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Public Policy

The goal of the Disability Policy Collaboration is to impact national public policy for people with mental retardation, cerebral palsy and related disabilities and their families.

December 11, 2005
UCP AffNet Entrance [password required]
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Public Policy

Disability Policy Collaboration LogoUCP has joined forces with The Arc of the United States in establishing the Disability Policy Collaboration. This Collaboration focuses on legislative and legal supports to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families. The Disability Policy Collaboration staff interact with Congress and the Administration to meet the goal of improving the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families.

From the ADA to Direct Care Personnel, from Education to Health, from Housing to Labor-HHS-Education, from Social Security to Technology—UCP advocates on behalf of individuals with disabilities!

UCP's online Action Center allows you to send a personalized or pre-written message to your Members of Congress, thus increasing the volume of messages supporting various positions on an issue. Take action today!

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