Information to Merchant Shipping (Merchant Navy) employees interest. Maritime Ship Officers
- seamen - mariners - seafarers.
This page lists information of use and interest for seamen, maritime officers, and all others employed in merchant navy,
maritime shipping and sea world jobs or employments related to it, that is, oil rigs and platforms, tank forms, maritime ports etc.
Please do surf through other sections as well, you may find content of interest, i.e., Shipping Photo Gallery,
PakistaniMARITIME Web Awards Programme etc.
This section offers links to shipping industry and maritime employment resources. In addition there are links to web sites
of maritime shipping interest under several categories.
Just surf through the Maritime Shipping Links
page, you will sure find many web sites with interesting information about maritime transportation.
If you own or maintain a web site related to maritime shipping transport, you may like to add link to yours here. Also see our reciprocal link offer.
This 'list' of Pakistani seamen and Pakistan merchant navy officers provides their contact information to any one looking
for it.
Click the appropriate ship department - deck, engine, catering or others - you may find a long lost friend you sailed with.
Adding your information here may benefit you in employment openings and in getting 'found' on the web.
Recognizing the importance of getting 'found' on WWW in finding
maritime shipping jobs we provide fellow mariners this opportunity free
of cost.
Please visit Free Maritime Resume Web Sites Development & Hosting page for detailed information.
PakistaniMariners eGroup is for you. It is intended to provide Pakistani Seaman a platform where
they could interact online
and exchange beneficial information of mutual interest.
Please use it for positive exchange of information which may benefit our fellow mariners.
This is another platform provided for topics related to maritime shipping.
This section always awaits your contributions or you may like to go through the
Ship employees will certainly find them interesting, since they are
mainly contributed by mariners.