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Home > Fulbright Program

Fulbright Commissions and Foundations

Fulbright binational commissions and foundations are non-profit organizations established to oversee the Fulbright Program abroad. Commissions propose annual country programs, which establish the numbers and categories of grants, based on requests from local institutions. There are currently 51 commissions worldwide, 41 of which are funded jointly by the United States and the host government. Each commission or foundation has a board composed of an equal number of Americans and citizens of the host country. In a country without a commission, the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy develops and supervises the Fulbright Program.

Listed here are links for most Fulbright Commissions. If a commission does not have a website, the link leads to the commission's contact information. Also available is a worldwide list of addresses for Fulbright Binational Commissions and Foundations. For countries without a Fulbright Commission, please refer to the list of websites for U.S. Embassies and other Diplomatic Missions.

South Africa

The Americas
Argentina | Brazil | Canada | Chile | Colombia| Ecuador | Mexico | Peru | Uruguay

East Asia and the Pacific
Australia | Indonesia | Japan | Korea | Philippines | Malaysia | New Zealand | Taiwan | Thailand

Austria | Belgium and Luxembourg | Bulgaria | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Iceland | Ireland | Italy | The Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovak Republic | Spain | Sweden | Turkey | United Kingdom

Near East, North Africa, and South Asia
Egypt | India | Israel | Jordan | Morocco | Nepal | Pakistan | Sri Lanka

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