--12/16/04 Holocaust Task Force Calls for Concrete Steps to Open the Holocaust Era Archival Collections of the International Tracking Service in Bad Arolsen, Germany --12/14/04 Business Recommendations for Growing Transatlantic Trade and Investment --12/14/04 How to Further Transatlantic Economic Integration: Meeting Notes --12/12/04 Meeting of Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy --12/10/04 Joint Report to the U.S.-EU Foreign Ministers Troika by the Chairmen of the Dialogue on Terrorism Finance Issues --12/08/04 Roundtable on Enhancing Transatlantic Environmental Cooperation: Meeting Notes --12/08/04 Roundtable on Transatlantic Environmental Issues: Invitation --11/22/04 Transatlantic Economic Relations: How to Further Economic Integration? --11/16/04 Roundtable on Transatlantic Consumer Issues: Invitation --11/16/04 Roundtable on Transatlantic Consumer Issues: Meeting Notes --11/10/04 Roundtable on Commercial Integration and Growth: Invitation --11/04/04 Transatlantic Commerce: Business Recommendations for Growing Trade & Investment --10/29/04 Roundtable at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy: Invitation --10/29/04 Roundtable at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy: Meeting Notes --10/28/04 Roundtable on Transatlantic Trade Issues: Invitation --10/28/04 Roundtable on Transatlantic Trade Issues: Meeting Notes --10/20/04 Joint Statement of the United States of America and Italy on Climate Change Research and Technology; Venice, Italy --10/08/04 Roundtable on Transatlantic Financial Issues: Invitation --10/08/04 Roundtable on Transatlantic Financial Issues: Meeting Notes --10/06/04 U.S.- EU Policy: Seeking Public Comment on Bridging the Regulations Gap --08/10/04 Biography of Steven R. Mann [large photo] --08/06/04 Agreement to Amend and Supplement the 1951 Agreement on the Defense of Greenland --08/06/04 Joint Declaration on Cooperation on the Environment in Greenland --08/06/04 Joint Declaration on Economic and Technical Cooperation --08/05/04 Statement on the Occasion of the Security Council Open Meeting on Kosovo --07/29/04 Biography of John F. Tefft --07/20/04 Biography of Laura E. Kennedy [large photo] --07/12/04 Biography of Glyn T. Davies [large photo] --07/12/04 Biography of Robert A. Bradtke [large photo] --06/05/04 D-Day National Remembrance Day, 2004 --02/17/04 Biography of Kathleen Stephens [large photo]