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Oil Painting French Impressionist Claude Oscar Monet, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Camille Jacob Pissarro, Édouard Manet, Paul Cézanne, Berthe Morisot, Alfred Sisley, Eugene Boudin. Post Impressionist Henri Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh. Classical Masters Carl Frederic Aagaard, Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Albert Bierstadt, William Bouguereau, Antonio Canaletto, Pierre-Auguste Cot, C Edmund Daux, Jacques-Louis David, Sir Frank Dicksee, Arthur Drummond, Asher Brown Durant, Luis Recarrdo Falero, John William Godward, Arthur Hacker, Conrad Kiesel, E Blair Leighton, Lord Frederic Leighton, Albert Joseph Moore, Thomas Moran, Cornelius van Spaendonck, Joseph M W Turner, Diego Velazquez, Johannes Vermeer, John Waterhouse.
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  French Impressionist
    Claude Oscar Monet
    Pierre Auguste Renoir
    Camille Jacob Pissarro
    Edouard Manet
    Paul Cézanne
    Berthe Morisot
    Alfred Sisley
    Eugene Boudin
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    Henri Gauguin
    Vincent van Gogh
  Classical Masters
    Carl Frederic Aagaard
    Lawrence Alma-Tadema
    Albert Bierstadt
    William Bouguereau
    Antonio Canaletto
    Pierre-Auguste Cot
    C Edmund Daux
    Jacques-Louis David
    Sir Frank Dicksee
    Arthur Drummond
    Asher Brown Durant
    Luis Recarrdo Falero
    John William Godward
    Arthur Hacker
    Conrad Kiesel
    E Blair Leighton
    Lord Frederic Leighton
    Albert Joseph Moore
    Thomas Moran
    Cornelius van Spaendonck
    Joseph M W Turner
    Diego Velazquez
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    John Waterhouse
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Artists by last name:

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A-B-C-D-E- F-G-H-I-J- K-L-M-N-O- P-Q-R-S-T- U-V-W-XYZ

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A-B-C-D-E- F-G-H-I-J- K-L-M-N-O- P-Q-R-S-T- U-V-W-XYZ

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- A -

Artist Titles
ADVERTISING PRINTS & POSTERS  (ads and posters for many products or services)
AIRPLANES  (ads, posters and photos of and about aviation).
ALBO, A.  "Wild Mustangs"; "Strauss Waltz"; "Venetian Scene"; "Roman Scene". 
ALBRIGHT, IVAN  "Into the World Came a Soul Named Ida".
ALLASON, E. "Spring".
ALMA-TADEMA, LAWRENCE  "Self"'; "Expectations"; "Her Eyes Are With Thoughts"; "Ask Me No More"; "Reading Homer"
ALTDORFER, ALBRECHT  " Alexander's Battle"
AMAN, THEODORE  "Gulf of Naples with Vesuvius"
AMARAL, T.  "Fruit Seller"
ANGELICO, FRA GIOVANNI  "Adoration"{with LIPPI?}; "The Madonna of Humility"; "Kronung Maria"
ANONIMO  "The Return" ; "Southern Port"; "Venetian Lagoon"; "Marina"; "Little Rascals;" La Cascina dei Pomi"; Miniatura Portrait of lady" ;"Leaving the Manor"; "Mississippi Home"; {Hundreds of prints and posters of many subjects.}
APPEL, P.  (Valley, with Stream) 
ARCHER, JAMES  "My Great Grandmother"
ARENIGGER, A.  ( Mediterranean shore; several); (autumn woods); (pond with ducks in spring)
ARNOLT, G. M.  "Pair of Setters"
ARP, JEAN  "Configuration"
ATWOOD, JON  "Sea Form"
AUTOMOTIVE  (many prints, posters and photos of old cars, trucks and motorcycles)
AVERCAMP, HENDRICK  "Winter Scene"; "Winterscene"
AYLWARD, J. D.  "The Constitution"
AZEGLIO, T.  "Brave in Ambush"; "Azalea".

- B -

BACKUYZEN, L.  "Storm at Sea";
BACON, PEGGY,  "The Social Graces"; "Pity the Blind"; "Esthetic Pleasure"; "The Rival Ragmen"; "Antique Beauty".
BAKST, LEON  "Nijinsky as Faune".
BANNISTER, EDWARD  "Sabin Point, Narragansett Bay ";
BARBER, CHAS. B.  "Broken String"; "Off to School"; "Trust"; "Suspense"
BARKER, J  (Roadside Inn)
BASSANI, J. "Maternity" 
BASSANO, G.F.  "Boy with Flute"
BAUGIN, LUBIN  "The Five Senses"
BAYARD, EMILE  "The Bathers"
BAZILLE, JEAN-FREDERIC  "The Little Gardener"; "The Painter's Atelier"
BAZZARO,L.  "Chioggia" 
BEARDEN, ROMARE  "Carolina Shout"; "She-Ba"; "Summertime"
BEAUX, CECILLIA (Several, with Cats, Kittens, untitled )
BECCARIA, ANGELO  "Horses Watering"
BECHI, LUIGI  "After the Storm"
BECKMANN,MAX  "Self"; "Actresses"
BEERT, OSIAS  "Still Life"
BELLINI, GIOVANNI  "Christ Carrying The Cross"; "Portrait of the young St. Lawrence"; "Vanity"; "Sacred Allegory"; "Portrait of a Young Man"; "The Miracle of the True Cross"; The Feast of the Gods"
BELLOWS, GEORGE  "Dempsy and Firpo"; "Stag at Sharkey' s"; "New York"; "Both Members of this Club"
BENSON, FRANK WESTON  "Red and Gold"; "Sunlight"
BENTON, THOMAS HART  "Cotton Pickers in Georgia"; "Lonesome Road"; "I Gotta Gal on Sourwood Mountain"; "Frankie and Johnny"; "In the Ozarks"; "Sunday Morning"; "Huck Finn and Nigger Jim"
BERAUD, JEAN  "The Wait"; "La Patisserie Gloppe"; "La Salle de Jeu"
BERTEA,ERNESTO  "Near Andorno"
BERTINI, G.  "Young Girls with Doves in Garden"
BIERSTADT, ALBERT  "Waterfall at Multnomah"; "Rocky Mountains"; "Buffalo Trail"; "In The Mountains"; "View of Parliament"; "Estes Park"; "Angel Falls"; "Looking Up The Yosemite Valley"; "Sierra Nevada"
BINGHAM, GEORGE  "Fur Traders on the Missouri"; "Ferrymen Playing Cards"; "The Verdict of the People"; "Daniel Boone"
BIRCH, THOMAS  "View of the Delaware River, near Philadelphia"
BISHOP, Isabel  "Office Girls"; "School Girls"
BISI, LUIGI  "The Church of San Marco"
BLACKLOCK, WILLIAM KAY  "Girl reading in Doorway"
BLAKE, WILLIAM  "Beatrice Addressing Dante"; "Angels"; "Glad Day"; "Satan and the Rebel Angels"; "Pity"; "Dante and Virgil Entering Hell"; "The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun"
BLANCH, ARNOLD  "Duck Hunter"; "Along the Hudson"
BLANEKERHOFF, I.  "Ships off Rocky Coast"
BLOOMERS, JAN  "On The Dunes".
BOCCIONI, UMBERTO  "Dynamism of a Cyclist"; "The City Rises"{Study}; "Cafe in the Arcade"; "The City Lives"
BOCKLIN, ARNOLD  "Isle of the Dead"; "Moon and Sea"; "Noah' s Ark"
BOFFA, G.  "Sweet Melancholy"
BOHROD, AARON  "New Orleans Street".
BOLDINI, GIOVANNI  "Clichy Square"; "Portrait of Marthe Regnier"; "Portrait of a Lady"; "Horse Races at Capannelle"; "Leaving Masked Ball in Montmartre"; "Gondolas in Venice"; "Walk in the Park"; "Nude"
BOLLONGIER, HANS  "Still Life with Flowers"
BOMPARD, M.  "Prayer to the Madonna"
BONHEUR, ROSA  "Horse Fair"
BONNARD, PIERRE  "Ice Skating"; "La Revue Blanche"; "Nude at Fireplace"; "Place Clichy"; "Signac and Friends"; "Still Life"; "The Open Window"; "The Rose Road"
BOS , HENK  "Zennias" (still life)
BOSCH, HIERONYMUS  "The Garden of Delights"; "Temptation of Saint Anthony"; "Ship of Fools"
BOTTICELLI, SANDRO  "Birth of Venus"; "Abundance"; "Adoration"; "Venus"{Head}; "The Virgin and Holy Child"; "Spring"; "Madonna and Child"; "St. Augustine in His Cell"; "The Primavera"; Madonna of the Eucharist"; "Portrait of a Young Man"; "Calumny"; "Madonna Con Bambino E Angeli"; "La Vergine Col Figlio, Detta Della Melagrana"
BOUCHER, FRANCOIS  "Girl with Jug"; "La Toilette"; "Hunting The Birds"; "The Mill"; "Madame de Pompadour"; "The Toilet of Venus"; "Diana Bathing"
BOUDIN, EUGENE L.  "Fair in Brittany"; "Marine Scene"; "The Beach At Trouville"; "The Laundresses"; "Sailing Ships"; "Norman Women on the Beach"; "Approaching Storm"
BOUGUEREAU, WILLIAM A.  "Birth of Venus"; "The Story Book"; "Charity"; "Evening Mood"
BRAQUE, GEORGES "Le Jour";"Billiards"; "The Marble  Table"; "The Table"; "Purple Plums"; "Still Life with Grapes and Clarinet"; "The Round Table"; "The Philodendron"; 
BRETT, JOHN  "From the Dorsetshire Cliffs" 
BRIAN  "Wistful Waters"
BRICHER, ALFRED  "The Landing, Bailey Island , Maine"
BRIGHTWELL  (Boy, Horses, Dog, Barn)
BRIOSCHI, CARLO  "Farmstead on the Lake"
BRITTON  "All Generations"
BROCHY, KAROLY  "Mother and Child"
BRONZINO,  "Eleanore and Son"
BROOK, ALEXANDER  "Young Girl"; "Sleep".
BROUWER, ADRIAEN  "The Smokers"; 
BROWN, ARNESBY  "The River Bank"
BROWN, FORD MADOX  "The Last of England"
BROWN, MARSHALL  "Boys with Sailboats"
BROWN, W.H.  "Bareback Riders"
BRUEGHEL, JAN SR.  "Winter Landscape"; "Scene in a Wood"; "Flowers"; "Still Life with Flowers"; "Landscape with Windmills"; "Gypsies in a Wood"; "Village Feast"; "Flowers in a Blue Vase"; "Flowers in a Vase"
BRUEGHEL, PIETER JR.  "Landscape"; "Stormy Sea"; "Landscape Under the Snow"; "The Wolf Hunt"
BRUEGHEL, PIETER SR.  "Country Wedding"; "Country Dance"; "Harvesters"; "Harvester's Meal"; "Hay Making"; "Landscape"; "Numbering at Bethlehem"; "Wedding Dance"; "Winter Scene"; "Triumph of Death"
BUFFET, BERNARD  "Port of La Rochelle"; "Les Sables d' Olonne"; "Landscape"; "Portofino"; "Cocktail";
BURGER, ANTON  "Street of Kronberg in Winter"
BURNE-JONES, EDWARD  "King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid"; "The Mill"; "Le Chant D' Amour"
BUTLER,ANDREW  "Mount Holly"; "New England Scene".
BUTLER, LADY  "Scots Greys at Waterloo"{aka Scotland Forever}
BICYCLES  (old ad posters )

