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Personalized CD Storybooks



What are Kid's CD Story Books?

Interactive and Personalized
 Books on a CD



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available names
and to see how you can customize your character (hair color, eyes, gender, etc).

Your child goes to the pet store with his or her mother. He or she sees cats and dogs, birds and rabbits, but just one dinosaur. “That’s it! That’s it,” the child says, “a dinosaur is the pet for me!” The child and the dinosaur become fast friends and go everywhere together. They go to school, they go to the playground, they roam in the backyard, they go into town, they play hide and seek, they watch tv, they sit by the pool, and they drink lemonade. The dinosaur makes a big impression everywhere they go. At the end of the day your child goes happily to sleep with the best pet of all.




Click here for
available names
and to see how you can customize your character (hair color, eyes, gender, etc).


It’s a rainy day and your child is bored until it stops raining and he or she goes outside. Your child jumps on a trampoline, and goes so high that he lands on a rainbow crossing the sky. When he slides down the rainbow he lands on a leprechaun. The leprechaun’s name is Lucky and he’s an amiable fellow who agrees to take your child to Shamrock Lane. The road to Shamrock Lane goes through the Tunnel of Trolls and the Magical Forest. Your child dances and sings with Lucky, he meets trolls and princesses and fairies and sprites. Your child is enchanted until it’s time to go home, but Lucky tells him that the next time it rains he find him again at rainbow’s end.





Click here for
available names
and to see how you can customize your character (hair color, eyes, gender, etc).


"My Neptune Voyage" Your child goes to the library and sees an exhibit on space. He or she checks out a book on Neptune and dreams of going there. Your child can’t help asking many questions about Neptune that just can’t be answered until Glixy lands his spaceship in your child’s backyard. Glixy says, “Please do not fear, I was at home on Neptune, just reading my book, when I overheard your wish, so I came to take a look.” Glixy takes your child in his spaceship to Neptune where he meets the most beautiful assortment of aliens this side of the galaxy. They play all day on Neptune until Glixy warns your child that his or her parents may worry. So he takes your child home and in the morning awakes, wondering if it was real or all just a dream.







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