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U.S. Department of State

Assassination of Gebran Tueni

Gebran Tueni, left speaks with his father Ghassan Tueni, in his office in central Beirut, Lebanon, Nov. 25, 2005. Gebran, prominent anti-Syrian journalist and lawmaker was killed by a car bomb Monday Dec. 12, 2005, a day after returning from France, where he had been staying periodically for fear of assassination.The father is a former minister, former ambassador to the United Nations, and a former president of An-Nahar, the leading Lebanese news and publishing corporation. .© AP/WWP

12/13/2005 -- Press Release

Gebran Tueni, left speaks with his father Ghassan Tueni, in his office in central Beirut, Lebanon, Nov. 25, 2005. .© AP/WWP

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