can you get the right answers? More: 12 Step Humor...
Stress Risky With Family History of Alcoholism
Individuals with a family history of alcoholism tend to have a biological dysfunction in their response to stress before they develop drinking problems that others exhibit only after alcohol problems arise. Read More: Chronic Drinking Increases Stress Harmone...
CDT Testing Detects Patients' Drinking Levels
An alcohol-screening test that measures carbohydrate deficient transferrin in the blood can detect patients' drinking habits and potentially could lower the cost of care for those with chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure....
Recovery Coast to Coast Radio Show Nationwide
The Alliance for Recovery, a Seattle-based nonprofit organization, launched a national nightly radio talk show dealing exclusively with addiction and recovery. Recovery - Coast to Coast, which went on the air in October 2005, features nationally known authors, recovering celebrities,...
Heavy Drinking Declines With Age for Some
Research has revealed that heavy drinking usually declines as people get older, but the rate of decline is slower for men, compared to women, and slower for smokers, compared to non-smokers....
Stress Risky With Family History of Alcoholism
Individuals with a family history of alcoholism tend to have a biological dysfunction in their response to stress before they develop drinking problems that others exhibit only after alcohol problems arise. Read More: Chronic Drinking Increases Stress Harmone...
Cars Popular Place for Teens to Smoke Pot
Each day, more than 9,000 new driver's licenses are issued to teens nationwide, the very same age group that is at greatest risk for marijuana use, and a 2005 survey reveals that these teens say that cars are the second...
Study Links Caffeine Addiction, Family Alcoholism
Pregnant women with relatives who abused alcohol are found to have a harder time kicking the coffee habit, despite health warnings.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center: Giordano and GoldfarbHolistic Approach to Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Drug Rehab Directory 1 | Addiction Treatment Directory 2 | Alcohol Rehabilitation Directory 3 | Drug Rehabilitation Directory 4 | Drug Rehabilitation and Addiction Directory 5 | Drug Rehab in Florida Directory 6 | Drug Rehabilitation and Dual Diagnosis Directory 7 | Drug Rehabilitation Ohio, Miami, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Missouri, North Carolina, New York Directory 8 | Opiate Addiction Treatment Directory 9