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GoCollege - The number one college bound web site on the InternetGoCollege is dedicated to furthering educational opportunities for the youth of America. GoCollege recognizes that the future of our country rests with a solid education for all whom can reach out and grasp from the tree of knowledge. All the content that is provided is free to the user, and in this case we know that you are getting a lot more then you are paying. Find a college, take a virtual tour at that college. Basic Search - search by keyword (name or state). Find the right scholarship for you. Full Search - The country's Best Scholarship database. $1.1 Billion in awards with 500,000 entries. Updated every 60 days. Find the Right Colleges for YouCollege Search offers two starting points. Use the College MatchMaker to find colleges that meet all of your needs or use the College QuickFinder to explore a school already familiar to you. Either way, you'll find the latest info on 3,600+ colleges, plus easy access to related tools. Now try the college search. Google's University SearchGoogle's University Search enables you to narrow your search to a specific school website. Try it for things like admissions information, course schedules, or alumni news. Attention University Webmasters: Google offers free SiteSearch and WebSearch to educational institutions and non-profit organizations worldwide. |
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College Search, Community College Web, College Search Advice, Descriptions, Rankings, Top 3 College Search Engines, Online College Search Directory, College Major SearchCollege SearchInternet Epoch | Home Live | Look Faq |College search means more than just choosing the college you will study. It involves exploring numerous opportunities available in both conventional and online colleges. You will also need to consider which subjects you will take up. There are several ways to go about doing these things. You should be in a relaxed frame of mind when you are doing a college search. You should make sure that you do not take any decision in a hurry. To gather information, you can discuss with experienced people. The high school guidance counselor may be of great help with relevant information. Educational counseling may give you impartial guidance. The educational counselors are usually experts in the area and they can give you information about both conventional and online colleges.
The Internet has made college search much easier these days. Most of the colleges maintain their own websites, which provide all relevant information. The search engines also provide many useful links. The online colleges may also provide you alternative options. However, it is always better to visit different colleges personally and interact with people there. This will give you a real understanding of the college. Surfing for the Right School"It's their thing." Even when students have answered the tough questions, they're still faced with a grueling, months-long research project. So when students pop into guidance counselors' offices with printouts from college Web sites, many counselors rejoice. "I have kids coming in already knowledgeable, when before they wanted us to spoon-feed them. The Web keeps their interest. They don't tune it out like they do us," says Shirley Raby, a counselor at Bellaire Senior High School in Bellaire, Texas. "It's their thing." As early as sophomore year, kids are heading to college search engines like those at usnews.com and CollegeView.com to start generating lists of possible schools. They plug in responses to a series of questions--such as what they want to major in and where they'd like to live--and the sites spit out the names of schools that meet those criteria. Because the search engines comb through huge rosters of schools, they encourage students to look beyond the familiar to places they've never heard of. Colleges are seeing the results: Some report that they're getting more inquiries from geographical areas they hadn't reached before. Jessica Phillips of Ocean City, Md., says she had no interest in attending a college in the Midwest. "All the schools on my list were in New England." But when Denison University in Granville, Ohio, came up on college search engines, she decided to look into Ohio schools. She found Kenyon in Gambier, which is where she's headed this fall. Once they have a list on-screen, kids can click directly on to college sites, where they'll find a broader range of information than what's available in schools' brochures and viewbooks. Those publications rarely provide professors' curricula vitae and descriptions of their research programs, for instance. Nor are they able to feature the latest edition of the campus newspaper or live webcams of labs and dining halls. The Web played a role in helping Gagan Tandon decide between Virginia Tech in Blacksburg and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. Tandon, a future computer engineer, wanted to know whether work-study students could get research jobs with faculty. "UVA might have had that information online, but I couldn't find it," says the recent Indian immigrant. "At Tech, there were very clear job opportunities." Tandon will enroll at Tech this fall. Colleges have been slow to realize the recruiting potential of their Web sites in part because most were started as student projects--places to tinker with computer languages like HTML or Java, for example--and so were anything but polished. But now, administrators are taking control of the sites and transforming them into stylish marketing tools for luring surfing high schoolers. Increasingly, schools are turning to consultants to overhaul their sites. Officials at Anderson University in Indiana paid Brainstorm Design, an Indianapolis-based company, several thousand dollars to convert the school's chaotic Internet patchwork into a simply designed site that's easy to navigate. The company introduced virtual admissions "counselors," pop-up people who cheerily offer advice on applying to the school. And students are responding. Incoming freshmen now list the site as the second most influential--just after college fairs--source of information about the school. The above just a part from the story Surfing for the Right School, from USNews.com, if you want to know the college search engines more, please visit that site, it surely will help you search the colleges. US CollegesColleges are the seat of higher learning. These are the places for you after you complete schooling and outgrow the need for dorm life and keg parties. Depending on your interest and abilities, you can choose from a wide variety of subjects to further your studies in college. The US colleges offer quality education in lots of subjects.
