Maritime Shipping - Essays and Articles. Why We Need Maritime Resume Web Site?
Following may be considered when planning a resume web site.
- A resume website increases your 'visibility' on the world wide
web. You can be 'found'.
- Keeps you available to a potential employer 24 yours a day , 7
days a week whether you are sailing in the middle of pacific or
enjoying your holidays.
- It supplements your resume and improves the image portrayed by
your resume before an investigative employer.
- The resume is short and to the point. A resume website elaborates on
the contents of a resume and brings it 'alive' .
- your qualifications are listed in your resume. Your resume web
site may provide
scans of your certificates and links to the educational institutions
you have attended.
- Details of your experience that can not be added to the resume.
Images, documentation.
- To give a visual presentation of your achievements and
- It may present more information about you - your interests,
hobbies, your image.
Overview of Maritime jobs.
Merchant Navy is a global profession it is
not restricted by geographical boundaries. Ships sail the seven seas and
the shipping companies hire from multiple nationalities.
Jobs on ships are mainly contract based new contract have to be signed before
signing-on to a next ship even if one has been working for the same company
previously. After completion of contract the company and the employee does not have
any obligation to rejoin the same company or merchant ship.
Shipping employment works on the demand and supply principal. If jobs
are available the seaman are in demand, but if they are not and
maritime business is down, the seafarer finds himself awaiting next
employment, visiting recruiters and shipping companies offices again and
again. This career, in most of the cases, does not provide job security.
Specialized Skills.
Merchant navy employees need to update there skills with rapidly
changing technology and legal requirements for eligibility.
The seafarers in order to sell there services must keep themselves up to
date to the job requirements and keep the qualifications and experience
available to employer all the time. Presently, this was done by applying
for job
to several maritime shipping companies and maritime recruitment agents.
So when a vacancy arises, they could contact the mariner.
Shipping Online and maritime recruitment.
Reliance of merchant navy on online communication has made it a must
to extend ones availability for job, more precisely existence, on the www as well
in addition to the conventional resources.
Why to look for new Maritime Vacancies and job opportunities on a regular bases?
A mariner remains always on 'look-out' for better job prospects, the factors may include following points.
- Better salary.
- Promotion prospects to next rank.
- Better terms of contract.
- Duration of onboard service versus paid leave.
- Working hours onboard.
- Safe working condition - safe practices that may not put you in risk of breaching law.
- Job Satisfaction.
About the Writer - Qaisar Qayyum | Qaisar Qayyum is a master mariner with 23 years at sea mainly onboard oil tankers, presently working for a oil refinery as Tank Farm Coordinator & Marine Coordinator. He is maintaining a web site, pakistaniMARITIME.Com, offering free services for seafarers and marine business concerns like. |  |