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"I like services that come with a smile... but I can only go to the bank after work."

Bank of Asia's branches open at flexible hours. We open in the evening as well as Saturday! ...>>

"Shopping time is not the time to run out of cash! Where can make a quick withdraw?"

The day likes this, you need ATM! Beside ATM, Bank of Asia also offers a wide range of electronic machines, such as Cash Deposit Machine, Passbook Update Machine,
and Currency Exchange Machine.

"My kids are quite cranky today...refuse to take a can I possibly go to the bank today?"

Just use our ASIA Phone service! If you apply for telephone pin (T-PIN), you can also do bank transaction on your phone.

"I'm too busy at work, practically glue myself to a computer screen in the past few days....
Just remember my credit card bill is due today ... but it's now 6:00 pm!"

A time likes this you need Internet banking service. Try our ASIA CyberBanking service today. You can get off the line and get on-line to pay your bills...>>

"My factory is out in a middle of nowhere. How can I make it convenience for my staffs to withdraw their salary from an ATM"?

Bank of Asia can help! We offers Mobile car that can offer banking services on specific days at specific locations.

"How can I send cash to my aunt who lives in another province when she has no bank account?"

You can send On-line Money Order from ASIA CyberBanking or any BOA branch. Your aunt can pick up the money from the post office




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