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AZZ Cardfile : Simple Software for Home and Office
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Phone Book Software - AZZ Cardfile - Phone Book Program

Use Azz Cardfile as computer phone book software or a small database for references, notes, or recipes. Files are compressed, encrypted, and password-protected. Import MS Cardfile .crd files and delimited text files, export ASCII, RTF and delimited text files. The program can autodial phone numbers, autodetect and remember phone numbers, and launch your email program or Web browser directly. It also automatically sorts indexes, can index filter-on-enter, lets you define colors and fonts (complete with customizable background colors for individual cards), and remembers its window size and position and last modification date for each card...and much more!

Best of all, there are no predefined fields which means information can be arranged the way you like or easily copied from other documents.

AZZ Cardfile is a replacement to old MS cardfile.exe that went standard in Windows 3.x, we believe it is a must have program for every PC computer owner.

Shareware - MS Windows 95 / Windows 98 / Windows 2000 / Windows NT / Windows ME / Windows XP

Check out our sample data files collection, and you will be amazed to see how many uses AZZ Cardfile has, thanks to it's flexibility and customization possibilities.


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Our main goal is to keep the software simple and easy to understand, same time adding advanced features and options. No matter what computer skills you have, we hope that you'll find it useful.

Some of the features:
Cards do not contain any predefined fields - type, copy-paste or import text, format text and background, on individual cards or all at once, add clickable URLs and E-mail addresses, phone numbers that can be dialed up using internal or Microsoft dialer, keep all data in one file or create multiple data files.

Objects (pictures, sounds, other things) can be embedded or linked in the cards. Appearance (user interface) is highly customizable.

Cards count and card sizes are limited only by system resources. Does not put additional files in other directories (e.g. Windows\System), does not require additional VBXs, OCXs, or database engines.

Search/replace, print, merge, network, encrypt...more!

Download  Download your fully functional trial copy.

AZZ Cardfile: simple Phone Book Computer Software Program

Phonebook software auto dials

Some more resources for computer phone book software : programs, downloads, software, shareware

AZZ Cardfile has many uses: Rolodex Software - Organizer Computer Program - Address Book - Recipe Management Software - computer recipe program - contact management software - contact management software - address book software - Cards Database Software - address book - Browse our Mini Web Directory

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