- C -

CADMUS , PAUL  "Coney Island"; "Two Boys on a Beach"; "Polo Spill"
CAILLEBOTTE, GUSTAV  "Sailing Boats at Argenteuil"
CALAME, A.  "La Dent du Midi"; "Storm at Handeck"
CALAO, R.  "Still Life Arrangement"; "Still Life Arrangement"
CANALETTO, GIOVANNI ANTONIO  "Ducal Palace"; "Grand Canal"; "Square of St. Marks"; "Venice"; "Venice; "The Quay of the Piazzeta"
CANELLA, GIUSEPPE  "City and New Bridge, 1832"; "The Hotel de Ville, Paris, 1828"; "Milan, la Corsia dei Servi"; "Piazza Santo Stefano e il Verziere"
CAPRILE, VINCENZO  "Woman with Chick"
CAPUSOTTO, L.  "Maternity"
CARAVAGGIO, MICHELANGELO  "Bacchus"; "Fruit Basket"; "Jupiter and Io"; "Supper at Emmaus"; "The Calling of St. Matthew"(detail); "The Musicians"
CARBONELL, G.  "Tulips"
CARMIGNANI, G.  "Paris, an evening in November"
CARON, ANTOINE  "Augustus and Sibyl"
CARRA, CARLO  "Farm House"
CARRACCI, A.  "Landscape with River Hunt Scene"; "Landscape"
CASCELLA, M.  "Bay Bridge, San Francisco"; "Central Park, South, New York"; "New York Public Library"
CASSATT, MARY  "Sewing Lady"; "Child with Red Hat"; "Susan, Comforting the Baby"; "Woman with Dog"; "After the Bath"; "Girl in a Straw Hat"
CAVALCANTI, E  "Two Mulattos"
CAZIN , Jean C.  "Ishmael"
CEZANNE, PAUL  "Trees and Houses"; "Dahlias in Blue Vase"; "The Card Players"; "House By the Marne"; "Pears and Apples"; "Apples and Oranges"; "Field at Jas de Bouffan"; "Flowers and Pears"; "Fruit"; "House at Aix"; "Landscape"; "Mardi Gras"; "Mont Ste. Victoire"; "Still Life"; "Still Life with Basket"; "The Blue Vase"; "The Brook"; "Uncle Dominic"; "The Kitchen Table"; "Landscape with Viaduct"
CHAGALL, MARC  "Artist and Model"; "Chambon-Sur-Lac"; "Feathers in Bloom"; "I and the Village"; "Rabbi"; "Rain"; "The Acrobat"; "Fall of the Angel"; "The Street"; "The War"; "Double Portrait with Glass of Wine"
CHAILLOUX, ROBERT  "Still Life with Strawberries"; "Still Life with Cherries and Jug"
CHAMBERS, THOMAS  "The Constitution and the Guerriere"
CHAPIN, FRANCIS  "Morning Train".
CHAPLIN, Chas.  "Memories"
CHARDIN , JEAN B. S.  "Le Benedicite"; "Still Life with Grapes"; "Woman with Child"; "Young Man Sharpening Pencil": "Utensiles de Cuisine" ; "Still Life" 
CHASSERIAU, THEODORE  "Ester Adorning Herself for Assueros"
CHERET, JULES  "Follies-Bergere, La Joie Fuller"; "Paris Courses"; 
CHIERICI, G.  "Joys of a Mother"; "Family Scene"
CHINTREUIL, A. "View in a Park"
CHIRICO, GIORGIO de  "The Endless Voyage"; "Melancholy of the Street"; "The Anguish of Departure"
CHURCH, FREDERIC E.  "View of Cotopaxi"; "Rainey Season in the Tropics"; "Aurora Borealis"; "The Vale of St. Thomas"; "The Andes"; "Morning in the Tropics"; 
CIARDI, GUGUELMO  "Grande Canal, Venice"; "Seascape"
CIGNAROLI, A.  "Hunt Scene"; "Landscape"
CIRCUS POSTERS  (several,old, small. )
CLARK, JOSEPH  "Mother's Darling"
CLEMENS, P. L.  "Baseball Argument"
CLOUET, JEAN  "Francis I "
CLYMER, JOHN  "Landscape in Snow"; "Ranch in Winter"
COCK, C.  "Landscape"
COHRAN, ANNA  "Stormy Waters"
COLE, THOMAS  "Course of Empire"( Consumation); "Notch of the White Mountains"; "Last of the Mohicans Scene"; "Voyage of Life" (set of 4 ); "The Oxbow"; "In the Catskills"
COLLINS, WILLIAM  "Seaford, Sussex"
COLLINSON, Robert  "Stray Rabbits" 
CONCONI, LUIGI  "Motherly Love"
CONSTABLE, JOHN  "The Cornfield"; "The Hay-wain"; "Morning in Dedham Valley"; "Boat Building near Flatford Mill"; "Cottage in a Cornfield"; "Dedham Valley"; "Brighten Beach"; "Coast Scene"; "On the River Stour"; "Salisbury Cathedral"; "Weymouth Bay"; "Wivenhoe Park, Essex"; "Landscape"; "Glebe Farm"
COOK, GLADYS E.  "Two Tabby Kittens"
COOK, HOWARD  "Merry-Go-Round"
COOPER, ED  "Big Sur" (Color Photo)
CORBELLA, T. "Child on the Beach"; "Ballerina"
CORBINO, J.  "Escaped Bull"
CORINTH, LOVIS  "Tree at Walchensee"; "Nude"
CORNOYER, PAUL  "Rainy Day in the City"; "Plaza After The Rain"
COROT, JEAN BAPTISTE  "Girl in Beret"; "La Bacchanale"; "Ville d'Avray"; "Spring"; "Farm at Recouvrieres, Nievre"; "The Pond at Ville d'Avray"; "Memory of Mortefontaine"; "The Road of Sevres"; "The Dance of the Nymphs"; "The Pond with the Inclined Tree"; "Young Girl Combing Her Hair"; "La Cervara"; "Bell Tower, Douai"; "Boat Fishing Near The Willow Trees"; "Landscape at Castel Gandolfo"; "Woman Reading on Wooded Shore'; "Lane in the Woods at Wagonville"; "Nantes"; "View of Florence"; " The Fisherman’s Hut"; "A Flood"; "Church at Marissel"
CORREGGIO, ANTONIO  "Cleopatra with the Asp"; "Antiope Sleeping"; "Mercury Instructing Cupid in the Presence of Venus"; "Vergine In Adorazione"
CORTINA, ALDO  "Piazza Duomo, Milano"; .
COSIMO, PIERO DI  "The Finding of Vulcan"; "Vulcan and Aeolus"
COSTIGAN, J.E.  "Fishermen Three"; "Bathers"; "Jackie"
COT, PIERRE AUGUSTE  "The Storm"; "The Spring" 
COTMAN  "Member of the Family"
COURBET, GUSTAVE  "Fishing Boats"; "Still Life with Flowers"; "The Cliffs at Etretat, After Storm": "La Sommeil"; "Two Girls on the Banks of the Seine"; "Bon Jour, Monsieur Courbet"; "Deer in Wood"
COYPEL, NOEL N.  "The Rape of Europa"
CRANACH, LUKAS  "Martin Luther"; 
CREPET, A.  "On the Brenta"
CRESPI, SILVIO "Fata Primavera"; "The Endless Poetry" 
CRESWICK, THOMAS  (river scene)
CRISTY, HOWARD CHANDLER  (several, untitled)
CRITE, ALLAN  "Parade on Hammond Street
CROME, JOHN  "On the Skirts of the Forest"
CROPSEY, JASPER  "Autumn on the Hudson"
CURRIER and IVES  (Hundreds. Inquire for titles)
CURRY, J.S.  "Tornado" ;"Line Storm"; "Ajax"; "The Line Storm"; "Prize Stallions"; "Corn"; "Hounds and Coyote"; "The Mississippi"
CURTZ  "Branding"
CUYP, ALBERT  "Mass at Dordrecht"

