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We are happy to welcome you to CigOutlet.Net Cigarettes Forum

We invite people from all over the world to exchange news, discuss tobacco related topics, online cigarettes sales and especially all questions related to our site CigOutlet.Net

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   Marlboro Cigarette brand is own by two of the world's largest tobacco companies, comprising Philip Morris International Inc. and Philip Morris USA Inc., both of which are owned by U.S. holding company Altria Group, Inc. In mid 1800s, a London tobacconist opened a store where Marlboro cigarettes were manufactured and sold. Later in 1902, the tobacco company was incorporated in New York as a British-American venture. The ownership was shifted to American stockholders in 1919 and the cigaretes company was renamed Philip Morris & Co. It became a principal maker of cigarettes in the 1930s and '40s, and the popularity of its Marlboro cigarets grew with its use of cowboy imagery to advertise them in the mid 1950s. The image involved a rugged cowboy or cowboys, in nature with(out) a sigarette. The original idea for the Marlboro Man came from the Chase Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. It is for this reason that all pictures of “The Marlboro Man” is a heart brand (The Chase Barnd) on his chaps and his horse. Marlboro quickly gained market share and saw their sales increased to 5,000% within 8 months of the ad sigarets campaign's premiere.
  "Mild as May" is another cigaretes advertising campaign used by Marlboro cigarettes before they added a filtered tip to their product. The Marlboro product was endorsed by Mae West and marketed towards women. One of the features of Marlboro cigarettes at the time was a red tip, which hid lipstick marks that women would leave while smoking.
  The tobacco company developed other American cigarette brands such as Parliament, Virginia Slims, and Merit. Overseas ventures in the manufacture and marketing of cigarettes led to the formation of Philip Morris International, which by 1972 had established sales in many parts of the world, including the former Soviet Union.

9 dec 2005   

Frequently Asked Questions

Note: If your are looking for CIGARS FAQ click here.

Select the question you are interesed in:

  1. Making order
  2. About our products
  3. Delivery
  4. Legality
  5. Customs
  6. Guarantee
  7. Non-disclosure
  8. Reorder
  9. Contact us

Making order

How can I make an order?

On the Home page you will find all the available brands. Select a brand and click on it. This will take you to the selected brand family page. Then click on the flavor of your choice. It will be automatically added to your shopping cart. If you want to buy more than one brand or style just select another brand from the “Chose Brand” column and repeat the process. When you are done click "Go To Secure Checkout". You will be taken Secure Server and you should enter the required information. After that click “Click to purchase”. At this point your credit card information is checked and u will receive an order confirmation at your e-mail address.


Can I make an order by fax?

Unfortunately no. This method of payment will be available later.


What payment methods are acceptable?

You can pay by Credit Card only.


Can I make an order by telephone?

Unfortunately no, you can only make it online.


Is there a maximum order?

No. The quantity of cigarettes that can be purchased at is left to the discretion of customers who must be aware of the laws in force in their country and the sanctions they may incur.
But please be aware that we do not accept large quantity orders from first-time customers. If this is your first purchase in our store maximum quantity is 10 cartons.


How can I find out my order status?

After you've placed your order at you will be automatically notified by E-mail when we approve and ship your order. Please, notice that we do not ship orders within 24 hours to give you a possibility to change or update your postal address and/or the order items. In such cases you must immediately send us an e-mail with your changes. Please enclose your order number when writing about changes in your order.


About our products

Are the cigarettes sold at first choice?

The cigarettes sold at are of the highest quality available on the market. We sell brands made in Europe.


Do you sell other brands of cigarettes in addition to those advertised at your site?

Not currently. The only brands we sell are shown on the Home page.


Will you be offering other brands in the future?

Yes. The number and type of available brands may change in time.


Is there any difference between the white filter and the brown filter Marlboro Lights?

