The Wayback Machine -
Jigsaw Puzzles and Puzzle Games

About Crea-Soft

Find out more about us, our goals, news and our contact addresses.

About me

Traian Trante - The Puzzle Master

Crea-Soft (Trante Nicolae Traian) is a small Romanian company founded in November 2003.
Legally, I operate under the auspices of Independent Software Developer. When I use "us" on the website or in other places (like my software) - I'm referring to the Team that helped build the Games and the Web Site (co-developers). Although most of it is my own work, I cannot take credit for everything. The Website and the Software on it, is legally owned by me.

You can reach me through eMail using our Contact Form. Technical Support eMail is available through this Contact Form.

The regular mail address is:
Crea-Soft c/o Trante Nicolae-Traian,
Str N. Titulescu, bl. 17, ap 25,
Tg-Jiu, Gorj,
Zip 210246,

My policy

My long-term goal is to develop of high quality software, with a special inclination for puzzle games and educational software. I especially like non-violent games, games that help people develop their intellect or games from which you can learn something useful!

My short-term goals are to finish the X-plosive Slide Puzzles game and the new graphics engine used on it. I will later use this graphics engine for other games and for the future 2.0 version of X-plosive Jigsaw Puzzles. Another short term goal is to gather all the feedback about the perfect jigsaw puzzle game.

As for my privacy policy, you can read it here; basically, I do not collaborate with spammers.

Web Site Policy

All the Desktop Games are for sale. All of them have a demo version - so you can try them before you buy them. And since this is the official developer's site, this is the only place you can buy them on discount.

The online versions of each game on our website are free and plenty. I use them for two purposes: to demonstrate our desktop games capabilities and to you and to entertain the people that can't afford to purchase the desktop games. I also offer these games to any other webmaster that wants them on his/hers website.

Newsletters are used strictly to inform you of my business/product development. The particular Newsletters (like the Slide Puzzles Newsletter) are used to inform people of a particular game's development stage. I will not sell eMail listings or eMail addresses. I do not advertise trough my newsletters other products than the ones intended ( e.g. - The development of the Slide Puzzle game ). My policy is to use them only to send you the info you subscribed for.

The credit card processing on this website is done by a third company: I chose to proceed this way because their system has a very high security and I left the responsability of handling credit cards in the professionals' hands.


  • 6th august 2004 - New Look for Site has been launched. See the: Creative JigSaw Puzzles Home Page. New Pages for X-plosive JigSaw Puzzles Lite, Online JigSaw Puzzles and X-plosive JigSaw Puzzles Pro.
  • 30th july 2004 - X-plosive Jigsaw Puzzles Lite launched. We created an easier, less technical version of our X-plosive Jigsaw 1.0, which is now named X-plosive Jigsaw Puzzles Pro.
  • 15th july 2004 - Puzzles 4 Webmasters - we made our Online Games public and downloadable. If you are a Webmaster, get the .zip downloads and have our Online Flash JigSaw Puzzles on your site right now!
  • 10th may 2004 - A framing example was introduced for our Online Games. Herein is explained how to use our online games using frames, so your visitors would be able to play the games from your own site.
  • 1st may 2004 - Online Slide Puzzles launched. We made a free online version of our very popular game and posted it here. We also launched a new promotion for Webmasters who would like to have an Online Slide Puzzle made from their picture. It's a great free service for personal web sites!
  • 25th april 2004 - Online JigSaw Puzzles launched. We created a free online version of our X-plosive JigSaw Puzzle and posted it there for visitors to play for free. We also launched a new promotion for Webmasters who would like to have an Online JigSaw Puzzle made from their picture. It's a great free service for personal sites!
  • 12th march 2004 - Our new Website launched. A combination of improved graphics and fast loading images was used to improve the look and feel of the Website. We also launched a new promotion program, where you can win a free license for use of X-plosive JigSaw. Read more about that here. We also added an article about game programming experience. Game Programmers should be interested in this, read it here.
  • 1st march 2004 - Link Exchange program launched. If you want to exchange links or banners just send a e-mail to our Webmaster containing information you need to provide about your link. Go to our Interesting Sites web page to find out more.
  • 6th december 2003 - X-plosive JigSaw Game has been launched. Over a year of technical work and thoughtful effort finally brought this game to life - we researched the market, deciding which features we admired in competitor's games. We designed mock-up versions of features we wanted for our own games. We improved our feature models then we added even more features! Try it out. You won't regret the time you'll spend downloading and installing our game.

    Remember, I rely on your opinions to improve everything!!! From the games to the website and even the entire business!!! We live in a constantly changing world, so flexibility is the key to improvement! Send me your ideas about anything if you want to help!!!


Creative JigSaw Puzzles

Desktop JigSaw Puzzles

Releasing a Lite version of the X-plosive JigSaw Puzzles Pro, to complete the dektop games collection, has finally happened:

X-plosive JigSaw Puzzles Lite

X-plosive JigSaw Puzzles Pro

Windows puzzle games