- D -

DEL SARTO, ANDREA  "San Giovanni Batista"
DA MESSINA, ANTONELLA  "The Crucifixion"
DA VINCI, LEONARDO  "Mona Lisa"; "The Last Supper"; "Ginevra da Benci"; "Isabella d' Este"; (drawings. of various subjects ); "The Annunciation"; "The Virgin, Infant Jesus and St. Anne"; "L' Annunzion"
DACOSTA, MILTON  "Swordfish in Sight"; " Seascape with Boats"
DAGNAN-BOUVERET  "The Blessed Bread"
DALBONO, E.  "Swordfish in Sight"; "Seascape with Boats"
DALI, SALVADOR  "Sacrament of the Last Supper"; "Christ of St. John of the Cross"; "Basket of Bread"; "Crucifixion"; "Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus"; "Aliyah Suite"; "Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach"; "Birth of Liquid Desires"; "Burning Giraffes and Telephones"; "Evocation of the Apparition of Lenin"; "Maelstrom"; "Musical Tempest"; "Persistence of Memory"; "The Broken Bridge and the Dream"; "Transparent Simulacrum of the Feigned Image";
DAUBIGNY, CHARLES F.  "The Spring"; "Evening"
DAUMIER, HONORE  "The Print Collector"; "Crispin and Scapin"; "Third Class Carriage"; "Three Lawyers"
DAVENPORT  (Old Farm Wagon Beside Old Barn) 
DAVID, JACQUES LOUIS  "Oath of the Horatii"; "Young Girl"; "Madame Seriziat"; "Death of Marat"; "Napoleon"; "Mars Disarmed By Venus"; "Brutus"; "Madame Recamier"
DAVIES, KEN  "Gisler Mallards"
DAVIS, STUART  "Combination Concrete"
DAWSON, MONTAGUE  (several sailing ships, untitled.), ( WW I Brit. Destroyer)
DE DRUEX, ALFRED  "Hunting Scene"
DE FREGGER, Franz von  "St. Nicholas' History"
DE HEEM, JAN D.  "Still Life"
DE HOOCH, PIETER  "Still Life"; "The Game of Skittles"
DE HOOG, BERNARD  "A Fathers Love" 
DE LA TOUR, GEORGES  " Magdeline and the Candle"
DE MOMPER, JOOS  "Winter Scene"
DE VLAMINCK, MAURICE  "Old Port of Marseilles"; "Thatched Cottages"; "Street in Snow"
DEGAS, EDGAR  "At the Races"; " Races, Before the Grand stand"; "L'Etoile"; "Les Ambassaduers"; "Pink and Green"; "The Dance Lesson"; "The Tub"; "Before the Ballet"; "La Danseuse au Boequet"; "A Ballet Girl"; "Ballet School"; "Beach Landscape"; "Cabaret"; "Dancer on Stage with Bouquet"; "Frieze of Dancers"; "Girl at Ironing Board'; "Houses on Cliffs"; "L'Absinthe"; "Woman Drying her feet"; "Mlle. H. Valpincon"; "The Laundry Maids"; "Two Dancers on Stage"; "The Cotton Exchange, New Orleans"; "Two Cafe Singers"; "Madame Rene De Gas"
DEHN, A.  "Art Lovers"; "Central Park at Night"; "Beethoven's Ninth Symphony"; "Threshing"
DEL SARTO, ANDREA  "Madonna Della Arpie"
DELACROIX, EUGENE  "Still Life with Lobster"; "Frightened Horse"; "Entry of the Crusaders"; "The Death of Sardinopolis [study]"; "The Storm on Galilee"; "The Abduction of Rebecca";" Chopin"; "Lion Hunt"
DELVAUX,PAUL  "Trains de Soir"
DEMUTH,CHARLES  "Figure Five in Gold"
DERAIN, ANDRE  "Banks of the Seine"; "Collioure"; "Pool Of London"
DETAILLE, E.  "The Dream"
DETLEFSEN, PAUL  "The Big Moment"; "The Blacksmith"; "The Smithy"; "Memories"; "Old Mill Stream"; "Days Gone By"
DIDIONI, F.  "Young Girls in a Garden"
DIETLER, J.F.  "Children in the Forest of Iselt"
DOGE  "Thunder"; "Lightning"; "Still Life with Watermelon"; "Spring-like Composition"; "Flowers"; 
DOHENY, LUKE  "Pioneers Crossing River"; ( construction of RR bridge and wagon train ); "Not So Long Ago"; ( Wagon Train, broken wheel )
DOLL, ANTON  "Winter Landscape"
DOLCI, CARLO  "La Madonna Col Bambino Gesu"; "La Madonna"
DOUGHTY, THOMAS  "In the Catskills"; "Fanciful Landscape"
DOVE, ARTHUR G.  "Ferry Boat Wreak"
DROUAIS, FRANCOIS  "Young Pupil"; "The Duke of Berry and the Count of Provence as Children"
DRUMMOND  "Williamsburg"
DUBUFFET, JEAN  "Parade of Objects";
DUCCIO  "Calling the Disciples"
DUCHAMP, MARCEL  "Nude Descending Staircase, No. 2"; "Chocolate Grinder No. 2"; 
DUERER, A.  "Hare"; Praying Hands"; "Night, Death and the Devil, " ;"Self"; "Self"; "Self"; "Innsbruck Castle"
DUFY, RAOUL  "Bay of Angels"; "Jetty at Honfluer"; "Mediterranean Scene"; "Mermaid and Sailboats"; "Paddock at Deauville"; "Regatta"; "San Giorgio Maggiore"; "The Race Track"; "Gladioli"
DUMALSKI  "Old Reliable"
DURAND, ASHER B.  "Kindred Spirits"
DWIGHT, MABEL  "Museum Guard"

- E -

EAKINS, THOMAS  "Grosse Clinic"; "Max Schmitt in Single Scull"; "Biglin Brothers, Turning the Stake"; "Salutat"; "Mending the Net"
EASTMAN, SETH  "Souix Indians Playing LaCrosse"
EILSHEMIUS, L.M.  "Water Gap"
EL GRECO  "View of Toledo"; "Christ Driving the Money Lenders from the Temple"; "Christ at Gethsemane"
ELSLEY, ARTHUR J.  "All Mine"; "Learning to Swim"; "Playing on the See-Saw"; ( Three girls, a dog and three kittens ); "White Kitten"; "Hide and Seek"; "Bath Time"; "Pony Ride"; "Sleep Tight"
ENSOR, JAMES  "Still Life with Masks"; "The Strange Mask"; "Effect of Light"
ERNST, MAX  "Flying Geese"
ESPOSITO, GAETANO  "Marina di Napoli"
ESTABAN  "The Might of Aragon"
EVERGOOD, PHILIP  "The Sunny Side of the Street"
EYCK, JAN VAN  "Arnolfini and His Bride"; "St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata"

- F -

FALCONE, S.  "ea un lugar da la Mancha"
FALDI, ARTURO  "Honey moon"
FANTIN-LATOUR, HENRI  "Narcissus and Tulips"; "Flowers"; "Roses and Blue Jug"; "Roses in a Cup"; "Still Life"; "Bouquet de Julienne et Fruits"; "Autumn Flowers"
FARRE, HENRI  (WW I Air Combat, set of 7
FEININGER, LYONEL  "Bird Cloud"; "Bird Marine"; "Arch Tower 1"; "City Hall in Rega"; "Niedergrunstet"; "Old Locomotive"; "Upper Weimar"
FERGOLA, SALVATORE  "The First Train to Napoli"
FERRARI, A.  "Milan Street Scene"; "Milan, Small Lake at the Hospital"; "The Pillars of St. Lorenzo, Milan"
FERRUZZI, R.  "Madonna of the Street"
FIENE, E.  "Winter Evening"
FISCHBACH, J. "Salzburg"
FISHER, HARRISON  (several, untitled)
FOGLIA, C.  "Flowers"; "Ballerina".
FORBES, STANHOPE  "A Street in Brittany"
FORD, L.  "Early Rising"; "Milton Pond, Thanksgiving Day"; "The Nativity"; "The Guardian Angel"
FORNONI, A,  "Sleeper"; "Reclining Nude"; "Nude in Red"; "Nude"; "Sitting Nude"
FOUJITA, T. L.  "Cafe"; "In the Kitchen"; "Little Cavalier"; "Quai aux Fleurs"
FRAGONARD, JEAN HONORE  "Young Lady Reading"; "The Swing"; "The Love Letter"; "Oath of Love"; "The Good Mother"; "Blind Mans Bluff"; "The Fountain of Love"
FRAI, F.  "Portrait of a Lady"
FRANCAVILLA, L.  "Old Houses at Belleville"; "The Seine in Paris"; "The Presbytery of St. Medard"; "Sainte Germain de Pres"; "Snow on Notre-Dame, Paris"
FRANCESCA; PIERO DELLA  "Battista Sforza, Wife of Duke of Urbino"; " Frederigo daMontefeltro, Duke of Urbino"; "Discovery of the True Cross"; "The Resurrection"; "Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels"; "Madonna of Mercy"
FREEMAN, D.  "Casting for Character"
FRIEDLINGER, J.  "Fruit of the Land"
FRIEDRICH, CASPAR DAVID  "The Chalk Cliffs of Rugen"; "Tree with Crows"; "Cloister Grave-yard in Snow"; "Abby in the Oakwood"; "Monk by the Sea"; "Arctic Ship Wreak"; "The Wanderer Looking Over a Sea of Clouds"
FRIESEKE, FREDERICK  "Hollyhocks"; "Peace"
FRIESZ, OTHON  "Garden at Cap-Burn
FROHM.  "Still Life"
FURSE, C. W.  "Diana of the Uplands"
FUSELI, HENRY  "Falstaff in the Wash Basket"; "Nightmare"

