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Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
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Home > Citizen Exchanges

Program Overview

The Office of Citizen Exchanges manages professional, youth, and cultural programs through grants with non-profit American institutions, including community organizations, professional associations, and universities. This partnership benefits thousands of Americans and foreign visitors taking part in exchanges at the grassroots level, both in the U.S. and abroad.

Grants are awarded to American participants or nonprofit organizations, but individuals are encouraged to have foreign co-sponsors. Programs are based on competition, substantive rigor, and cross-cultural sensitivity.

Program Objectives

Grants are expected to result in:

  • Creating new or enhanced cross-cultural institutional links that may become self-sustaining
  • Imparting information about the United States to key overseas audiences
  • Increasing the American nonprofit community's international awareness and involvement
  • Stimulating nonprofit organizations' access to private-sector funding
  • Enhancing relevant overseas audiences' knowledge of American cultural traditions and values
  • Introducing ideas that contribute toward the solution of long-term international issues

Program Procedures

The Office supports programs taking place in the United States and overseas. Exchanges must demonstrate to foreign participants how Americans deal with issues of professional interest. In addition, the programs must be designed to give Americans an international and cross-cultural perspective and increased understanding of foreign needs and priorities. To accomplish these objectives, the programs are conducted by U.S. Nonprofit organizations that work with emerging leaders, young professionals and students.

Funding opportunities are announced during the course of the fiscal year through a series of Requests for Grant Proposals (RFGPs).

For further information, contact:
Office of Citizen Exchanges (ECA/PE/C)
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
U.S. Department of State
SA-44, 301 Fourth Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20547
tel: 202-453-8181
fax: 202-453-8168

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