6" x 6" (55oz) 3 Wick Round Pillar
Premium Scented Candles Each 55 oz (6 x 6") 3 Wick Round Candle will burn up to 200 hours. Over 50 scents available for this size. Minimum assorted product order is $25 (excl. shipping). FREE SHIPPING with total product order of $50 or more.
Item Number55RND
Price $29.95 Reg. $27.95 SALE
Scents Cinnamon CiderPumpkin SpiceApple CiderEvergreen CitrusPeppermintVanilla EucalyptusPatchouliMuscadineMulberry/VanillaOrange VanillaLimeFresh LemonPink GrapefruitTangerinePeach NectarPear GlazeTropical FruitGolden Delicious AppleGranny Smith AppleHoneydew MelonMangoCucumber Melon Melon Delight PapayaStrawberry KiwiStrawberryBlueberryRaspberryBlack CherryCranberryMixed BerriesMulberryCappuccinoCafe MochaFresh Brewed CoffeeHazelnut CoffeeSoothing SerenityTranquilityRelaxationBaked Apple PiePumpkin PieCarrot CakeStrawberry CheesecakeLemon MeringueSpiced PearSpiced CookiePumpkin Spice Blueberry MuffinCinnamon ApplePlumeriaGardeniaWhite RoseCarnationSunflowerFresh Floral
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