If, for any reason you need to contact AllFancyDress.com; please use one of options below. Our office hours are 9:00AM - 5:30PM, Monday - Friday.
Our prefferred method of communication is email, and we will endevour to respond to your message within one working day. Occassionally, during busy periods such as Halloween and Christmas, this is not always possible.
If your enquiry is urgent, please feel free to call us during our regular office hours.
Email: For order enquiries, bulk purchases or general enquiries.
Tel (UK): 0800 3890 382
Tel (Int): +44 (0) 1268 542 477
Fax: 0870 169 5194
Mailing / Registered Address:
All Fancy Dress Ltd
Samson House
Arterial Road
SS15 6DR