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Hot Spot Articles
30MIN. Plug-Knocker - Article by R4SB
Here's handy instructions on making your own plug-knocker to retrieve lures stuck on underwater objects.
Add One Spoonful of Fun... - Article by Fish Tales Charter
There is one sure fire lesson I have learned over the years of fishing the flats. A long time ago, I decided that my best luck always came from using ...
Ah! Autumn At Last - Article by Fishing Pro Staff
In order to find bass to catch as they make the transition from summer to fall, it is important to understand their lifestyles and habits. If we can figure 'em out, we can catch 'em, hopefully.
Avoidable Accidents - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
Jim shares some all too common mishaps that plague fishermen everywhere. Just play it cool and avoid having accidents like these happen to you.
Bait Color and Size Do Matter - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
Color does have its place and the clearer the water, the more important color will be. A good rule of thumb for color is bright days = bright colors, white, chrome, etc. Dark days = dark colors, black, gold etc. Blue, reds, orange, and purple seem to be neutral.
Bass Migration Habits - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
What triggers a movement or migration? Migrations are triggered by the need to feed. Under a stable weather pattern the fish will move about the same time every day. There are different theories of what controls this movement. Some lean towards moon phases and tidal charts and some say it is early morning and late evening.
Bream Fishing the Hawkesbury - Article by Ken Alexander
Broken Bay is a great area to fish for bream. The amount of water traveling through this area ensures a constant supply of food, prawns, small fish & crustaceans of different types for the bream to feed on. Where to fish for bream is dictated mainly by..
Brook Fishing in Maine - Article by
Brook trout don’t really get too big in the smaller streams up in the mountains but they are the most wonderfully flavored fish in the world after you have followed a brook for 4 miles crawling through brush, fighting off mosquitoes and picking off wood ticks.
Build an Epoxy Drier for Flies - Article by Jason Akl
Many of today’s popular saltwater fly patterns are using the rediscovered great minnow imitator: 5-minute epoxy, in their construction. Epoxy has recently become a popular material to use when creating saltwater flies.
Building your own epoxy drier can be a weekend project for most people, and the product will produce a quality drier that will outlast even the most ambitious tiers.
Canyon Pocket Water - Article by Jason Akl
Across America, favorite trout streams see hundreds or even thousands of anglers drift endless amounts of dries, nymphs and streamers in every possible color and pattern. The fish in these so-called hotspots become wise to anglers; and the chance of catching a trophy becomes slim due to the increased angler pressure. The answer to catching trophy trout in these rivers is sometimes as easy as taking a hop, skip and a short climb.
Chinook Fishing the Fraser Above Mission - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
Learn some interesting tips about increasing your salmon chances on the Fraser river from one of its longtime guides. Did you know about drilling holes in Spin-n-Glos?
Choosing Lures - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
We look for that magic bait every time we watch a fishing show, read and article or visit the tackle store. With all the new technology in colors and finishes it is hard not to try any of the new lures.
Cool Weather Means Hot Snook Fishing - Article by BarHopp'R Guide Service
When the first big blow comes roaring through in late November or early December, it mysteriously blows both the snook and the fishermen out of the shallows where they've been all summer. Ironically, the snook move to the warmth of deeper waters, while most fishermen move to the warmth of their living rooms for the winter.
Cool Weather Sea Action - Article by BarHopp'R Guide Service
Slam! The rod arched toward the water in a violent spasm. The drag same in chorus with the stiff autumn breeze as it whistled across the line drawn tight as a banjo string. It was a wonderful tune. The reel screamed in protest as the fish stole yard after yard of line from its spool, with no apparent intent of ever returning it.
Crank Bait Fishing - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
When the fish start suspending will be a good time to get out your crank baits. These baits vary from style and depth. There are 1 minus to 30 plus crank baits. What this means is that the 1 minus will go no less than twelve inches deep and the 30 plus will go 30 feet deep.
Cranky Cats and 'Fat Air' Kitty's - Article by Backwater Guiding
Many folks do not understand that Big Sumo Channel Catfish are predators and do munch about anything that they can catch. They are very effective predators in low light conditions and in very shallow and fast water.
Deep Hooks: In or Out? - Article by Game Warden
Ralph Manns offers study results to help you determine the best way to care for deep-hooked fish: In a private pond with barbless hooks I've now made over a hundred gill-slit removals of barbless hooks without any observed fish deaths or apparent bleeding or gill damage. Several individual bass with identifying marks have been caught again and again.