- G -

GAG, WANDA  "Siesta"; "Grandma's Parlor"
GAINSBOROUGH, THOMAS  "Landscape with Conard Village"; "Daughters' chasing Butterfly"; "Blue Boy"; "Queen Charlotte"; "The Market Cart"
GANSO, EMIL  "Bearsville"
GARNERAY, A.  "The Seizure of Kent by Surcouf"; 
GASSER, H.  "Home Port"; "Inland Cove"; "Surf, Sand and Rocks"; "Tranquility"; "Winter Harbor"; "Peaceful Harbor"; 
GAUGUIN, PAUL  "The Bay of Sainte Pierre in Martinique"; "Two Tahitian Women with Mangos"; "Women of Tahiti"; "Still Life"; "Breton Bather"; "Breton Landscape"; "Daydreaming"; "Fatata Te Miti"; "Flowers and Fruit"; "Hail Mary"; "Harvest Scene"; "Nevermore"; "Ta Matete"; "The Poor Fisherman"; "When Do You Marry"; "Woman and White Horse"; "Woman with Mango"; "Tahitian Mountains" - 
GAUL, GILBERT  "Skirmish Line"; "Taking the Ramparts"; "Faithful"
GELOMMI  "Fishermen"
GENTRY, ROBERT  "Little Sailor"
GERICAULT, THEODORE  "Horse Race at Epson"; "Fighting Horses"; "Mounted Officer"; "Raft of Medusa"
GHIRLANDAIO, D.  "Old Man and Grandson"
GIACOMETTI, ALBERTO  "Annette in the Studio"
GIBSON, DANA  [untitled drawings]
GIGANTE, G.  "Landscape of Campania"
GIGNOUS, E.  "Sul Mottarone"
GILBERT, C.I.  (old village street with horse and buggy)
GIORGIONE  "Adoration of the Shepherds"; "The Tempest"; "The Concert"; "The Three Philosophers"; "Sleeping Venus"
GIOTTO DI BONDONE  "Madonna and Child"; "Crucifixion"; "Lamentation Over The Body of Christ"
GLACKENS, W.  "Luxembourg Gardens"; "Chez ouquin"
GOGH, VINCENT VAN  "The Hut"; "The Caravan"; "The Langlois Bridge at Arles"; "The Sunflowers" ( several versions); "The Road of the Cypresses"; "Cafe Terrace at Night"; "Still Life with Pears"; "The Siesta"; "Flowering Garden"; "Iris"; "The Iris"; "Self"; "L' eglise d' Auvers-sur-Oise"; "Fishing Boats"; "Pink and White Roses"; "Starlight over the Rhone"; "Street in Auvers"; "The Bridge"; "The Postman Roulin"; "Vegetable Garden"; "Entrance to the Gardens at Arles"; "Farm Houses"; "Houses at Auvers"; "Iron Bridge"; "La Mousme"; "Landscape with Figures"; "Le Pont de Trinquetaille"; "Les Alicamps"; "Peach Blossoms"; "Portrait"; "Restaurant La Sirene"; "Roses and Anemones"; "Self with Bandaged ear"; "Starry Night"; "The Blue Cart"; "The Road menders"; "Bedroom"; "Potato Eaters"; "Washer-Women at Mondonico"; "Stairway at Auvers"; "Portrait of Dr. Gachet"; "The Chair"
GOOD, M.  "Valse Brillante"
GORE, W. H.  "Listed"; "The Pleasures of Hope"
GORKY, ARSHILE  "Water of the Flowery Mill"
GOTTLIEB, ADOLPH  "Brink"[l959]
GOYA, FRANCISCO  "The Parasol"; "Two Boys with Mastiffs"; "Gossiping Women"; "Don Manuel Osorio"; "Maja (clothed)"; Maji(nude)"; "Senora Sabassa Garcia"; "The Bullfight"; "Execution of the Rebels"; "Hunting Scene"; "Love Letter"
GOZZI, MARCO  "Landscape"
GRAHAM, Peter  "A Rainy Day"
GREFE, NILL  ( Several 1890's women of fashion )
GREUZE, JEAN BAPTISTE  "Le Petit Mathematicien"; "The Wood Winder"; "Little Girl with Apple"; "Boy with Ruff"; "The Broken Jug"; "The Listening Girl"; "The Head of a Girl"; "Fidelity"; "Broken Eggs"
GRIS, JUAN  "Before an Open Window"
GROPPER, WILLIAM  "Sweatshop"; "The Judge"; "Relief"
GROS  "Portrait of Count Fournier-Sarloveze"
GROSSI, P.  "Still Life with Lantern"; "Still Life with Dry Flowers"
GROSSO, G.  "Nude"
GROSZ, GEORGE G.  "Manhattan Harbor"; "Heilige Nacht"; "The General"; "Self"
GRUNEWALD, MATHIAS  "The Small Crucifixion"; "The Resurrection"; "The Crucifixion"; "Incarnation"(Detail):
GUARDI, FRANCESCO  "Venice, San Pietro di Castello"; "Venice, Bacino di San Marco"; "View of the Grand Canal,(detail)"; "Procession of Corpus Domini"; "Flowers"; "The Grand Canal beyond Rialto"
GUERRINI, M.  "Birds"; "Birds"; "Flowers"; "Flowers"
GUIGNARD, A.  "The Park of Belo Horizone" 
GUTHRIE, Sir James  "A Highland Funeral"
GUTIERREZ, F.  "The Sea Wave"
GUYS, CONSTANTIN  "Carriages and Horsemen"

- H -

HACKER, H.  "A Forge in the Mountains"
HACKERT, J.  "Ferdinand IV Hunting the Boar"
HALL, NORMAN  "Little Hunter"
HALS, FRANZ  "Boy with a Lute"; "The Bohemian"; "Man with a Glove in his Hand"
HAMILTON, JOHN  "Sinking of HMS Association"; "The Golden Hind"; "Out-Maneuvered"
HANSEN  "Questionable Companions"; "Glowing Fruits"
HARDY, HEYWOOD  "The Meet"; "The Toll Gate"; "The Return"
HARNETT, R.F.  "Wild Thistles"
HARNETT, WILLIAM  "My Gems"; "Music and Literature"; "The Old Refrain"
HARTLEY, MARSDEN  "Fox Island"; "Smelt Brook Falls"
HASCH  "Landscape in Fall"
HASSAM, CHILDE  "Allies Day"; "Fifth Avenue in Winter"; "Le Jour du Grand Prix"; "World's Fair, Chicago"; "French Teagarden"; "Geraniums"; "Rainey Day, Boston"; "The Garden Door"
HAYES, GEORGE  "Bare Knuckles"
HAYEZ, F.  "The Kiss"
HEADE, MARTIN J.  "Rio de Janeiro Bay"; "Orchids and Hummingbirds"; "Magnolia Flower"; "View of Lake George"
HECKMAN, A.  "The Side Street"
HENNER, JEAN JACQUES.  "Fabiola"; "A Naiad"
HENRY, EDWARD  "Wedding in the Thirties"
HERRING, JOHN F. SR  "The Front Entrance at Winnstay"; "East Suffolk Hounds"
HICKS, EDWARD  "Peaceable Kingdom"; "Noah's Ark"
HIGGINS, E.  "Pioneers Resting"
HOBBEMA, MEINDERT  "The Mill on the Stream"; "The Avenue of Middleharnis"; "Entrance to a Village"; "Ruins of a Castle"; "A Farm in the Sunlight"
HOFFMAN, HEINRICH  "Christ and the Rich Young Ruler"; "Christ at Thirty-Three"; "Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane"; "Christ in the Temple"; "Figure of Christ"
HOFFMAN, I.D.  "Pastoral, Puerto Rico"
HOGARTH, WILLIAM  "The Shrimp Girl"; "The Marriage"; "The Graham Children"; "The Orgy"
HOLBEIN, HANS  "Portrait of Erasmus"; "The Ambassadors"; "Portrait of George Gisze"; "Anne of Cleves"; "Christina of Denmark"
HOLZ , WILLIAM  ( 40 pictures depicting events in the life of Jesus )
HOLIDAY, HENRY  "Dante and Beatrice"
HOLUSA  "Country Girl"
HOMER, WINSLOW  "The Herring Net"; "Cricket Scene"; "Breezing Up"; "Huntsman and Dogs"; "Snap the Whip"; "Farm at Gloucester"; "Fishing the Falls"; "Girl and Laurel"; "Gloucester Schooners and Sloop"; "In the Mowing"; "Stowing the Sail, Bahamas"; "The Berry Pickers"; "The Four leaf Clover"; "The Gulf Stream"; "The Hudson River, Logging"; "The Mink Pond"; "The Sloop, Bermuda"; "Boys and Kitten"; "Boys in a Pasture"; "Fog Warning"; "Home-ward Bound"; "Skating on the Ladies Pond, Central Park"; "Sunset Fires"; "Sunset. Saco Bay"; "The Beach at Long Branch"; "The Bridle Path, White Mountains"; "The Nooning"; "Watching From the Cliffs"; "Weatherbeaten"; "Wreck of Iron Crown"; "Prisoners at the Front"; "Ambush"
HOOK, JAMES CLARK  "Home with the Tide" 
HOPPER, EDWARD  "Ground Swell"; "Nighthawks(detail)"; "Rooms By the Sea"; "Street Scene"; "Approaching a City"; "August in the City"; "Bootleggers"; "French Six-Day Bicycle Rider"; "Seven A M"; "Eastside Interior"; "The Cat Boat" 
HUNT, ALFRED WM.  "Windsor Castle"
HUNT, WALTER  "Found" ( known by various titles: A Sheep Dog Finding Lost Lamb in Snow )
HUNT, WILLIAM HOLMAN  "The Lady of Shalot"; 
HUNTER, DOUGLAS  "Still Life"; "Still Life"

