Sockeye Salmon (Reds, Red Salmon): Dark blue-black back with silvery sides. no distinct spots on back, dorsal fin or tail.
Spawning adults develop dull green heads and red bodies.
Red salmon or sockeye are one of the most numerous species of salmon to populate streams and rivers on the Kenai Peninsula and many will swear that for eating no salmon tops the Alaska red salmon. The red salmon is
by far the State of Alaska’s most valuable commercial salmon species. The sockeye salmon is a plankton feeder which is unlike the other Alaska salmon species and they are very passive toward
lures. This salmon generally spends 2-3 years in the ocean before it returns to its spawning waterways in large schools. The driving force that brings the sockeye salmon to migrate to its spawning bed is legendary. You need only watch them leap waterfalls and speed through fast currents to see the force and will to survive that the red salmon possesses. Pound for pound the sockeye, is the strongest and most demanding sport fish in Alaska. The State of Alaska sportfishing record for this salmon is 16 pounds.
From late May to mid August red salmon can be found in the Kenai, Kasilof and Russian Rivers. Red salmon will travel along the river banks on their migration upstream and will school up in slack water areas to rest.
Sockeye will splash and roll on the journey so keep an eye out for those splashes. There is definitely a technique to catching this salmon by fly fishing or using conventional gear. The red salmon swims with its
mouth in continual open and close motion, so the technique involves getting the attractor as close to the mouth of the fish as possible. In shallow water and particularly over gravel bars a pair of polarized
sunglasses is very helpful. Whether you use a spin fishing or conventional tackle or a fly rod the most effective attractors are a Coho, Streamer or Russian River fly or some variation of these patterns with a #3 or
#4 hook with just enough weight ahead of the fly to get to fish depth. When casting , begin at an angle upstream of the spot you are fishing and try to keep the attractor broadside to the fish. when you feel a
slight hesitation or bump you must set the hook immedately or you will miss. Sockeye generally lightly mouth the fly and let go. Once you begin to perfect this technique and hook one of these beauties, you are in
for a wild battle of wild leaps and reel smoking up and downstream runs. Once you master the technique you will find it useful for catching the Alaska king salmon particularly on the Kasilof and Ninilchik Rivers