Dig Really Deep for Bass - Article by HOOK's Table Rock Lake Fishing Guide Service
Learn how to successfully vertical jig the deep reservoirs. Fishing the shoreline from a boat might just be putting most of the good water at your back. Turn around, go deep, and you’ll be throwing for fish that don’t see too many lures a good portion of the year!
Do It Your Self Fly Tying Cabinet - Article by Shad Butikofer
As many fly tyers have found, you can never keep all those materials organized! This Hot Spot member gives instructions for creating your own materials cabinet.
Does Your Guide Have a License - Article by Rick's Chauffeured Guide Service
Something goes terribly wrong and the boat careens off to the right and the force of the turn throws you and your guide out of the boat. Thrashing around in the water, dazed and confused you reach for the boat as it passes by.
Door County Smallmouth - Article by Big Bass Guide School
I am sure by now, if you're a bass angler, that you have heard how good the smallmouth bass fishing can be in the Door County, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin area. 40, 60, 80, and 100 fish days are not uncommon in the spring.
Dream Catcher Rods - Article by Fishing Pro Staff
To the marine or auto mechanic, his tools are his lifeline. He has to depend on those tools to hold up to the pressure of daily, relentless use. For a professional bass angler, his fishing rods are the tools by which he makes his living. They too, must be dependable and hold up to the rigors of competitive fishing at the professional level.
Drop Shot Rig Technique - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
Advantages of fishing a Drop Shot Rig are many. Easier to cast than a Carolina Rig, cast further than a Texas Rig and also sinks faster. Bait is always suspended and easy to adjust depth for suspended fish. It wears line less and because of weight being on the bottom of rig you can feel the bottom better.
Early Chinook Fishing - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
The most popular method used for Chinook Salmon is bar fishing from shore or plunking from a boat. Bar fishing is probably the most social fishing you'll ever do, the only real requirements are a lawn chair, umbrella for rain or sun, a phermos full of coffee and a good attitude.
Expectations of a Fishing Guide - Article by HOOK's Table Rock Lake Fishing Guide Service
How do you find a good guide on the lake that you’re going to fish? There’s a number of ways, but probably the best is personal referral. If you know someone who fishes the lake, ask them. They have either fished with 1 or more of the guides, or they have probably heard of some of the better ones by reputation.
Fall Feeding Opportunities - Article by Fishing Pro Staff
As the late summer progreses, the bass being their fall pattern on Richland-Chambers reservoir, which means they are moving to the mouths of and into the creeks chasing shad. The sandbass and hybrids are also schooling on the south end of the lake, according to some local anglers, like Bill Young of Corsicana. Bill and his family recently caught 60-70 sandies and hybrids schooling on the top, near the dam.
Finding Fall Bass - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
As the cooler nights start to drop the water temperature of the lakes, the fish will start to stage for spawning. In certain lakes, primarily south Florida, the fish will actually start spawning. Lake Okeechobee is a prime example of one of these South Florida lakes where fish start spawning in late October and early November.
Finesse Fishing - Article by Rick's Chauffeured Guide Service
There are a couple of different techniques I use while finesse fishing. The slow crawl method, the jiggle method, (my favorite) and the dead stick method. All have their niches and times they work best. Remember finesse fishing is not a type of fishing,
First Spring Outing - Article by R4SB
Ready to get back on the water after a long winter? Read through Randy's tips and pointers to make your first trip back out a safe, successful one.
Fishing for Mackerel in Maine - Article by
Ever fish for mackerel? Whether you have or not, this article is loaded with information about the where, how, and what not. Take a peek...
Fishing Missouri - Article by Christopher Brown
The next time you want to experience real fishing around the most beautiful scenery, please join me in the great state of Missouri. Missouri offers 6 large lakes around the Branson/Springfield area. All six lakes are within a one to one and a half-hour drive from Springfield.
Fishing That Darned Fluke - Article by Rick's Chauffeured Guide Service
Tossing out that fishey thing you let it sink slowly to the bottom. Suddenly the line tightens you lean forward giving the bass a second or two to swim away, and Wham! A long sweeping hook set strikes solid. The unsuspecting bass pulls hard stripping yo
Fishing the Fraser River Marlin
The Mighty White Sturgeon
- Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
Once the salmon season has ended most anglers put away their fishing gear for the winter. Some will try their luck at steelheading and some head for the fly tying vise. Many anglers are beginning to discover that the rods never need to be put away, the sturgeon are abundant year round.
