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About UCP

The mission of United Cerebral Palsy is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities through an affiliate network.

December 23, 2005
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About UCP

For more than 55 years, United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) has been committed to change and progress for persons with disabilities. The national organization and its nationwide network of affiliates strive to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities in every facet of society—from the Web to the workplace, from the classroom to the community. As one of the largest health charities in America, the mission of United Cerebral Palsy is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities through an affiliate network.

We strive to build a better world for tomorrow—today. The backbone of United Cerebral Palsy is the services that are provided by our affiliates. UCP affiliates serve more than 30,000 children and adults with disabilities and their families every day. Our affiliates provide services such as housing, therapy, assistive technology training, early intervention programs, individual and family support, social and recreation programs, community living, state and local referrals, employment assistance and advocacy. Each affiliate offers a range of services tailored to its community's needs.

The United Cerebral Palsy National Office, located in Washington, D.C., provides direct support to the affiliates via fundraising, marketing and communications, best practices, and programmatic support to name a few. We also serve people with disabilities and their families through the development of forward-thinking programs, information and referral service, legislative advocacy, technology initiatives and research.

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