- I -

INDUNO, D.  "The Paintress"; "Reading" 
INDUNO, G.  "Pescarenico"; "Roving Around the World"; "During Peace" 
INGANNI, ANGELO  "Borromeo Square"; "The Canal of viaVittoria"; "Piazza Mercanti"; "Il Verziere"; "The Column of the Verziere"; "Theatre alla Scala"
INGANNI, G.  "Piazza Duomo eil il Rebecchino"; (also two details of same) 
INGRES, J.E.D.  "The Big Odalisque"; "The Source"; "Iliad Study"; "Madame de Sennones"; 
INNESS, GEORGE  "Entretat"; "The Coming Storm"; "Our Old Mill"
INO, PIERRE  "The Traveler"
IOUON, C.F.  "The Sun of March" 
ISABEY, EUGENE  "Fishing Boats"; "Souvenir of Ste. Valery"
ISRAELS, ISAAC  "Riding on a Little Donkey"
ISRAELS, JOSEF  "The Shipwrecked Mariner"

- J -

JOHNSON, EASTMAN  "Cornhusking"; "The Baby Carriage"; "Little Girl with Golden Hair"
JOHNSON, FRANK T.  "Riders of the Dawn"
JONES, JOE  "Missouri Wheat Farmers"
JONGKIND, JOHAN BARTHOLD  "The Seine and Notre Dame"; "Harbour at Honfluer"; "Antwerp Harbour, Sunset"

- K -

KANDINSKY, WASSILY  "Composition Storm"; "Improvisation 35"; "Lines of Marks"; "Lyric"; "The White Dot"; "Untitled, No. 629"; "Heavy Circles"
KAULBACH, H.  "Music Studies"; (various pictures of children on the streets of Munich); "A Sword Will Pierce Your Heart"( Virgin with Infant Jesus ): "The Moon Fairy"
KENT, ROCKWELL  "Vermont"; 
KING, G.  "Saturday Afternoon"
KIRCHNER, ERNST LUDWIG  "Berlin Street Scene"; "Forest with Brook"; "Hockey Players"; "Sertig Valley"; "Two Peasants"; "Two Ladies in the Street"
KLEE, PAUL  "Face of a Face"; "Girl with a Flag"; "Harbor Scene"; "Head of a Man"; "In Copula"; "La Belle Jardiniere"; "Sinbad, the Sailor"; "Super Chess; "The Goldfish"; "Viaducts Break Ranks"; "Arab Song"; "Fish Magic"; "Picture Album"; "Demon as Pirate"
KLIMT, GUSTAV  "The Church of Unterch"; "Orchard"; "The Kiss"; "Judith"
KNIP, H.R.  (various cats and kittens)
KNOWLES, GEO. S.  "Pets"
KOEKKOEK, B.  "Winter Landscape"
KOKOSCHKA, OSKAR  "Charles Bridge, Prague"; "Dresden Neustat"; "Lovers with Cat"; "Montana Landscape"; "The Mandril"; "New York"
KOSAREK, ADOLF  "The Wedding"
KROYER, PETER S.  "Summer Evening on the Beach at Skagen"; "Cheers"
KURTZ & ALLISON  ( several. Inquire for titles )
KUHN, WALT  "Clown with Black Wig"; "Dressing Room"

- L -

LABILLE-GUIARD, ADELAIDE  "Self Portrait with Two Pupils"
LAMBERT, G.  "Amateur Gardner"
LANDSEER, SIR EDWIN  "Monarch of the Glen"; "The Challenge"; "The Arab Tent"(aka Mare and Foal); "The Ferrier"; "Suspense"; "A Naughty Child"
LANE, FITZ HUGH  "Boston Harbor"; "Merchantmen off Boston Harbor"
LANERET, N.  "The Spring"; "Dance in the Garden"
LA THANGUE, H.H.  "Mowing Bracken"
LAWRENCE, JACOB  "Marionettes"; "Parade"; 
LAWRENCE, SIR THOMAS  "Pinkie"; "The Calmedy Children"; "Son of J.G. Lambton,Esq."(aka Boy in Red); "Portrait of the Fluyder Children"; "Lady Templeton and Her Son"; "Miss Murray"; "Caroline of Brunswick, Queen of George IV"
LAZZARO, WALTER  "Invitation to Solitude"; "Nostalgia"; "Bathing Huts"; "Profile of a Boat"; "Tonal Painting"; "Boat and Sea Storm"; "Homage to Myself"; "Trio"; "Siesta"; "Chairs and Beach Umbrellas"; "Boat"; "Daybreak"; "Seagulls"; "Red Boat"; "Three Bathing Huts"; "Silence of the Fisherman"; "Warm Hours"
LE NAIN, LOUIS  "Family of Peasants"; "Young Card Players"; "The Procession of the Lamb" (with MATHIEU ?);
LEADER, B.W.  "The Stream in Summer-time"
LEE, DORIS  "Winter in the Catskills"; "Thanksgiving"
LEE-SMITH, HUGHIE  "Boy with a Tire"
LEGER, FERDINAND  "Leisure: Homage to Louis David"; "LOVE"; "Construction"; "The City"
LEIGH, WILLIAM  "A Close Call"; "Stampede"
LEGROS, ALPHONSE  "A Canal with a Fisherman"
LENGRAND, A.  "Paris Street Scene"
LEIGHTON, LORD  "And the Sea Gave Up the Dead..."
LESLIE, G.D.  "Sun and Moon Flowers"
LETO, A.  "Landscape"
LEYENDECKER, I. C.  (various ads with and without copy)
LEYSTER, JUDITH  "The Jester"; "Young People Dancing"
LIEBERMANN, MAX  "The Cafe"(Old Vinck?)
LIPPI, FILIPPINI "Adoration" (with Angelico?); "Vergine Che Adora il Bambino"
LOCKE, CHAS  "Waterfront"; "The Terrace"
LORRAINE, CLAUDE  "Brook with Two Bridges"; "Voyage of Jacob"; "Landscape with Merchants"; "Harbour at Sunset"
LOTTO, LORENZO  "The Three Ages of Man"
LOUTHERBOURG, P.  "The Rhine Falls at Schaffausen"
LUCAS, J. SEYMOUR  "Flirtation"
LUCENZ  "The Kite"; "Concept of Space"
LUCIONI, L.  "Trees and Mountains"; "Red Barns in Vermont"; "White Birches in Vermont"
LUETZE,  "Washington Crossing The Delaware"