Fishing the Fraser Valley - Late Season Tactics - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
It's almost November, the fog rolls in until late morning, windows are frosted, leaves are falling, the mornings are cold. Once November arrives many anglers clean out the tackle boxes and ready their rods for winter storage. Wait! Don't touch that rod quite yet, there's plenty of good fishing still to be had.
Float 'n' Spinners - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
When you mention using spinners, the first thing that comes to mind is standing on the edge of your favorite lake, pond or river casting and retrieving spinners. There are several alternative methods that work well too. Traditional float fishing rigs consist of a float, pencil lead or split shot and your choice of lure. Most common choice of lure would be cured roe, wool combinations, or corkies and small spin n glo's.
Flopper Pattern - Article by Jason Akl
The flopper is a hopper pattern that differs from most others because it is not fished like a traditional dry, but rather in the surface film or submerged like a wet fly. The flopper represents a drowned or live hopper that has been pulled under the water surface by the turbulent current. Since the fly is tied without the use of foam or excessive buoyant materials plus having a thick shag body getting down deep in the water column should not be too much of a problem. The best conditions for usin
Fly Fishing Line to Leader Connections - Article by Kingfisher Fly Fishing
There are many and varied ways to connect a fly line to a leader.   Each has at least some positives and usually at least one negative.   After trying pretty much every known method, I've finally reverted back to the one I started off with some 35 years ago - back when I had no idea how to tie a nail knot....   The needs of anglers differ also, and for those who get to fish only a few days per year, the nail knot might well suffice.   But failing eyesight and fumbling finger
Fox's Mudbugs - Article by Willow Ford
Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, and Shadow Bass are my three favorite species to catch when flyfishing. I haven't decided if it is because of their voracious fighting ability or the niche in nature they choose to occupy. Which ever it is, even a bad day fishing for them is a wonderful day. One of my favorite flies I use to catch these miniature monsters are my Mudbugs. Mudbugs are the most effective large crawfish patterns I have ever used.
Future of Fishing - Article by Fishing Pro Staff
We began our fishing at an early age in our life. My grandfather taught us the art and science of fishing with minnows and cane poles, while my father, a tournament angler, spent time teaching us how to use the traditional rod and reel. Both of these great men in my life exhibited tremendous patience and love as they passed down their angling skills to the three of us.
Get Rid Of That Macho Bass Man Attitude - Article by Rick's Chauffeured Guide Service
This man dreams about throwing his extra heavy action, double fast taper, flipping stick, with #50 pound test spider wire. Horsing that bass out of the brush, flying into the boat before it even twitches.
Hairtail Fishing - one strange looking fish - Article by Ken Alexander
Hairtail are one very interesting fish and a lot of fun to catch. Read this to learn everything about fishing for them, from where to go all the way to how to cook them. Especially notice the bit about red night lights.
Household Items Your Fly Tying Desk Should Never Be Without - Article by Jason Akl
Improve your fly tying by taking advantage of inexpensive, useful items you probably already have around your home. Make your tying easier, cleaner, and faster by using these great suggestions from Jason.
Jewfish in The Hawkesbury River in Australia - Article by Ken Alexander
The large jewfish are still there but not in the numbers they used to be. Still if you concentrate on nailing a large jewfish it will happen sooner or later - its just a matter of putting in the time and effort.
Key Bait Concerns: Speed, Depth, Size - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
Of the many variables in catching bass, triggering strikes has to happen to make us a success. Place SPEED, DEPTH, and SIZE OF BAIT on top of the list. Some place COLOR in this list and on some lakes and water conditions it has a prime place.
Know the Weather Effects - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
The study of weather will give us a bigger piece of the puzzle of fish behavior than any other single study. From the number of fish caught, to the safety and comfort of a trip, the weather is a big factor. Knowing what the weather has in store helps us plan what direction we go when we leave the ramp.
Know Your Prey - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
When you go from area to area, you see a lot of different types of lakes and rivers. Each body of water has its own individuality but they also have many, many things in common. These are the things we want to key on first. Knowing these commonalities you can go any where, anytime and catch fish.