Originally, a student needs to complete the Bachelor Degree in four years in the US colleges. However, he or she qualifies for a degree on completion of the necessary course work. The colleges have a system of converting the course work into credit hours. A course usually carries 3 to 4 credit hours. An aggregate of 130 to 180 credit hours is necessary for a degree. The performance of the students finally comes out in a four-point average scale. They call it as the grade point average or the GPA. There are so many things that you need to consider before you get into a college. Those include the size, the academic and extra curricular facilities, location and so on. You should collect information about a number of US colleges so that you can finally come up with the best possible choice. For that, you can visit different campuses individually or consult some learned person. After deciding on the college, it is time to apply. You should ideally start the application process twelve to eighteen months in advance. The US colleges specify deadlines for submission of forms. It is better to apply as early as you can. Community College WebCommunity colleges are two year post-secondary institutions that offer certificate programs, Associate of Arts degree, Associate of Sciences degrees, plus many other programs. According to latest statistics from the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), there are 1,166 community colleges in the United States. (see also AACC's About Community Colleges) This site contains a searchable index to the web sites for 1266 community colleges in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere around the world. The interface we set up allows you to search alphabetically (by the first letter of the college's name), geographically (by the country/state/province), or by keywords in the college name, location, or web address. If you find that we are missing a site (consider it a sin of omission and not one of commission) please register the relevant information using our site submission form. If you are looking for specific degrees offered via distance learning, try CollegeDegree.com. Some Help For Your College Search!U101 has rounded up links to almost 4000 college and university web sites in the United States and Canada.rom There you can find information on admissions, courses, degree programs, online education and more. The lists are extensive, but we're still hunting for links, so if you know a college we should list, or spot something we should update, we invite suggestions! We hope our listing of schools helps your college search, but please note that U101 does not offer college rankings. Now see the United States College Search Links. College Search ?Advice, Descriptions, RankingsIt's easy to find a good school. But how do you find the right school? With advice on how to search for and choose a college, college descriptions and categorizations, and college rankings by school type and major, this guide shows you how. Top 3 College Search EnginesCollege Search engines allow you to search through lists of colleges according to specific criteria that's imporant to you, from location, to academics, to campus life. Here are the best college search engines.
