Congressional Budget Justification - FY 2005
The U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) FY
2005 budget justification to the Congress reflects the Administration's
program and budget request for bilateral foreign economic
assistance appropriations.
The Main Volume
of the budget justification summarizes the budget request
and discusses the programs and activities implemented through
USAID's centrally funded programs and through the four geographic
A separate Summary
Tables volume includes tables that illustrate the foreign
assistance budget request for FY 2005 and provide a detailed
tabular breakout of the economic assistance budget for FY
2002 (actual), FY 2003 (actual), FY 2004 (estimate), and FY
2005 (request).
Five annexes to the Main Volume discuss USAID programs in
the geographic regions and the central programs, including
program narratives and data sheets.
- Annex I details
programs and activities for Africa.
- Annex II details
the programs for Asia and the Near East, consisting of three
subregions: East Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East and
North Africa.
- Annex III details
the programs for Europe and Eurasia, consisting of two subregions:
Europe and Eurasia (the Independent States of the former
Soviet Union).
- Annex IV details
the Latin America and Caribbean programs, consisting of
Central and South America and the Caribbean.
- Annex V details programs of the Agency's central and pillar
bureaus, including:
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