Lake Michigan - Temperature is Key - Article by Blue Max Charters
Lake Michigan is very cold in April and May also some years even into June. Your ability to monitor temperature and stay in as close to the target species preferred temperature will make or break your day on the lake.
Lake Michigan Charter Tip #10 - Article by Blue Max Charters
Lake Michigan Charter Tip #11 - Article by Blue Max Charters
Lake Michigan Charter Tip #12 - Article by Blue Max Charters
Lake Michigan Charter Tip #13 - Article by Blue Max Charters
Read Jim's tips on depth, spread, and lead length for trolling for salmon.
Lake Michigan Fall Kings Tip #14 - Article by Blue Max Charters
Lake Michigan Hooks Make the Difference - Article by Blue Max Charters
One thing I believe all anglers will agree on is that a sharp hook will catch more fish. Read Jim's pointers about keeping a point on your hook.
Lake Michigan Leadcore #9 - Article by Blue Max Charters
Lake Michigan Lure Presentation - Article by Blue Max Charters
Some helpful tips on lure selection, colors, boat speed, and lure action for spring fishing in Lake Michigan.
Lake Michigan Lure Set Ups - Article by Blue Max Charters
On most days, I run a mix of different lures doing what I call mini sets. I am usually running 12-16 rods. I split up my rods into three mini sets. On the deepest lines in the coldest water, I fish for Lake trout. All the deep lines are matched for speed, color and preference of the target.
Lake Michigan Presentation - Article by Blue Max Charters
Useful information on catching trout on Lake Michigan in May and early June.
Lake Michigan Rigging Tip #15 - Article by Blue Max Charters
My goal is to provide information, which should lead to more fish and less slow fishing. Let’s get started with rigging. This is a very large topic that needs to be broken down into smaller subjects. Downriggers are a good place to start.
Lake Michigan Spring Presentation - Article by Blue Max Charters
Learn some very useful early season techniques for Lake Michigan trolling for salmon and trout.
Lake Michigan Spring Tips - Article by Blue Max Charters
Experienced charter captain shares with you some of his keys to finding fish and the hottest set ups for very early presentations on the Lake Michigan fisery.
Lures for Steelhead and Salmon - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
Although float fishing has been used in the east coast for years, our western style of fishing with a float is quite different. We fish bait, plastics and spinners under our floats which is very effective, in fact most anglers I fish with from out of town think that our method is far more controlled and effective than the methods they use.
Madam-X Hopper Pattern - Article by Jason Akl
Learn how to tie and use a productive dry fly pattern. The Madam X is a very rounded attractor pattern. It can imitate various insect life including hoppers, cicada, stoneflies, dragonflies and many other of the larger sized insect that big trout love to prey on. Also the Madam X is what I consider to be one of the best exploring patterns on the market, it casts well under all conditions, floats like a cork, and is easy to see.
Maintaining your Tackle - Fun or Frustration? - Article by BarHopp'R Guide Service
With the sophistication of today's tackle has come an increase in the number of parts it takes to build a reel, and a decrease in their size. Typically, there are a host of small mechanical parts, bearings, springs, shims, shafts, etc, in a reel that can be difficult to handle just because of their size. On first examination by the inexperienced, the function of many of these parts is not immediately apparent either.
Make a Fly Box for Under $3.00 - Article by Marshall Hepner
Simple method to make a flybox.
Nymph Techniques for Small Streams - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
I still remember my first few seasons of fly fishing rivers for trout. My first ever experience was on the Skagit River in late July when I was 14 years old. There was no hatches going on of any kind, due to cold water temperatures. Naturally I figured my best bet would be to try and fish nymphs along the bottom. I figured this would best be achieved with a sink tip line and short leader. I fished this way for a few seasons, with poor results.
Pattern Fishing - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
Many times people ask how do you find your fish. Fish are more easily patterned during the summer. During the different seasons the fish will relate to certain structure or areas.
Pig and Jig Fishing - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
The jig can be fished year-round in all seasons and all depths. The winter months are prime times to use pork over plastic trailers. Because the water is cold the plastic has less movement than pork. Pork will have a fluid movement in all conditions.
Plastic Worm Fishing - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
If the lure makers said 'Jim, you can have one bait to fish with and that's all', the worm would win out. There are so many variations of ways to fish the worm. The wacky worm or trick worm, the Texas rig, Carolina rig and weightless Texas rig.
