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Timeshare Advertising

Welcome to timeshare advertising information section. This section was created in order to help current timeshare owners understand exactly what goes into timeshare advertising and what to expect for their fees as they list their timeshare on the resale market.

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Timeshare Advertising

Timeshare advertising is a difficult task. First off, you need to reach buyers and renters on a global level. Right now the least expensive global market place is the Internet. Local advertising like radio, TV, and Billboards cost so much money and just don't reach enough potential buyers and renters. The Internet is where timeshare is bought and sold today. It's bought by interested parties who searched and found what they were looking for, and not because a TV celebrity told them to. See How Timeshare Is Really Sold

Timeshare advertising doesn't need to be so expensive. Most of the services associated with selling or renting simply drive up the cost of your advertising. Basically, if you can type a few words, know the name of your resort, can answer some general questions about your unit, and have access to an email address to receive your offers, then you can sell or rent a timeshare yourself.

A little bit of information goes a long way. Getting all the facts first will save you so much time and money when you have timeshare for sale or rent and you need to advertise it somewhere. Look at all the services you to determine the ones you'll need and those you won't. Chances are, if you're like most people reading this now, you are fully capable of selling your timeshare here for hundreds less, unless you like the huge up front fees the other guys charge.




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