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"What is the Equity Acceleration Program®?"
The Equity Acceleration Program® is a unique and powerful mortgage reduction system which can help almost any homeowner: get out of debt sooner; build home equity two to three times faster than with their current payment plan; and pay off a 30 year loan in about 20 years or less!

On USMR's lender approved accelerated mortgage programs, homeowners save an average of $60,000 in interest charges. That averages out to $3,000 a year, or about $250 a month . . . just by paying their loan off through USMR . . . America's largest independent mortgage acceleration and auditing company.

"Will I need to refinance?"
Absolutely not! The EAP works by changing the way you make your mortgage payment and the method of applying these payments against the loan. There's no need for you to make any changes to the mortgage itself. And the enrollment process is so simple, it can be done right at the kitchen table or by U.S. Mail.

"How does the program work?"
Instead of you paying your lender a full payment once a month, your checking account is debited for one half the regular monthly payment, plus a small processing fee, every two weeks. Using this biweekly system, extra funds gradually accumulate in a Audited Client Account, and are periodically applied to accelerate the payoff of the principal amount due on the loan.

Debits are electronically taken from your checking account through the Automated Clearing House. These Debits are automated to avoid errors and assure accuracy.

"Who runs the program?"
The Equity Acceleration Program® is controlled and administered by three companies, however, you will be dealing with just one, U.S. Mortgage Reduction, Inc. (USMR). Since 1988, BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars worth of loans and mortgages have been enrolled on USMR's programs . . . a testament to the popularity of the Equity Acceleration Program®!

"Do banks or lenders offer this type of program?"
Only a few of America's 12,000 banks offer a biweekly mortgage or biweekly conversion plan. Even if you found one of the few institutions with a biweekly plan, it would not have three important benefits provided by USMR:
  1. USMR credits principal reduction payments approximately every 6 months, instead of once per year like most bank and lender programs. This saves most homeowners an average of $1,000 in interest over those "other" programs! That's a lot of extra money!!
  2. The EAP's lifetime enrollment permits homeowners to transfer the plan to future mortgages as the years go by and homes are bought and sold! With "look alike" programs offered by banks and lenders, homeowners lose their investment the day they refinance or buy another house!
  3. With the USMR Equity Acceleration Program, annual mortgage audits (upon request) are included. Banks and lenders do not offer any type of mortgage auditing service! And keep in mind, the LENDERS are the ones responsible for overcharging homeowners BILLIONS of dollars, according to U.S. government agencies! It's true!!
After hearing this, would you buy an accelerated mortgage program from your lender? I don't think so!

"Why do I need a mortgage audit?"
Consider this. Overcharges occur in an estimated 47.5% of all Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) and have cost America's homeowners over $15 BILLION, according to various government agencies! And that's just ARMs! Enormous errors are appearing all over the mortgage industry and have been documented by hundreds of newspaper articles!

In fact, we'll probably never know how much has been overcharged . . . or continues to be overcharged! The problem is absolutely enormous! That's why lenders don't like to talk about overcharging or audits!!!

Overcharging is the result of errors made by banks and lenders when servicing or adjusting the mortgage. These errors occur in both mortgage and escrow accounts. Based on lender audits made by the F.S.L.I.C. and verified by the General Accounting Office, almost 50% of ARMs contain errors, resulting in average overcharges to the homeowner of $1,500. A mortgage audit is required to determine whether a homeowner has been overcharged by the lender, and the amount of the overcharge. In a nutshell, an audit provides the documentation that's needed to get a refund.

"Is overcharging really that serious?"
You bet it is! Government and private experts project overcharges will grow to $60 Billion during this decade. Take a look at the newspaper headlines in USMR's informational literature and you'll see what we mean. Yes, the problem is that serious!

"Can't I just have my lender audit my mortgage?"
If you approach your lender on this issue, the lender will tell you that their business is making loans, NOT auditing mortgages. Moreover, it's your responsibility to provide the proof that you've been overcharged . . . not the lender's (Your lender could be the one making the errors!). As the largest independent mortgage reduction/auditing company in America, USMR can provide homeowners who have been overcharged with the proof they need to get a refund.

"Who will debit my checking account?"
Unlike virtually all companies offering "look alike" programs, USMR is NOT directly involved with taking money from your checking account. They think it is important to know "Who will have access to your checking account?" To make you feel more comfortable, USMR does not! Instead, they employ one of the nation's largest national banks to manage the debits for the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in mortgages they administer. This one benefit alone is why more homeowners choose USMR, and not a Brand X "no name" company.

"Once mortgage funds are debited from my account, where will they be held?"
USMR maintains a audited client account for biweekly program clients with one of America's largest national banks . . . a familiar name known coast to coast. Your biweekly payments will flow through USMR's audited client account on their way to your mortgage lender during each monthly cycle.

"Is USMR regulated by government agencies?"
Yes. As a matter of fact, they're regulated by a host of State Banking and Consumer Affairs Agencies. they maintain large bonds, and are licensed as a mortgage lender and servicer in many states. Among the government agencies regulating USMR are:
  • State Departments of Banking * State Banking Commissions * State Departments of Finance * Departments of State, Corporations Division * Departments of Real Estate * Departments of Commerce * Departments of Consumer Affairs, etc.
USMR maintains the highest standard of mortgage servicing conduct, and has never failed to fulfill its obligation as a mortgage servicer.

"Who runs the U.S. Mortgage companies?"
The U.S. Mortgage organization is headed by Jennifer Gauntt, President and C.E.O., along with a management team of professionals with extensive experience in accounting, mortgage banking, lending, and corporate finance. As you might imagine, only the best qualified professionals become managers at U.S. Mortgage.

"At U.S. Mortgage, Customer Service has always been our number one objective, and this is the reason why we have such an excellent reputation. All of our employees know that keeping clients satisfied is essential for our long term growth and stability. We look forward to serving you as you enroll in the Equity Acceleration Program®!"

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