Please Take A Kid Fishing - Article by Jim Comer
Poor Man's Fly Box - Article by Curtis Barnard
How to create a basic fly box to take on the water. A good father's day craft project!
Presentation Tip #8 - Article by Blue Max Charters
Learn about summer presentations for salmon in Lake Michigan.
Purchasing a Bass Rod - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
There is an art to buying a fishing rod. Most of the time when someone gets in my boat the first thing I look at is their rods. There are times the style of fishing I plan on for the day will not match their equipment.
Rattle Trap Fishing - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
I can remember on Lake Conroe one afternoon when a gentleman came in with a case of rattle traps and set them on the counter. He told the proprietor of the Marina to distribute these baits to his guides and his local fishermen. Since that day the rattle trap has made a drastic change.
Running Water for Bass - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
Fishing running water at the right time can be the best way to catch fish. The key is the current. The fish are there for the food that will be washed down stream with the moving water. As the current flows through a lake, river or any body of water it will stack the baitfish up in certain areas. Any time bait becomes plentiful in a small area, the bass will find them.
Searching Out a New Lake - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
Fishing a new body of water can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Learn to be an observant fly fisher, and you will begin to enjoy the challenge that a new lake presents.
Simple Speys - Article by Jason Akl
If you are looking for a new late spring fly pattern to chase after those lunker spawning steelhead and bewildered browns then this might just be the article you have been waiting for. Late spring is a time of year when the fish have been seeing an increased number of anglers that are willing to throw every new fangled fly that they have ever heard of and come across at them. To set yourself apart from the other anglers that are fishing the same waters as yourself, fly section can make all the
Snapper Fishing in Sydney Australia - Article by Ken Alexander
Fishing for snapper is a lot of fun. They are a good fighting fish especially when taken on light line in shallow water & a great table fish too.
Soft Jerk Bait Fishing - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
After you have rigged the worm with the hook in the middle your first look at the bait will cause you to wonder why a bass would hit that. The primary reason that the bass strike this type of lure is because this is a do nothing style fishing. You will normally use this bait when the lake has had a lot of fishing pressure or right after a cold front.
Spinner Bait Fishing - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
There are a wide range of spinner baits available. The blade combinations range from willow leaf, Colorado and Indiana. Each blade combination has its time and place. The Colorado and Indiana give off more vibration and are good for limited visibility or at night.
Sport Fishing for Striped Tuna (skipjack) - Article by Ken Alexander
On this page I am going to cover the basics of fishing for the small tuna that frequent Broken Bay area during the summer months. The most common species of tuna are Striped Tuna , Bonito , Frigate Mackerel & my favorite Mackerel Tuna.
Sportfishing Sydney - Article by Ken Alexander
The fishing around Sydney seems to be getting better each year and it is nice to be able to catch Marlin and other game fish within sight of the central business district of Australia's biggest city. While the elusive 1000 pounder has never been landed, some very large fish have been hooked. The numbers of fish available have been steadily increasing each year mainly due to tag and release fishing which has been in practice for many years now and the results are showing through.
Spring Fishing on Table Rock - Article by HOOK's Table Rock Lake Fishing Guide Service
Ah yes, Spring! When a young man’s fancy turns to , well, fishing, of course! And fishing Table Rock Lake in the Spring can rival the best Bass fishing in the country! Spring is your best opportunity to catch a real lunker and one of the most fun aspects is that you can be successful with a large variety of baits and techniques.
Steelheading the Valley - Early Season Tactics - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
Christmas is just around the corner, for steelhead anglers there isn't a better gift than a bright chrome steelhead dancing across the surface. Spectacular leaps and runs are always anticipated but not always realized.
Sturgeon Catch & Release Tips - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
Learn about proper gear to use to decrease lost, wounded fish and improve your opportunities for photos and successful releases.
Sturgeon Hunters - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
For the past several years a group of dedicated people have been working hard to learn more about the Fraser Rivers White Sturgeon. Scientists, tackle shop owners, First Nations, angling guides, and others who care about these magnificent animals have all dedicated time to help gather more information about the Fraser Rivers Sturgeon population.
Summertime Flats Fishing... - Article by Fish Tales Charter
Summer is almost here on the Indian River in Southeast Florida. The water is warming up and so are the fish. It’s time to fish the flats for redfish, snook, trout and a lot of other saltwater species. I love this time of year out there on the water. It a wonderful place to watch the sun peek over the mangroves at first light. There isn’t a better place to enjoy the quiet and solitude of the morning.