Know more college search engines at our college search engines channel. College ToursOne of the best ways to get to know a college that you're interested in is to take a tour. The tour will give you the chance to see the college up close, and because the tour guide will be a student at the college you will also have the chance to ask as many questions as you want of someone who really knows the answers. Depending on the school, you may have to make an appointment for a tour or you might be able to just show up. Most colleges also often have specific dates and times for tours. Call the admissions office of the school you're interested in touring to find out the tour policies of that particular school. Tours often begin with a brief information period, during which either the tour guide or an admissions officer will give a presentation on the school, and give you an opportunity to ask questions. You'll also likely be given a campus map and a view-book published by the school. After the presentation it's off to tour the school with a student tour guide: you'll be led to various buildings, athletic facilities, dorms, cafeterias, and across the school grounds. Don't be a passive tour-taker. Ask questions about everything you can think of. Get opinions for the tour guide about academics, accessibility of professors, class size, travel abroad, clubs, activities, dorm life, social life, food, sports, Greek life, everything. In fact, it's a good idea to do a little research on the school you're touring in order to be able to ask as many questions as you can. Don't be shy: the tour guides are there because they want to talk about their school and answer your questions, and because they remember what it was like just a few years earlier when they were the nervous ones taking the tour. Top 3 College Search Books
Online College Search DirectoryCollege search, financial aid, and scholarships: CollegeView
CollegeView Mission is that whenever a student or young professional around the world is choosing a course or employment, a Hobsons product or service will be used. The products and services you'll find in this section represent that mission for our United States office. CollegeData: College Search, Financial Aid, College ApplicationChoose, prepare, apply and pay for college with advice and tools from CollegeData. Get college admission help and search for colleges and scholarships. Fit is important. Learn how to find the best colleges for you and develop your college search strategy. Strengthen your admission chances. See what colleges look for and how to make your applications stand out. Invest in your future. Find out how to pay for college, apply for financial aid, and search for scholarships. Please visit College Data. College Search for 1000+ Online Degrees, Online Colleges & Online UniversitiesDozens of distance learning courses and resources, organized by subject. We'll power your college search for online degrees at online colleges and online universities, plus courses, certificates and campus based programs. We also provide many helpful student resources and a self assessment tool. Visit the eLearners.com. Peterson's Education Portal-College, Graduate Program, TestWelcome to Petersons.com, the most comprehensive Web resource on education and careers. We'll help you research and connect to the school, camp, college, ... Peterson's Education Search and Selection. Find colleges and universities, graduate programs, education online and private schools. Search for scholarships and financial aid. Prepare for the SAT, GRE, GMAT and ASVAB tests College Major SearchCollege-Search-Online-ReviewCollege-Search-Online-Review is a free on-line college search and review that compares accredited colleges, including college degrees offered; college majors available; college grants, scholarships and college loans; and on-line college courses and degrees. Simplify your college search with College-Search-Online-Review.com. All information on this web site is free including information from the colleges, universities and other schools listed on this site. College-Search-Online-Review provides free college search and career information and reviews the schools and colleges that prepare you for those careers. Encyclopedia Article About College Major SearchEncyclopedia article about college major search. Information about college major search in Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What does college major search mean? What is college major search? Read about any subject in the free online encyclopedia and dictionary. Over 600,000 articles on any topic and completely free access to the entire content. New Education US Map Instantly Shows How To Find Every School, Department Of Education and Official State Website In The USAImagine one U.S. map instantly showing students, parents & teachers how to find every elementary, middle, high school & college in the USA. (PRWEB) August 29, 2005 -- Education-Homepage.com is a brand new website with unique articles, research tools, Blogs and a custom designed US Map showing every School in the USA. According to founder Robert Reuter, BS "when I was researching on the search engines trying to find schools in every state, I wasted so much time and became so frustrated that I hired and paid a computer programmer to custom design a US Map Showing Every School In The USA and decided to share this with the World." Here is the location of the US Map to every school in the USA http://www.education-homepage.com/US-Map.php This one US Map has 4 different maps
