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Florida Driving Record

Are you wondering when you got your last ticket? Or maybe you can't remember the last time you took traffic school. You can answer these questions and more with a copy of your Florida driver record.

If you already know that you need a copy then select the link below for more information or to order.

Complete Florida Driving History - $19.95

7 Year Driving Record - $14.95

3 Year Driving Record - $12.95

Your official state of Florida driving record will be delivered almost immediately via email

Driving Records Made Easy

The State of Florida authorizes certain organizations to obtain driving records electronically. By using one of these providers you can get your complete driving record with a history of every ticket, court decision, and traffic school attendance. Having your driving record can help in a variety of ways.

Many Florida drivers that receive a ticket can't remember the last time they took traffic school - was it in the last 12 months? And there are a few who wonder if they have used up their 5 times. Beyond these specific traffic school related questions getting your driving record can help in other ways. Many companies hiring a new employee will get a copy of their driving record first. And if you will be driving a company vehicle it is almost certain the hiring company will get a copy of your driving history.

Get Your Driving Records Fast

We have teamed up with a top notch state of Florida provider that will deliver your driving records via email so you can get it fast or regular mail. The entire process is completed online. We have also provided the information to get your driving record directly from the Florida DMV via mail - we don't recommend that if you are in a rush.

3 Year Florida Driver History - $12.95

7 Year Florida Driving History - $14.95

Complete Florida Driving History - $19.95

Getting Your Records via Mail from the Florida DMV

If you are not in a rush or are on a very tight budget you can order your driving record directly from the Florida DMV. Follwing are details:

Submit your request in writing to:

Bureau of Records

P.O Box 5775

Tallahassee, FL 32314

Include the drivers full name, birth date, social security number, and Florida drivers license number.

The cost for Driving Records from the State of Florida are:

$2.10 - 3 year

$3.10 - 7 year

Include a money order or personal check made to: Division of Drivers Licenses. When ordering directly from the state, allow thirty days to receive a copy of your Florida Driving Records.