Table Rock Year 'Round - Article by HOOK's Table Rock Lake Fishing Guide Service
Table Rock is the home of a high quality, year round bass fishery. The lake is consistently ranked in the top ten bass lakes in the country and yields trophy largemouth, spotted, and smallmouth bass. An added bonus for night fishing enthusiasts is that mosquitoes are almost unheard of in the Ozarks!
Tackle Tips - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
Have you noticed every time you walk into a tackle store, your wallet becomes much lighter? You go in thinking you just need a couple lures and line, by the time you hit the cash register you're down $30.00 or more. There are some things you can do that will save some money in the tackle store.
Tail Waters And Trout - Article by R4SB
Tail waters can change the complexity of a river, from a lazy winding tributary with many species of aquatic life to an unsuitable habitat with only sparse reminders of thriving schools and colonies of native life. The varying water temperature that once supported reproduction cycles, dramatically change to a more constant flow of cold clear water. Leaving in its wake a no man's land for man, but supplying a prime habitat for the graceful, energetic trout.
The Lac Seul Aura by Brian Kaiser - Article by Musky 101 Guide Service
Trophy muskies, walleyes and northern pike abound in these tea stained waters. And as you begin to explore these waters you will inevitably come to the conclusion that there are literally dozens of good spots to fish.
Tips on Understanding Fish - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
There are three general fish personalities - shallow water, deep water, and gypsies. Having a clear understanding of the three personalities gives us a clearer understanding of how and why there is such a diversity of fishing pattern on various lakes. This also explains why on certain lakes with similar cover, the patterns are so close to each other.
Top Water Rules.... - Article by Fish Tales Charter
Watching that first hint of light coming up from the eastern shoreline is a spectacular experience. It doesn’t matter how many times you are out there on the water at first light, it’s a thrill that overtakes you with the beauty of the sky and water. I live it as often as I can.
Trolling Light Tackle - Article by Ken Alexander
Trolling for big fish in the sea can be a great adventure! Learn from Ken as he explains all about how to have a successful outing and what to expect.
Understanding Chironomids - Article by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
Chironomids undergo a complete metamorphosis, including a larva, pupa, and adult stage. Chironomids will live in the larva stage for up to two years before turning into pupa to begin their migration to the surface to hatch into adults. Trout feed on chironomid larva, pupa, and adults. However, chironomids are most often sought after by trout during the pupa's ascent to the surface. Chironomid hatches occur year round, and are usually the first and last hatches of the fishing season.
Using Maps for Fishing Success - Article by Bass Fishing with John Leech
Being able to find fish on a lake before you put the boat in the water is a great help to the start of a successful day on the water. Reading the bottom of the lake and finding the migration routes the fish will follow to and from the feeding grounds and where the feeding grounds are from a map is a huge key to success.
Using Your Electronics - Article by Jim Reaneau Guide Service
The most critical thing is to get your transducer mounted properly. If it is at an angle, it will not read fish symbols properly. Use the glue the manufacturer recommends for your unit and supplies in the package.
We all have to be conservationists - Article by Marshall Hepner
Sometimes all we need is an example to follow. Animal rights activists are foaming at the mouths to abolish sport fishing and the tournament circuits, let's not provide them with any fuel. Conservation is OUR responsiblity, not someone else's.
Winning Tournament Tactics - Article by Delaware Tackle
There are certain tactics that give a tournament fisherman an edge over the other competitors, and produce a win.
Winter Fishing in the Canal Zone - Article by BarHopp'R Guide Service
Often when the cold winds of winter are blowing you can find shelter, and yes, even fish in the canals. The great thing is, there's hardly a coastline in the southeast that isn't lined with canals. In some areas the canal systems are quite complex and extensive. Often the canals are deeper that the surrounding waters, especially here in Florida, and the water is warmer.
Winter Smallmouth - Article by R4SB
Fishing for Smallmouth Bass in mid winter can be a challenge, can be frustrating, and can be rewarding if lucky enough to find where fish are holding. The slow metabolism of fish this time of year should change your fishing tactics considerable. Presentation and locations should change when water temperature falls to the low 40’s. Always think deep and slow. No matter how slow you think you are fishing, slow down more.


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