I/We do hereby consent that__________________________________________________________________
, a minor,
date of birth _________________________
be granted a Florida driver license and assume the obligations imposed
section 322.09, F.S., unless
and until we (or I) notify the Department to withdraw this consent.
Parent or Guardian Signature
Parent or Guardian Name (Printed)
State of Florida:
County of _________________ Sworn and subscribed by me this ____ day of __________, 20____ AFFIX NOTARY PUBLIC OR SEALS D. L. EXAMINER |
State of Florida:
County of _________________ Sworn and subscribed by me this ____ day of __________, 20____ AFFIX NOTARY PUBLIC OR SEALS D. L. EXAMINER |
Parent or Guardian I.D. _________________________ I.D # |
Drug and Alcohol Education Course Completed on ____________________________ (Examiner completes)
ANY Learner’s License issued on or after October 1, 2000 must comply with the following criteria before they are eligible to apply for an Operator’s License.
HSMV 71022A (10/01/00)