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U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Public Affairs
U.S. Department of StateU.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Public Affairs
Strategic Communications and Planning
Key Policy Fact Sheets

Strategic Communications and Planning

Effective public outreach requires effective planning. PA's Office of Strategic Communications and Planning provides short- and long-range strategic planning to support the Secretary's effort to bring foreign policy issues to the American people. The office develops strategies to advance the Administration's priority policy issues, shape effective messages explaining U.S. policies in new and ongoing issues and enhance communication with the American people. It coordinates with bureaus throughout the Department, the White House, and other agencies dealing with foreign affairs, and it works with State Department public diplomacy offices to coordinate strategic planning for both domestic and international audiences.

Read some of SCP's fact sheets on new and ongoing issues.


Human Rights: A Cornerstone of U.S. Foreign Policy
The Department of State integrates democracy and human rights promotion into all aspects of U.S. foreign policy by supporting freedom-loving people around the world in their efforts to protect human rights. PDF | HTML

Small icon of one-pager.

The State of Democracy in Venezuela
The United States' goal in the Americas is to promote democratically elected governments that govern responsibly, expand economic opportunity for their people, and work cooperatively with their neighbors.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum 2005
APEC discussions centered on trade liberalization, avian influenza , regional security, energy security, international property rights, corruption and transparency, and the business environment. PDF | HTML

Read other key fact sheets.

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