Diplomats in Residence
| Anthony Benesch | Office of International Affairs University of Illinois/Chicago 509 University Hall MC 590 601 South Morgan Street Chicago IL 60607 | (312) 996-5455 benesch@uic.edu |
Mark Boulware | International Relations Department Florida International University University Park DM 369A Miami FL 33199 | (305) 348-7552 boulware@fiu.edu |
Aurelia Brazeal | Ralph Bunche Center Howard University 2218 6th Street N.W. Washington DC 20059 | (202) 806-5904
Martin Brennan | University of New Mexico Career Services MSCO6 3710 Student Services Center, Room 220 Albuquerque NM 87131 | (505) 277-9145 brennanm@unm.edu |
Jim Carragher | City College in New York Building NAC 6/141 138th Street and Convent Avenue New York NY 10031 | (212) 650-5243 jcarragher@ccny.cuny.edu |
James Foley | State University of NY-Fredonia 280 Central Avenue E-374 Thompson Hall Fredonia NY 14063 | (716) 673-4673 foley@fredonia.edu |
Les McBee | University of California at Berkeley Career Center Room 212J 2111 Bancroft Way Berkeley CA 94720 | (510) 642-8125 Caldip2@berkeley.edu |
Bill McGlynn | Arizona State University Department of Political Science Box 873902 Room 6765, The Coor Building Tempe AR 85257 | (480) 727-7126 William.McGlynn@asu.edu |
Charles Ray | Department of Political Science University of Houston 447 Philip G. Hoffman Hall Houston TX 77204 | (713) 743-3934 cray@mail.uh.edu |
Vlad Sambaiew | University of Oklahoma International Program Center 339 W. Boyd Street, Room 400 Norman OK 73072 | (405) 325-1438 vsambaiew@ou.edu |
Deborah Schwartz | Duke University Center for International Studies 2204 Erwin Road, Box 90404 Durham NC 27708 | (919) 668-1951 Deborah.Schwarz@duke.edu |
Florita Sheppard | LBJ School of Public Affairs UT-Austin Sid Richardson Hall 3.325, E 2700 2315 Red River Austin TX 78713 | (512) 471-7237 Sheppard@uts.cc.utexas.edu |
Robert Smolik | University of Michigan 712 Oakland Street Room 359 Ann Arbor MI 48104 | (734) 615-8684 smolik@umich.edu |
Sylvia Stanfield | Spelman College International Affairs Center 350 Spelman Lane, S.W. Box 359 Atlanta GA 30314 | (404) 270-5526 sstanfield@spelman.edu |
Joseph Sullivan | Tulane University Department of Political Science Norman Mayer Building, Room 308 New Orleans LA 70118 | (504) 862-8310 jsulliv5@tulane.edu |
Robert Wang | University of California Los Angeles 3250 Public Policy Building Box 951656 Los Angeles CA 90095 | (310) 206-2552 Wang@spa.ucla.edu |
Hugh Williams | Florida A&M; University Office of International Programs and Development Perry Paige Building, Room 305 N. Tallahassee FL 32307 | (850) 412-7072 Hugh.Williams@famu.edu |