Yes. The first are made to match the taste of American smokers while the second are suited to European tastes. Philip Morris does not provide any other information on this matter. According to smokers (and suggestions), the "white filters" may be slightly stronger. There is only one way to find out. Try them!



Are there countries to which you do not deliver?

Now we deliver worldwide with the exception of several countries listed below!!!
Due to custom restrictions and high delivery failure rates we don’t deliver in these countries:

Algeria Greece Mongolia
Angola Hungary New Caledonia
Australia India New Zealand
Austria Indonesia Pakistan
Belize Ireland Paraguay
Belarus Jamaica Peru
Bolivia Korea San Marino
Botswana Lebanon Sent Vincent and Grenadines
Brazil Lesotho Spain
Cuba Libya Swaziland
Dania Madagascar Thailand
Egypt Martinique Vietnam
Gabon Monaco Zambia


If I make an order Saturday, when my order will be sent?

Usually, your order is processed in 24 hours. Orders received on Saturdays are sent on the first working day following reception (Sundays and public holidays).


I bought 5 cartons of cigarettes one week ago and I have received only two parcels containing 2 cartons each. Is that normal?

Yes. The cartons are shipped in parcels (one parcel not more than 2 cartons). The parcels are shipped on the same day but in rare cases they reach destination together. The time between the first and the last parcel delivery is in average 2 to 5 days in Europe and the Mediterranean area and 5 to 10 days in the rest of the world.


Why can't you send me a single parcel containing more cartons?

Because it would be subject to duty since the width and value would not fall within the prescribed international parameters.



Is it legal to resell cigarettes ordered from

No. This is against the law in any country of the world.


Is it illegal to order a large quantity of cigarettes, for example, 50 cartons?

The quantity of cigarettes that can be purchased at is left to the discretion of customers who must be aware of the laws in force in their country and the sanctions they may incur if their intention is to resell "duty free" cigarettes. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to ascertain and comply with the laws relating to the purchase and use of any tobacco goods. In order to determine the applicable limits on purchases or taxing responsibilities, if any, imposed by your particular state, the consumer may want to contact their state authorities.



Do you guarantee that no duty will be paid worldwide?

We cannot guarantee that no tax will be paid worldwide because some countries may occasionally apply the international postal regulations and standards. In the USA, parcels containing 200 cigarettes are exempted from taxes.



Will I get my money back or have the goods replaced if the parcel is lost, stolen or damaged?

CigOutlet offers a 100% money back guarantee covering the price of the cigarettes if, for any reason, the purchase is not deemed satisfactory.


Can I withdraw the order placed with your online store?

You can withdraw your order within 24 hours of its placement.



Does use personal data of customers (mailing address, e-mail address, etc.) for advertising campaigns or other promotional activities?

We do not sell or rent your personal information to others. The information provided to us as a result of your online purchase, such as your name, E-mail address, phone number(s) and point of delivery or forwarding address are only used for shipping


Does have a database containing the customer's credit card details?



Does store information on who bought cigarettes online on files?

No, we don't store this information.



What is autodelivery option?

Autodelivery option means that the order you've placed will be repeated according to the periodicity you've chosen. You may choose this option to receive your cigarettes regularly.


How can I change an autodelivery times?

To change an autodelivery times just write an e-mail to The e-mail should contain the following data:
1. Your last order number
2. Your full name
3. Changes you want to be made


How can I stop the reorder service?

To stop the reorder service simply write an e-mail to asking to stop autodelivery. The e-mail should contain the following data:
1. Last order number.
2. Your full name.


How can I change items of the order set up for an autodelivery?

To change items of the order set up for an autodelivery you should write an e-mail to asking for changes to be made. The e-mail should contain the following data:
1. Last order number.
2. Your full name.
3. Changes you want to be made.


Contact us

How could I contact your store?

If you have some questions or issues regarding your order please contact our Customer Support Service at . Please be sure to specify in the e-mail your order number and your full name. Your comments and suggestions are important to us as we continue to improve our product and services.


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