- M -

MAASS, DAVID A.  "Green-Winged Teal"; "Redheads"
MAC GREGOR, ROBERT  (sailing ship dated 1939); (various other sailing ships)
MACKE, AUGUSTE  "Turkish Cafe"; "Blue Girl Reading"; "Cows and Camel"; "Milliners Shop"; "Walk Among Flowers"; 
MAES, N.  "Old Woman Preying"; "The Spinner"; 
MAGNO, E.  "Fisher's Marriage"; "Capri"; "Agropoli"; "Sarecen Tower"; "After Fishing"; "Marine with Beach"; "Ville Comunale"; "Marina"
MAGRITTE, RENE  "The Tempest"; "La Marriage du Minuit"; "The Empire of Lights"; "The Return"; "The Surprise Answer"; "The Voice of Space"
MANET, EDOUARD  "Flowers in a Crystal Vase"; "Soap Bubbles"; "Vase of Peonies"; "On the Beach"; "Bar, Follies Bergere"; "Seascape"; "Vase of Flowers"; "Serving Waitress"; "Luncheon on the Grass"; "Music at the Tulleries"; "The Fifer";
MANTEGNA, ANDREA  "The Ascension"; "Parnassus"; "Wisdom Triumphing Over the Vices"; "Golgotha"
MANUELLO, S.  "In Paris"; "Venice"
MAPS  (Numerous old maps of almost any where.)
MARC, FRANZ  "The Red Roe Deer"; "Deer in Forest I"; "Forest with Squirrel"; "The Lamb"; "Two Cats"; "Red Horses"; "Blue Horses"
MARCHETTA, G.  "Rain"; "Other Times"; "Flower Vendor"; "Flowers in the Fog"
MARIESCHI, M  "Landscape with Bridge"; "Landscape with Obelisk".
MARIN, JOHN  "Downtown New York"; "The Singer Building"
MARINI, MARINO  "Rotund Woman"
MARKO , K.  "Reaping"
MARQUET, ALBERT  "Beach of Fecamp"; "Les Sables d' Olonne"; "Pont Neuf by Night"; ( also some drawings)
MARSH, REGINALD  "The Jungle"; "Star Burlesque"; "Bread Line"; "Felicia"; "Tattoo-Haircut-Shave"; "Merry-Go-Round"; "High Yaller"
MARTELLY, JOHN DE,  "Give Us This Day"; "Blue Valley Fox Hunt"
MARTINI, SIMONE  "The Annunciation"; ( also detail of Mary )
MARTIN, HENRI  "Sunny Day in Venice"
MARTIN, M.  "Seine with Notre Dame"; "Boats in Harbor"
MARZORATI, P.  "Fishing at the Fanali Island"
MAS, FELIX  "First Love"; "Profile"; "White Pamela"; "Zaida";
MASACCIO  "Portrait of a Young Man"; "The Tribute Money"
MASEK, V.  "La Prophetesse Libuse"
MASSYS, QUINTEN  "Gold Dealer and Wife Weighing Gold"
MASTAI, M. "Stars and Stripes"  
MATANIA  "Taking the Guns"
MATISSE, HENRI E.  "Still Life with Books"; "Breton Village"; "The River Bank"; "Beasts of the Sea"; "Blue Nude"; "Blue Nude"; "Dahilias"; "Flowers and Parrots"; "Interior with Eggplants"; "Interior with Egyptian Curtain"; "Romanian Blouse"; "Side-board"; "Studio Quai Ste. Michel"; "The Purple Robe"; "La Danse"; "Lady in Blue"; "Pink Onions"
MAUVE, ANTON  "Watering Horses"
MAZONOWICZ, D.  (Several Replica Cave Drawings)
MAZZARI, G.  "Flowers"; "Spring"; "Underbrush in Bloom"; "Path amid Flowers"; "Summer"; "Landscape" ( x 4);
MC BARRON, H. CHARLES  "The American Soldier , 1775 to 1965,"(set of 29 );
MEDIEROS  "Tom Sawyer"
MEGARGEE, EDWIN  ( Set of Three Bird Hunting Scenes )
MEISSONIER,  "Retreat from Moscow"; "Napoleon and Staff"; "The Print Collector"; "A Cavalier"
MELCHERS, GARI  "In My Garden"; "St. George's Church"; "Unpretentious Garden"
MELO, A.  "Westminster Bridge, London"; "Cortina"; "Nude"; "Portrait"; "Floral Homage"; "Tigquilo"; "Cherry Trees in Bloom"; "In the Atelier"
MELROSE, ANDREW  "Crossing the Stream"
MEMLING, HANS  "Presentation in the Temple"
MESZOLY, G.  "Fisherman's Hut"
MESSINA, A.  "The Virgin and The Holy Child"
METCALF, WILLARD  "October"; "Gloucester Harbor"; "Morning Shadows"
METIVET, LUCIEN  "Eugenie Buffet"
METSYS, QUENTIN  "Money Lender and His Wife"
MEZZADRA, CARLO  "Poetry of a River"; "Wheat Harvest"; "Horses at Pasture"; "Still Life"; (several drawings of children)
MEZZOLI, O.  "Musical Instruments"; "Floral Composition"; "The Voice of the Sea"
MICHELANGELO  "Delphic Sibyl"; "Pieta"; "Madonna and Child"; "Creation of Adam"; "Creation of Eve"; "The Last Judgement"; "The Prophet Jeremiah"
MICHETTI, FRANCESCO  "The Young Shepherdess"
MICHETTI, G.  "Field of Poppies"
MIGLIARA, GIOVANNI  "Porta Nueova"; "Cathedral Square"
MILITARY  (Hundreds of Various Subjects, and Wars, on land, sea and in the air, from ancient to Korea)
MILLAIS, JOHN E.  "Speak! Speak!"; "My First Sermon"
MILLER, K.H.  "Women Shopping"
MILLET, JEAN F.  "L' Angelus"; "Young Shepherdess"; "The Gleaners"; "The Grass Burner"; "Planting Potatoes"
MILNE, J.  "Boys Fishing"
MININI, J.M.  "The Port of Cotiniere"; "The Small Sailboat"
MIRALLES, FRANCISCO  "Bois de Boulogne"
MIRO, JOAN  "Composition"; "Composition 1933"; "Portrait N. 1"; "People and Dog in Sun"; "Portrait 1938"; "Woman, Bird and Star"; "The Red Sun"; 
MODIGLIANI, AMEDEO  "Sitting Nude"; "The Little Girl in Blue"; "Landscape of the South of France"; "The Lady with the Tie"; "Portrait of Lunja Crechowska"; "Bride and Groom"; "Caryatid"; "Gypsy with Baby"; "La Belle Ronaine"; "Madame Hayden"; "Woman"; "Woman with Fan"; "Woman with Red Hair"; "Seated Nude"
MOILLIET, LOUIS  "In The Circus"
MOLL, CARL  "The Market of the Delicacies"
MONDRIAN, PIET  "Composition No. 2"; "Composition with Color Areas"; "Blue Chrysanthemum"; "Blue Rose"; "Large Chrysanthemum"; "Opposition of lines: Red and Yellow"; "Rhododendron"; "Rose in a Tumbler"; "Landscape with Farmhouse"; "Rhythm of Straight Lines"; "Horizontal Tree"
MONET, CLAUDE  "Beach at Ste. Adresse"; "Garden in Bloom"; "Rest Under the Lilacs"; "Wild Poppies"; "The Avenue"; "The Breakfast"; "Snow Effect"; "Argentuil"; "Winter Landscape"; "Impression, Sunrise"; :Corner of the Garden"; "Still Life"; "Ladies in a Garden"; "Chrysanthemums"; "The Bridge at Argentuil"; "Antibes"; "Banks of the Seine. Vetheuil"; "Beach at Trouville"; "Boulevard des Capucines"; "Gladioli"; "Hotel des Roches Noire, Trouville"; "Jardin de Giverny"; "Le Dejeuner"; "Les Barques, Regates a Argentuil"; "Les Coquelicots"; "Spring Flowers"; "Still Life"; "Spring in Giverny"; "Sunflowers"; "The House of Parliament, Sunset"; "The Red Boats"; "The Seine at Giverny, Morning Mist"; "Water lilies"(detail); "Water Lilies" (detail); "White and Purple Water Lilies"; " Japanese Bridge"; "Willows of Vetheuil"; "Boats Leaving Harbor"; "Boats on the Beach at Entretat"; "Cape Martin, Menton"; "Floating Ice"; "Gardens at Bordighera"; "Haystacks"; "On the Cliffs, Dieppe"; "Sea Roses, Evening"; "Street in Fecamp"; "Tulips at Sassenheim"; "Tulips in Holland"; "View of Bay at Antibes"; "Orchard"; "Basin d'Argenteuil"
MONETTI  "Materhorn"; "Serene Setting"
MONTI, C  "The Flower Market"; "Gypsies at Rast"; "Balcony in Bloom"; "L'Arlequine"; "Basket of Flowers"; "The Fortune Teller"; "Clowns"; "Choir Boys"; "Song of Nature"; "The Small Road of Balconies in Bloom"; "Tumblers Family"; "Charme de Londres"; "Venice"; .
MOORE, Martha  "Barefoot Prodigy"
MOORE, HENRY  "Family Group"; "A Summer Night"
MORAN, E. PERCY  "Reception in Washington"; "Street Scene, Philadelphia"
MORAN, THOMAS  "River Canyon"; Grand Canyon"; Fishing Hole"; "Landscape"; (Lake in Rockies); ( stream in wood) "A Wonder Of Nature"
MOREAU, GUSTAVE  "Salome's Dance"; "The Unicorn"
MORGAN, E. DE  "Tempest"; "Angel"; "Angels"; "Hero Awaiting the Return of Leander"
MORGAN, FREDERICK  "Over the Garden Wall"; "The Little Hostess"; "Apple Gathering"; "Best Friends"
MORISOT, BERTHE  "The Cradle"; "Jean Pontillon"; "Skating in the Park"; "View of Harbor"; "Lady Dressing"
MORLAND, GEORGE  "The Door of the Alehouse"; "Horses in a Stable"; "The Reckoning"; "Fishermen Taking Out Their Boat"
MORMILE, G.  "The Little Wanderer"
MOSS, H.  "London Skyline"
MOSSA, GUSTAV  "David and Bathsheba"; "The Satiated Siren"; 
MOTLEY, ARCHIBALD  "Blues, 1929"
MOTT, HERB  "Yazoo River Battle, July 15, 1862"
MOVIE POSTERS  (hundreds of ads, lobby cards, window cards ,half-sheets, one-sheets)
MOVIE STARS  ( hundreds )
MUCHA, ALPHONSE MARIE  "Four Seasons"; "Gem Stones"; "Bieres de la Meuse"; "Papier a Cigarette Job"; "Sarah Bernhardt"; "Moet"; "Follies" ; "Salon de Cents" 
MUNCH, EDVARD  "Girl on a Bridge"; "Madonna"; "The Scream"
MURILLO, BARTOLOMEO  "Children Eating Fruits"; "The Little Fruit Vendors"; "The Falconer"; "Girl and Duena"; "The Immaculate Conception"
MYLLER, ENRICO  "Night Fishing"; "Fishing at Sunset"

