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Bottle Cap Lure Poll
Should brewery and soda companies participate in recycling discarded bottle caps?
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Bottle Cap Lure Poll
Should brewery and soda companies participate in recycling discarded bottle caps?
I'm not sure

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Version 2.03

Ford angler of the year award.

Andy Vanderploeg Fishing Champion

3 Time Canadian Sportsfishing Champion 2001-2003
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About Us

Many customers like to know about the company and people behind the products they buy. Here we will tell you a little about ourselves and our company.

The Bottle Cap Lure was invented by Norm Price in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Norm Price- inventor of the bottle cap lureNorm had a specialty tackle and outdoor adventure shop called Call Of The Wild Tour & Fishing Accessories. He had a local brewing company come in and trade some beer for a few pack rods. So one night while Norm and his friend Warren were having a few of these wobblie pops, Norm bent a beer bottle cap in half and threw it up on his work table by some hooks. He walked over and sure enough it looked attached to the hook. So he built one. It wasn't too strong because he drilled the holes, which weakened the metal. He went to a specialist and had the proper tool made, which makes it stronger. The lure has been tested to handle up to 54 lbs before stretching the split ring which is designed to give first.

Norm took his lure down to the river. Warren his friend bet him $50 that he wouldn't catch anything. Know what, first cast Norm landed a 32" Brown Trout. Easiest $50.00 made in my life he said. No doubt Norm. Well Warren said it was just a fluke, so Norm kept fishing. Yet again he gets a bite after another 2 casts. This time he pulls in a 28" Rainbow. Wow 2 nice Trout in mater of 15 min, even after playing the first one. Norm decided to turn to one of his best friends Andy Vander Ploeg (see side bar on left) and asked him to field test it.

Andy has been learning to master this lure in the last three years. The last 2 years he has won the Canadian Sport Fishing Championships. Way to go Andy! Andy says this product is awesome, Pike and Walleye just eat them up. I have even used them on big Bull Trout. Make sure you always have a spare or 2 . I like to carry a couple six packs he comments.

Norm has relocated his business out in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Norm has been hammering Bass, Walleye, and Brook Trout on this Lure. As Matter of fact his landlord of the building he was renting, over heard him telling the story about win-ning the $50.00 bet. So he says to Norm, I will give you $50.00 to if you can go catch a fish here on this river. Norm looked stunned ….. he said.. "really??" .. His landlord said "yeah really". Norm runs across the street to the store. Comes out with his rod and some bottle cap lures and says see no bait just raw bottle cap lures. He ran down to the river and came back in 20 min with a nice pan size Brook Trout . There was 6 people present that were floored.

Our Business Philosophy

The objective of our business is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for our customers. We hope you will enjoy visiting our web site and using our products as much as we enjoyed providing them for you.

Our Employees

Employees play an important role in any business. We try to bring our passion for life to you through our business and this web site. All our lures are manufactured by "at home" workers such as students, moms and others who don't have the flexibility to work elsewhere. Our largest body is college students.

Our Product

The Bottle Cap Lure is a very easy lure to use. It moves through the water like a minnow or a fingerling. It has 3 bearings inside that make it rattle. We all know vibration will trigger a fish to strike. The Bottle Cap Lure is also a great flipping lure for the monster Bass and Pike. If you are fishing Walleye I would suggest using a bottom bouncer and get it down deep. Run the lure about 3-4 feet back. You can also skip it along the top of the water to trigger a top water strike. It is also a great lure for jigging when ice-fishing. See our tips and tecniques page for more...


The company we use to manufacture our lures is called Multi-X and they're located in Coaticook, Quebec.

Multi X where bottlecap lures are made Inside the plant where we manufacture our bottlecap lures.

Look at our News & Events page for details on our free fishing contest for a first class fishing retreat!!

Bottle Cap Lure Company

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