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Religious Freedom and Tolerance Sites

If you have a hard time tolerating Christians, this site can help. HAHA. Just Kidding. It's an educational site about ALL different religions and their various viewpoints. Of particular interest are the pages on Witchcraft.

How to Share the Gospel with Pagans
This is an extremely informative and well-written page for Christians who are interested in helping to spread the "Good News." Read this before you try to convert me, because I can quote the Bible too, and you don't want to be on the other side of my religious argument. I will always win. :)

Another good religious tolerance web site.

Keep God off our Money!

Joyce Arthur - Activist, Skeptic, Feminist
Joyce is involved in abortion rights, atheism, religious rights, feminism, and so many other cool and important topics. She has written many interesting articles that you can read on her site. Very cool lady! If you like my style of writing, you'll probably like Joyce Arthur as well.

Truth Be Known - Read Acharya's writings and rants on religion and Christianity. She's a genius. If you are a non-Christian, you'll love this site like I did. Donate to her cause to help her keep spreading our gospel.

The Malleus Maleficarum
The book that started the Witch Trials. Transcribed by Wicasta Lovelace. "The Witches Hammer" - first published in 1486, is arguably one of the most infamous books ever written, due primarily to its position and regard during the Middle Ages. It served as a guidebook for Inquisitors during the Inquisition, and was designed to aid them in the identification, prosecution, and dispatching of Witches.

Missionaries or Murderers? – The Christianising of Europe
View pictures of, and read about, the many horrible instruments of torture used on "witches", primarily women, during the Witch Trials.

Anti-Christian and Anti-Religious Sites

Atrocities of the Christian Church - Check out these instruments of torture used by Christians against anyone who didn't agree with them or even people that were simply accused of not being Christian (such as during the Witch Trials). Whatever happened to "Love thy neighbor"?

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