- N -

NASON, T.W.  "Village Street"
NAST, THOMAS  "Christmas Eve, '62"
NATTIER, JEAN M. "Madame Henrietta"; "Portrait of Manon Balletti"; "Portrait of the Duke of Bourgogne"
NEER, Aert Van der  "Skating on the Dike"; "River Scene in Winter"; "Moon -lit Landscape with Bridge" 
NIELSEN, KAY  "Prince Souce and Princess Minon-Minette"
NINETTA  "Flowers"; "Flowers"; "Flowers"
NITTIS, G.  "Crossing the Alps"; "The Ruins of the Tuileries, 1882"; "Piccadilly"
NOBLE, JOHN S.  "Lazy Moments"

- O -

O'KEEFFE, GEORGIA  "From the Lake"; "Grey Line with Black, Blue and Yellow"; "Pelvis with Distance"; "Ranchos Church"; "Yellow Cactus"; "Blue Morning Glories"; "Iris"; "Pansy 1926"; "Petunia"; "Poppies"; "Rams Head White Hollyhock and Little Hills"; "Two Jimson Weeds with Green Leaves and Blue Sky"; "White Camellia"; "Lawrence Tree"; "Radiator Building"; "White Canadian Barn, No. 2"; "White Flower"
OGDEN, F. D.  (mountain lake with waterfall and deer); (mountain river)
OLITSKY, J.  "Composition"
OLLER, F.  "French Landscape II"
ORCHARDSON, Sir Wm.  "The Farmers Daughter"
ORPINAS, ANDRES  "Landscape"; "Still Life"; "Spanish Caravelle"
ORTIZ, JOE  "Matador"; "Flamingo Dancer"; "Toreador"
OUDOT, ROLAND  "Vase of Flowers"
OUDRY, JEAN BAPTISTE  "Return from the Hunt"; "The Dead Wolf"; "Indian Blackbuck"; "Misse Et Turly"
OVERSTREET, JOE  "Justice, Faith, Hope and Peace"; "Wheat Farmer"

- P -

PALIZZI, FILIPPO  "Horses at Pasture"; "The Siren"; "Little Rascals"; "The Little Sick Donkey"; "Landscape"
PARRISH, MAXFIELD  "Hunt Farm"; "Daybreak"; "Garden of Allah"; "The Lute Players"; "Old Glen Mill"; "The Prince"; "Tranquility"; "Twilight"; "Stars"; "Century Magazine Cover"; "Leprichauns"; "Ecstasy"
PARSONS, A.  "Bredon -on-the-Avon"; "When Nature Painted All Things"
PASQLIARELLI, R.  "Pastoral Poetry"; "Market Day"; "First Dreams"
PATER, JEAN B.  "The Dance"
PATTERSON, CHARLES , R.  (various sailing ships, untitled )
PEACOCK, RALPH  "Ethel"; "The Sisters"
PEALE, JAMES  "Washington at Yorktown"; "Portrait of George Washington"; "Fruit"; "Still Life with Fruit"
PEETERS, J.B.  "Storm at Sea"
PEIRCE, W  "Negro Band"; "Sailors Dancing".
PELHAM, GENE  "Old RR Depot"
PELLIZZA  "The Fourth Estate"; "Mirror of Life"; "Meadow of Flowers"
PERRONEAU, JEAN S.  "Girl in Blue"
PERUGINO, PIETRO V.  "Young Girl with Kitten"
PETO, JOHN  "Basket, Umbrella and Hat"; "Letter Rack"
PETTIE  "The Vigil"
PETTY  (several pin-up girls)
PICASSO, PABLO  "Bullfight"; "Artists Son as Harlequin"; "Pierrot with Mask"; "Pierrot with Flowers"; "The Chest of Drawers"; "Sitting Harlequin"; "The Son (Pierrot)"; "Fruit and Guitar"; "The Enameled Pan"; "Corrida"; "Guernica"; "Acrobat on a Ball"; "Bathers"; "Blue Boy"; "Child with Dove"; "Construction: Guitar"; "Don Quixote"; "Femme in Blue"; "Fruit Basket"; "Jaime Sabartes, Portrait"; "Ladies on the Banks of the Seine"; "Lemon and Oranges"; "Lobster and Cat"; "Mains aux Fleurs"; "Mother and Child"; "Portrait After Greco"; "Portrait of a Woman"; "Portrait of Sylvette"; "Saltimbanques"; "Still Life with Antique Bust"; "Still Life with Cherries"; "The Aficionado"; "The Blue Room"; "The Couple"; "The Lovers"; "The Tragedy"; "Woman with a Hat"; "Woman with Tambourine"
PICKETT, JOSEPH  "Coryell's Ferry, 1776"
PILLEMENT, JEAN B.  "Landscape with Waterfall"
PIPPIN, HORACE  "The Domino Players"; "Victorian Interior"; "Holy Mountain III"
PISSARRO, CAMILLE  "The Road at Louveciennes"; "Woman and Child at the Well"; "The Stage-Coach at Louveciennes"; "Chestnuts at Louveciennes"; "The Road of Upper Norwood"; "Pontoise- Corner of Hermitage"; "The Garden of Vegetables"; "Orchard in Bloom at Pontoise"; "Breton Landscape"; "In the Garden"; "Stone Bridge, Rouen"; "The Quays at Rouen"; "The Village Market"; "Boulevard Montmartre "; "Boulevard Montmartre, Afternoon Sun"; "Place du Theatre-Francais, Spring"; "The Pont Neuf"
PITLOO, A.  "View of Ischia"
PITTARA, CARLO  "Return to the Sheep-fold"
POLLOCK, JACKSON  "Composition"; "Mural"; "Painting 1948"; "Going West"; "Autumn Rhythm"
POSTERS  (advertising posters of various kinds, of many products or services )
POTTER, PAULUS  "Horses in a Meadow"
POUSSIN, NICOLAS  "Holy Family"; "Adoration of the Golden Calf"; "The Abduction of the Sabine Women"; "The Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite"
PRENDERGAST, MAURICE  "South Boston Pier"; "Central Park"; "The Swans"
PRESIDENTS, UNKNOWN  (Portraits of U.S. Presidents to F.D.R.)
PREVIATI, GAETANO  "Dahlias"; "Dance of the Hours"

- Q -

QUADRONE, G. B. "Huntsman and Dogs"

