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Hawaii Marine Company - naval architecture, boat & yacht design,  marine engineering, maritime expert witness, marine photography, NAVIC 10-92 submittals, nautical systems, professional engineer, stability tests, computer aided design and drafting services

Hawaii Marine Company
Naval Architectural, Marine Engineering,
Computer Aided Design & Drafting

Hawaii Marine Company - naval architecture, boat & yacht design,  marine engineering, maritime expert witness, marine photography, NAVIC 10-92 submittals, nautical systems, professional engineer, stability tests, computer aided design and drafting services

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45-302 Makalani St., Kaneohe, HI, USA   96744-2819
Phone: (808) 291-0348 / Fax: (808) 247-6443

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Services Directory

Hawaii Marine applies both traditional hand and advanced computer techniques in order to provide you with a full spectrum of custom services.  This page describes most of the services provided by Hawaii Marine Company.
Upon your request Hawaii Marine is able to provide stamped drawings and reports made by a Registered Professional Engineer.  The advantage of stamping is that it normally speeds up reviews made by the U. S. C. G. Marine Safety Office (at HQ in Washington, D. C.).  Stamping also tends to increase your project's credibility when submitting drawings to other entities.

Specific Services

bulletVessel Site Inspections (This Includes Stability Testing and Deadweight Surveys)
bulletArrangement Drawings, Lines Drawings, Detailed Structural Drawings, Piping Drawings, Schematic Drawings, Bill of Materials Drawings, Outfit Drawings, & Specifications
bulletCurves of Form, Cross Curves
of Stability, Curves of Statical Stability, Trimming, Intact & Damaged Stability Analysis
bulletScantling Analysis to First Principles and Classification Society (A. B. S., Lloyd's Register of Shipping, etc.) Requirements
bulletOverall Structural Analysis including Midship's Section Modulus, Longitudinal Strength, Weights and Moments Analysis
bulletWeld Symbol Notations and Shaft Sizing Calculations
bulletEngineering Reports, Letters, Research & Cost Estimates

Customer Benefits

bulletAssistance with Conceptual and Detailed Design for Repairs, Conversions, and New Construction
bulletDevelopment of Detailed Owner's Requirements List
bulletModern Worldwide Communications via Web Site, E-mail and Fax
bulletQuick and Personal Responses
bulletMindfulness to Functionality, Efficiency, and Detail
bulletReasonable Cost, Free Estimates and Quotations, and Competitive Hourly Rates
bulletOptimization Services and Innovative Solutions Provided


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Copyright © 1997- 2005 Hawaii Marine Company, 45-302 Makalani St., Kaneohe, HI  USA   96744-2819  USA    Phone/Fax (808) 247-6443 Emergencies (808) 235-0870.  This Site Last modified: 11/10/05 09:19 PM.

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This web site created by Advanced Technology Associates Hawaii.  For questions or comments regarding this web site send e-mail to Brian E Trenhaile at

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