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Privacy Policy| Florida Drivers Association

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Privacy Policy Summary

We never share any of your information with any third parties for the purposes of marketing to you.

Privacy Policy Details

Your Information

When you register for any of our traffic school courses you will be required to supply information such as your name, drivers license number, and birthdate.

In addition you will answer security questions. The purpose of the security questions is to confirm that it is you taking the course and not someone else - the questions may pop up during the course

Protecting Your Information

Certain information we collect is shared by necessity with the American Safety Council - the creator of our courses, and the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles.

Information that is Shared

Information that is shared includes:

  1. Your name and address
  2. Your drivers license number
  3. Your citation number
  4. The county you received your ciation in

Your Email Address

Providing your email address is optional. Your email address is only used to send you a cofirmation. This information is only available to the Florida Drivers Association and the American Safety Council.

Credit Card Number

When you pay with your credit card the number is protected with encryption technology which prevents any third parties from viewing it. We do not store credit numbers and only have access to the last 4 digits of the card used for reference.

The 10 Security Questions

Registration for many of our courses required you answer 10 security questions. The information you provide is not shared with any third parties and is stored in such a way that it would be unintelligible to any person who managed to view it.