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Buying Traffic - The Basics

by Bruce Whitehead

Summary : You have your website online, and now it's time for you to spend some money to bring in visitors. You don't have to be a huge corporation like Microsoft or Oracle to drive quality traffic to your site. So, how do you get the most bang for your buck without breaking the bank? Here are the top 3 ways.

CPC - Cost per click

In the old days most advertisers spent their budgets to get a listing in a popular search engine. However, today we have other alternatives. Cost per click advertising is a very effective solution for your Internet advertising needs by simply paying for clicks coming to your website. Today, the most effective CPC campaigns are those offered by Pay-Per-Click Search Engines. These sites give you total control over how much you want to pay for each visitor to your site, and you can get started for as little as $10.00.

CPA - Cost per action

CPA, or cost per action, Internet advertising will be based on the visitor performing a certain action on your site or webserver. This action generally means registering for your service, or purchasing your product or service on the web.

Many web publishers frown on CPA ads, as they inherit all the risk, while you only pay when you actually make a sale. If you know your conversion rate (the percentage of how many buyers you get per hundred visitors), you can successfully negotiate CPA promotions, or you can set up an affiliate program to do the same.

CPM - Cost per thousand

In buying advertising online, like banners or pop up ads, the most effortless solution is paying per 1,000 banners displayed for you. Generally, it is priced as a CPM, or cost per thousand showings. An example might be 1,000,000 ads shown (impressions) at $1.00 per CPM. One million impressions is 1,000 CPMs. So at $1.00 per CPM, it will cost you $1,000.00.

Our Traffic Exchange program offers the ability for you to purchase traffic! Click here to find out more about the traffic exchange.

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