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Deadline Looms For Sending Christmas Gifts
The holiday crunch is on to get the shopping done, the presents wrapped and, in some cases, the packages shipped in time.
Vikings' Williams Beats Communication Challenges
At 6 feet 3 inches tall and 330 pounds, Pat Williams was the Vikings biggest off-season acquisition and he's having a big season.
Congress Sends Bush Extension To Act For Women
Congress on Saturday sent President Bush an extension of the Violence Against Women Act that would increase funding for the landmark act.
Designated Driving Action Figures Unveiled
You might see flashing red lights in your rear view mirror this holiday season, but it won't be Santa or Rudolph. More than 300 law enforcement agencies are cracking down on speeding and drunk driving.
Thousands Of U.S. Troops May Be Heading Home
The first major move to bring troops home from Iraq is underway. The top U.S. General in Iraq said it could start happening as early as January. Gen. George Casey said he expects to send about 15,000 troops, called in for the elections, back to their families.
Housing Industry Prepares For Possible Downturn
The Twin Cities housing market is considered more stable than many, but rising interest rates and an overabundance of houses could cause it to slow relative to the recent boom.
Day-Time Burglars Hit Powderhorn Neighborhood
There have been 36 burglaries in the first two weeks of December in the third precinct of Minneapolis. Fifteen of them happened in the Powderhorn area.
15 Yrs. Later, Cops Still Search For Missing Woman
It's been 15 years since Donna Lee Ingersoll walked out of a Wabasha, Minn. house and was never heard from again.
Proposals Aim To Boost 'U' Status
A stronger honors program, better relations with local school districts and more incentives for international students are a few of the ideas University of Minnesota leaders have suggested to boost the university's status.
Propsals Aim To Boost 'U' Status
A stronger honors program, better relations with local school districts and more incentives for international students are a few of the ideas University of Minnesota leaders have suggested to boost the university's status.