The US Map article teaches you How to Use this amazing map with 4 case studies using the State of Florida as an example. As a parent you may live in Chicago, New York, or Washington, DC with a child who is a senior in High School who wants to get out of the freezing cold weather and attend a college in Florida. Just click on the US Map Florida and you will see every college in the State of Florida. There are many students who are attending a 2 year community college hoping to transfer to a major college University. American and foreign country students can find every College in the USA. What if your transferring jobs within the same State and you need to find an elementary, middle or high school for your kids? No problem, just find the school you want from one Us Map. What if you need to renew your auto license plate tags? What if you need the name of all licensed realtors in your state? What if you need the social security website for your state? Solution, instantly find results you need, quick, fast and easy with the US Map. "70% of what a student learns is forgotten within 24 hours because of rote learning." Research shows "founder Robert Reuter, BS says that advanced memory & learning skills are not being taught in the current education system. If 70% of what students learn is forgotten within 24 hours, then why are these 13th century rote learning techniques being taught in school today. Why don't all these licensed teachers, and professors with doctorate degrees do something about this major education mistake?" All of Education is based on rote learning. Secrets Your Never Suppose To Learn? Read the article here http://www.education-homepage.com/learning.php Students and teachers researching can use a new research toolbox located at http://www.education-homepage.com/research.php The research toolbox has research links to articles, dictionaries, encyclopedias, libraries, colleges, book reports, congress, CIA, archaeological, Americas Most Wanted, Sex Offender Search and lots more all on one page saving time. The Education-Homepage.com is designed to help students, parents, and teachers with continuing education self help, home school study courses, with very unique articles, content, Blogs and research tools. The Secret Code of Memory was a closely guarded secret in history reserved for the most brilliant minds like Albert Einstein, Newton and are not being taught in school today. Here is the article http://www.education-homepage.com/memory.php Robert Reuter, BS double majored with a minor at College in 4 years and is the founder of Education-Homepage.com who makes it easy to find every school in the USA with this New Amazing US Map. To Learn The Secret Code of Memory and receive your Free 7 Day Learning Skills Boot Camp Course visit: http://www.education-homepage.com Talk PC to Phone | Human Resources Management | Project Management Info | On Shopping Cart | Advertising SoftwareCollege Job Search Help - Create A Winning ResumeWhat type of services and resources are out there to create a winning resume for someone who is a recent college graduate?A strong resume doesn't get you the job, but it definitely helps in landing an interview. And at a time when employers are being bombarded by hundreds of resumes, career experts note that it's becoming even more important to stand out. Without a referral, the resume becomes the single most distinguishing factor in getting the interview, says Patrick Snow, a Bainbridge Island, Wash.-based career coach and author of "Create Your Own Destiny." It can be confusing to sort through all sorts of services and resources available to help young job hunters with crafting a resume. But experts say a good starting point is their alma maters' career development office, which often offers help in writing resumes. Experts also encourage job candidates to examine resumes of those who were successful in getting jobs in the field that they plan to pursue. Two major online resources, Monster.com and Yahoo!HotJobs, offer tips on their Web sites on how to create a winning resume. Such hints include using an active voice and making sure to quantify achievements with tangible results. Both sites also allow job hunters to subscribe for free to newsletters tailored to the industry they are pursuing, with tips for writing a successful resume for a specific career. Yahoo!HotJobs also has a partnership with a professional resume writing service called ResumeEdge.com For those who are willing to spend the money, job seekers can turn to a resume writing service. Prices can be as low as $40 per hour to as high as $150 an hour, according to Frank Fox, executive director of St. Petersburg, Fla.-based Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches. Those just starting out shouldn't spend any more than a total of $200, since they don't have as much experience as someone more seasoned, experts said. The big plus for using a service is that an impartial third party can help strike a balance between boasting and being too humble, Fox said. But the big negative is that a resume can look canned. So, before hiring a professional, it's best to make sure the resume service is a member of a professional resume writing association and can meet your personal needs, according to Scott Brown, vice president of development for HireSites, a career service based in New York, and author of an online resource called the Job Search Handbook. The web sites of the PARW/CC (parw.com) and the National Resume Writers' Association.(nrwaweb.com) both allow one to search for a professional resume service in a specific location. Here are some other helpful tips
Some Useful Sites: www.hotjobs.yahoo.com , www.monster.com , www.nrwaweb.com , www.resumeedge.com We quoted this articles above from SunTimes.com, just to help college student find good job, not for the copyright! |