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security vehicles armored vehicles armored trucks bulletproof trucks ballistics The Ballistics Report

#1 Armored Vehicles uses high quality stainless steel, aluminum, and galvanneal plate metals. For the high end of threat levels, we utilize the only certified armor plate manufacturer in the market today. Clifton's High Hard Ballistic Steel is the only actual armor plate on the market today. Competitors of this manufacturer use steel renamed as "wear plate" as their version of armor plate. Wear plate is used in the mining industry to protect dump truck beds and bucket liners.  This material is manufactured from start to finish to meet MIL-A-46100D and MIL-A-46177B Armor Plate as per the rigorous U.S. Military's Armor Specifications.  It is tested at Aberdeen Proving Grounds to meet the military standards. Once the product conforms to the MIL  standards, it must pass additional ballistic testing to meet the Underwriters Laboratory and National Institute of Justice standards. These standards are met through independent tests at certified laboratories.

We also utilize the latest technology with respect to lightweight fiber armor. Kevlar, (a registered product of DuPont) and / or Spectra, (a registered product of Allied Signal) is utilized when total overall weight is a manufacturing concern or requirement. These lightweight armor materials can be laminated to varying thicknesses to deflect the high end of threat levels as well.

For our glass armor, #1 Armored Vehicles uses a lightweight combination of laminated glass, chemically strengthened glass and lightweight polymer compounds. This product called "glass clad polycarbonate" provides increased ballistic protection over what the industry used to call "bulletproof glass." Glass clad polycarbonate weighs approximately one third of the total weight  and is one third as thick as the old bulletproof glass. This bulletproof glass also offers  significantly higher light transmission, and significantly less distortion over the old glass. The end result of this product is years of service without the burden of the higher weight while still maintaining superior ballistic protection. #1 Armored Vehicles maintains the services of H.P. White Laboratory, Inc. to certify the ballistic protection of the materials we use to manufacture armored vehicles.  H.P. White is the recognized world renowned leader of independent testing laboratories. #1 Armored Vehicles also maintains our own arsenal of weapons to test fire and qualify the bulletproof materials we utilize, as well as to develop future applications of bulletproof armor. The threat level of protection you seek can be determined from the various domestic and international standards, or bulletproof protection can be custom crafted to defeat a specific threat that you have identified.






Level I

9 mm semi automatic hand gun

124 Grain Full
Metal jacket
Jacket/ Lead core

1,175 fps (358m/s)

Level II

357 magnum revolver

.357 Magnum

1,250 fps (381 m/s)

Level III

.44 magnum revolver

.44 Magnum
240 Grain
Lead Semi
Wad Cutter
Gas Checked

1.350 fps (411 m/s)

Level IV

.30 caliber rifle

180 Grain
Lead Core
Soft Point

2,540 fps (774 m/s)

Level V

7.62 mm rifle

7.62 mm M-80
Full Metal Jacket
Lead Core
150 Grain

2,750 fps (838 m/s)

Level VI

UZI riffle

9 mm
Full Metal Jacket
Lead Core

1,400 fps (427 m/s)

Level VII

5.56 mm riffle

5.56 mm
Full Metal Jacket
Lead Core
55 Grain

3,080 fps (939 m/s)