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Tybee Theater Cafe

Presnting works by by contemporary playwrights

The Zoo

A haven for the wistful many who are too old for high-school parties and too young for the real thing,

Adagio Jazz Club Savannah, Georgia (Jazz)

Jazz in the historic district

The Bar Review, An Irreverent Guide to the Bars of Savannah

Local reviewer shares his tips for the best among local watering holes along with comments of the many visitors to Savannah's historic district.

Club One

Lady Chablis performs here when she is in town -- find out the next scheduled performance for this entertainer.

Coastal Hospitality

Coastal Hospitality is a newspaper and interactive website covering the Savannah area hospitality and tourism industry.

Contemporary Jazz - Tapas Bar

Jazz'd Tapas Bar in Savannah's City Market

Emerald Princess Casino

Casino Cruises from coastal Georgia


Wheeee! We’re no experts, but we sincerely believe we witnessed the beginnings of an orgy.

Hurricane Jimmy and The Cosmic Pirates

Hurricane Jimmy and the Cosmic Pirates will take you on a musical vacation. From a drink in a Savannah tavern to sailing the seas bound for party paradise.

The Jinx :: Savannah, Georgia

The Jinx : Savannah's premier live music venue

Lucas Theatre

The Lucas Theatre offers visitors the opportunity to take a glimpse at Savannah's past while enjoying the best in entertainment.


The epitome of meet markets, Malone’s may as well have sides of beef hanging from the ceiling.

Reel Savannah

Movie Screenings hosted by the Reel Savannah Film Group at the Lucas Theatre.

Savannah Music Festival

Web site for the annual spring music festival held every spring.

Savannah Theatre

The Savannah Theatre Presents "Jukebox Journey"

Award-winning singers, dancers and live band take you on a musical journey from the 1940’s to the present day, including Jazz, Motown, Disco, Broadway, Country, the Fabulous 50’s, and more.

Spitfire Poetry Group

Themed weekly poetry readings - "something new and fresh is bubbling to the surface" Savannah.

Trustees Theater

The Savannah College of Art and Design purchased the Weis Theater to provide a multi-purpose facility for the emerging media and performing arts department as well as a venue for the annual spring Fashion Show and for screening student films, videos and computer animations. The theater hosts a variety of performances, concerts and lectures for the college and community.

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