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There are numerous companies that offer consumers the chance to buy music and related items online. Whether you prefer classical to country, rock to pop or hip hop to garage music, when you shop online you can access music from around the world in a matter of seconds. There is a much greater selection and you can search for imports and rare editions. However it is important to make sure that you only buy products from a reputable company. Make sure that the site is secure before entering your personal details and never share your password or enter more information than you really need to.

Music downloads
Downloads are a great way to discover which types of music you might enjoy and also to give you a chance of listening to new albums before you buy them. Many sites offer you the chance to download clips of music to your PC. However it is important that you do not illegally download music- there are plenty of sites that offer free clips as well as some sites where you can pay to legally download tracks.

Auction sites
Auction sites are a great way to find vintage collections and rare records that are no longer available. You can search for all types of music including instruments, sheet music, records, CDs, concert tickets and much more. Make sure that you take into account how much the seller is going to charge for post and package and also print out a copy of your order so that you have proof of purchase.

Music Clubs
There are many sites which offer customers discounts for joining their music club. Although the initial incentive for joining may be appealing it is important be aware of the commitment that you are making. Most music clubs will expect you to make a certain amount of purchases in the first two years. Before you sign up consider how many albums you normally buy in a year and decide whether you can fulfil the clubs commitment.

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