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Arctic Blast 2001

Education Curriculum & Lesson Plans

Online Classroom Dogsled Expedition


Imagine what it would be like to explore one of the most remote regions of the world with a team of powerful polar husky sled dogs; blistering winds, jagged ice, majestic polar bears and frigid temperatures. Now, you and your students can experience this arctic adventure led by Team Arctic Blast - from the warmth of your classroom!

Click here to learn more about Nomads Adventure & Education's 2002 online Dogsled Expedition program and take the first step on an epic journey filled with adventure, intrigue and many unique collaborative learning opportunities.

Who wants to be a....Classroom "Collaboration" winner?

The winners of this year's Classroom "Collaboration" Contest will be posted soon. For details about the contest and a list of winners click here.

It exists on three distinct levels
 Arctic Blast Website Open for all. Highlights include trail reports and pictures,  Q&A, in-depth background information, audio and video clips, activities and games.
Curriculum Package Free to download. The nationally accredited curriculum package contains 16 units and follows the 16 week expedition. Units introduced in "Weekly Topic and News" on the website.
Lotus QuickPlace Collaboration Zones First 1,000 North American schools. Collaborate with other classrooms! Within this area, your classroom can collect and share documents, participate in moderated chats with the expedition team while exploring eight different study circles.... Register your school!
It is as easy as 1,2,3..4
First: Read the Teacher Guide. Download version currently available. Print booklet will be in the mail to registered schools soon (to the first 1000 registered schools).
Second:Familiarize yourself with the website. (We suggest taking a close look at the calendar and program outline).
Third:Download the Curriculum package.
Fourth:  Register now for the Lotus QuickPlace Collaboration Zone, read the 8 study circle topics, and prepare to take part in this collaborative learning environment. (username and password will be coming your way shortly)


Free Expedition Tracking poster and Teacher Guide

The technology supporting this adventure is made possible by partnering with Lotus Development Corporation and Connectria.



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NOMADS Adventure & Education

40 Franks Way
Grand Marais, MN 55604 USA

Toll free 1 888 753 5629
P: + 218 387 1411
F: + 218 387 1412

© Photos copyright by
Gordon Wiltsie, Paul Pregont, Henrik Larsen


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