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Visiting the State Department


Photo of Main State building
2201 C Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20520

The State Department's
main building occupies two city blocks. The building is bounded by C and D Streets and 21st and 23rd Streets, with the main entrance located at C and 22nd Streets. Visitors can use the C Street entrance. If you need additional information, please call the main Department line at 202-647-4000 or the tour line at 202-647-3241 (TDD: 202-736-4474).


Visiting State

The State Department is located near the Washington Mall area and is within walking distance of the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the White House, and George Washington University.

Thomas Jefferson Reception Room Visitors may make advance arrangements to tour the Eighth-floor Diplomatic Reception Rooms, among the most beautiful rooms in the world used for official entertaining. The Department's Diplomatic Reception Rooms site offers a preview of the tour. For additional information, call 202-647-3241 (TDD: 202-736-4474).

The building is a secure facility, and visitors will need to check in at the information desk inside the C Street entrance. Be sure to bring photo identification. You must be pre-cleared or cleared in by an employee, unless you are visiting the job information display located in the D Street foyer. Visitors must be escorted by a Department employee at all times.

For information about conferences at the State Department, refer to our Information and Services page.

Government Information