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Shannon Regional Fisheries Board Newsletter Mailing List

You can subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter. We do ask some questions simply for demographic feedback to learn more about our visitors. Please note that we need your email address. Take care to enter it exactly as it  it should appear (dots, spaces, case sensitive etc) or we will be unable to email you. Please note that this list will never be rented and otherwise distributed to anybody.  Please read our LEGAL NOTICE and PRIVACY STATEMENT  before continuing Thank you

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© Shannon Regional Fisheries Board. No part of this website may be reproduced without permission of the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board.
The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308