- R -

RAIL-ROAD & TRAINS  (many prints of RR related subjects )
RANZONI, D.  "The Little Dog Troubeukoy"
RAPHAEL, SANZIO  "Sistine Madonna"; "Alba Madonna"; "Cowper Madonna"; "The Transfiguration"; "The School of Athens"; ( also detail of Aristotle and Plato ); "The Disputa"; "Giulano De Medici"; "The Vision of a Knight"
RAUCHENBERG, ROBERT  "Rebus"; "Retroactive 1"; "Summer Rental No. 2"
REDON, ODILON  "Large Green Vase"; "Mlle. Violette"; "The Buddha"; "Vase of Flowers, 1865"; "Vase of Flowers, 1916"
REED, ETHEL  "Miss Traumerei"
REID, ROBERT  "The White Parasol"; "Summer Girl"
REMBRANDT, VAN RIJN  "Self-portrait with Saskia"; "The Man with the Golden Helmet"; "The Mayors"; "Storm on the Sea of Galilee"; "The Night Watch"; "Apostle Simon"; "Philosopher Reading"; "Rabbi"; "Self"; "Self, as Apostle Paul"; "Study of Old Man"; "The Mill"; "The Polish Rider"; "Young Girl at Half-open Door"; "Lady with Ostrich Feather Fan"; "His own Portrait"; "The Syndics"; "Supper at Emmaus"; "Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Socrates"; "Lucretia"; "Christ, the Pilgrim"; (various drawings); "Angel Leaving Tobias"; "Return of the Prodigal Son" ( of the painting );
REMINGTON, FREDERIC  "The Apache"; "The Scout"; "Touch-down, Yale vs. Princeton"; "Turn Him Loose, Bill!"; "Stalker"; "Battle at the Water-Hole"; "Close Call"; ( Several Drawings ); ( Three Indians in Canoe on Stormy Lake ); (Two Hunters in Canoe ); "Cavalry Officer"
RENI, GUIDO  "Ecce Homo"
RENOIR, PIERRE-AUGUSTE,  "At The Concert"; "Bather, Drying Herself"; "By The Seashore"; "Claude and Renee"; "Dance at Bougival"; "Dancing at the Moulin da la Galette"; "Female Nude"; "Gabrielle with a Rose"; "Garden in the Rue Cartot, Montmarte"; "Girl and Golden Hat"; "Girl and Watering Can"; "Girl in a White Hat"; "Girl with Sheaf of Corn"; "Gladiolus"; "Idyll (Lovers)"; "In the Meadow"; "L'Estaque"; "Luncheon of the Boating Party"; "Monet, Painting in His Garden"; "Mossy Roses"; "The Apple Seller"; "The Box"; "The Ingenue"; "The Swing"; "Washer-Women"; "Woman Arranging Earring"; "Woman with a Cat"; "Woman with A Parosal"; "Lady at the Piano"; "Two Girls at a Piano"; "Two young Ladies at a Piano"; "La Grands Boulevards"; "Le Pont des Arts"; "Oarsmen at Chatou"; "On the Terrace"; "Roses"; "The Estral Mountains"; "The Seine at Argenteuil"; " Children by the Seashore"; "Spring Bouquet"; "The Guitar Player"; "Standing Bather"; "Vase of Chrysanthemums"; "Path Rising into the High Grass"; "Two Girls in the Meadow"; "Lady with Hat"; "The Excursionist"; "Girls Picking Flowers"; "The First Going Out"; "Pink and Blue(detail)"; "Sleeping Woman"; "Madame Carpentier and Children"; "The Olive Trees Garden"; The Daughter"; "Pink and Blue"; "Irene"
REYNOLDS, JOSHUA  "Lady Caroline Howard"; "Miss Bowles"; "The Little Samuel"; "Master Hare"; "The Age of Innocence"; "The Strawberry Girl"; "Portrait of Mrs. Richard Hoare with Her Infant Son"; " The Honorable Henry Fane with His Guardians"
RICHER, C.  (three kittens with ladies hat)
RITTER, JOHN  (Several nudes)
RIGOLOT, A.  "Autumn Landscape";
RIVIERE, BRITON  "The Temptation in the Wilderness"
RIVERA, DIEGO  "Vendors at the Market"; "Carrier of Oil Jars"; "Pineapple Seller"; "Man with Callas"; "El Vendedor"; "Vendedora"; "Mother's Helper"; "Muchacha Con Virasoles"; "Nude with Calla Lilies"; "Oaxaca"; "Retracto de Ignacio Sanchez"; "The Flower Carrier"; "Zapata"; "The Liberation of the Peon"; "Sugar Cane"
ROBERT, HUBERT  "The Bridge"; "The Landing"; "The Obelisk"; "The Viaduct"
ROBIE, JEAN B.  "Still Life"
ROBINSON, B.  "Lincoln"
ROCKWELL, NORMAN  (hundreds of magazine covers and ads, with and with-out copy)
ROESEN, SEVERIN  "Still Life with Boy"
ROESLER, FRANZ  "Via dei Penitenzieri"; "Porta Cavalleggeri"; "View of the Tevere alla Marmorata"; "Fishing Nets Near Ripa Grande"; "Medieval Houses at St. Cecilia"; "Arch of St. Lazzaro alla Marmorata"; "Arch of St. Moreo "; "The Arcade of the Farmesina"
ROMAGNOLI, G.  "Sun Reflex"
ROMNEY, GEORGE  "Portrait of Miss Willoughby"; "The Parsons Daughter"
ROMANO, GIULIO  "Danza Della Muse"
RONNER-KNIP, HENRIETTE  (Various cats and kittens)
ROSNER, CHAS. "Battleship"; "Destroyer"; "Aircraft Carrier" ( all US , pre WW II )
ROSSEAU,  "Birddog 
ROSSI, LUIGI  "A Corner of Old Milan"
ROTH  "Friendship"
ROTHKO, MARK  "Orange and Yellow, 1956"
ROTIG, G. F.  "The Deer"
ROUAULT, GEORGES  "Equestrienne, The Circus"; "A Clown"; "Flowers in a Vase"; "Heads of Two Clowns"; "The Old King"; "The Sleeping Gypsy"; "Two Nudes"
ROUSSEAU, HENRI  "Jungle, Tiger Attacking a Buffalo"; "Juniet's Cart"; "Notre Dame"; "Pierre Loti"; "Self"; "Surprised! Storm in the Forest"; "The Pink Candle"; "The Snake Charmer"; "Tiger Hunt"; "Virgin Forest"; "The Waterfall"; "Landscape with Cattle"; "Rain in the Jungle"
RUBENS, PETER PAUL  "The Holy Family"; "Landscape with Rainbow"; "Head of a Boy"; "Saint Magdelen"; "Adam and Eve"; "Venus and Adonis"; "The Judgement of Paris"; "The Abduction of the Sabine Women"; "Adoration of the Magi"; "Prometheus Bound"; "Lion Hunt"
RUIZ, JOSE  "Bridal Veil Falls"
RUNGIUS, CARL  "Moose "; "Mountain Sheep"; "White-Tail Deer"; "Grizzly Bear"; "Prong-Horns"
RUSSELL, CHARLES M.  "Sun River War Party"; "Red Man's Wireless"; " A Little Sunshine"; "A Little Rain"
RUYSDAEL, RACHEL  "Fruit, Flowers and Insects"; "Fruit and Flowers"; "Roses and Other Flowers"; "In Full Bloom"
RUYSDAEL, SOLOMAN van  "After the Rain"; "Landscape with River Scene"
RYDER, ALBERT P.  "The Race Track (aka Death on a Pale Horse)"; "Night and Clouds"; "Seascape"

- S -

SADLER, W. DENDY  "A Good Story"; "Friday" 
SAILING SHIPS  ( many, untitled )
SALA, PAOLO  "The Wait"
SALEM, A  " Resignation"; "The Wait".
SALMOIRAGHI, G.  "Resting Model"; "The Sleep"; "The Straw Hat"; "The Nude"; "Eva"; "The Hope"; "The Red Fox"; "Abandon"
SALMSON, HUGO  "At the Gate of Dalby at Skane"
SALVLATI, C.  "The Abundance"
SANTIN, H.  "Landscape"
SANZIO, RAFFAELLO  "Madonna Della Seggiola"; "Madonna Del Granduca"; "La Velata"; "Madonna Del Cardellino"
SARGENT, JOHN S.  "On His Holidays"; "A Boating Party"; "Oyster Gatherers"; "The Black Brook"; "Home Fields"; "Piazza-Venice"; "The Green Parasol"; "Madame X"; "Miss Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth"; "Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose"; "The Wyndham Sisters";
SARTORIO  "Flock at Tor Quinta"
SASSETTA, STEFANO  "Journey of the Magi"; "Saints Anthony and Paul"; "La Vergine Addolorata"
SAVITT  "Irish Setter"
SAYER  (mountain valley with violet flowers)
SCALINI, F.  "Mother and Son"
SCHINDLER, E.  "Hunting the Ducks"
SCHMIDT-ROTTLUFF, KARL  "Fishing Boats"; "Springtime";
SCHUMACHER  "Peaceful Valley"
SCHWITTERS, KURT  "Spring Picture"; 
SEGANTINI, G.  "Twilight on Board"; "Angel of Life"
SEKKYO  "Bull"; "Eagle"
SELLENY, J.  "The Isle of St. Paul, in the Indian Ocean"
SENEZ, A.  "Nude in a Wave"; "Young Girl in Bloom"
SEURAT, GEORGES  "Port-en-Bassin"; "Seated Woman"; "Peasant"; "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte"; "Bathing at Asnieres"; "The Circus"; "The Maria at Honfluer Harbor"
SHEELER, CHARLES  "Delmonico Building"; "Of Yachts and Yachting"
SHELTON, A.J.  (Waves breaking on rocks)
SHUMAKER  "Autumn Reflections"
SIGNAC, PAUL  "Quay at Clichy"
SILVA, D  "Red Roses"
SISLEY, ALFRED  "The Road Seen From the Way to Sevres"; "Banks of the Seine"; "Landscape"; "Flooding at Port Marly"
SLOAN, JOHN  "Mother"; "Subway Stairs"; "Turning Out the Light"; "Shine, Washington Square"; "Roofs, Summer Nights"; "Backyard in Greenwich Village"
SLOANE, ERIC  "Nostalgic Autumn"; "Nostalgic Summer"
SMALL, WM.  "The Last Match"
SMITH, FRANK V (Various Sailing Ships)
SMITH, JESSIE WILCOX  (several children, untitled)
SNELLINCK, JAN  "The Garden of Eden"
SOLOMON, J.S.  "A Conversation Piece"
SOMERSCALES  "Off Valpariso"
SOROLLA, JOAQUIN  "Eating on the Boat"; "After The Bath";
SOUTINE, CHAIM  "Chartres Cathedral"
SOYER, RAPHAEL  "Backstage"; "Sixth Avenue"
SPADINI, ARMANDO  "Children and Fish"
SPERL, JOHANN  "The Nursery School"; "Garden with Flowers"
SPITZWEG, KARL  "The Bookworm"; "The Poor Poet"; The Antiquer";" Monk Going Fishing"; "The Love Letter"; "On the Alm"
SPORTS  (hundreds of subjects )
SPRINGER, C.  "Scene in Enkhuizen"
STANFIELD,  "On the Dogger Bank"
STEEN, IAN  "The Family of Cats"; "Gaiety at the Inn"; "Grace Before Meat"; "School"; "Tavern Interior"
STEINLEN, THEOPHILE-A.  (Various art posters, with and with out copy)
STELLA.D.  "Sails in the Sunset"; "The Waterfall"
STELLA, JOSEPH  "The Brooklyn Bridge"
STERN; BERT "Marilyn Monroe - a Composite"
STEVENSON, HAROLD  (WW I British Aviators )
STEWART, ETHELYN  "Persian Pottery"; "Zinnias"
STONE, MARCUS  "In Love"; "On the Road From Waterloo to Paris"
STORY, GEORGE H.  "The Old Soldier"
STRACHAN, ARTHUR CLAUDE  (Various English cottages with women, children and domestic animals)
STRECKENBACH, M.  "Still Life with Red Flowers"; "Still Life with Fruit"
STUART, GILBERT  "Portrait of George Washington"
STUBBS, GEORGE  "Mares by Oak Trees"; "Mares and Foals in a Landscape"; "The Hunter Horse and the Arab Horse"; "Pumpkin with a Stable Lad"
SULLY, THOMAS  "The Torn Hat"
SWAN, J.M.  "On the Alert, Lioness and Cubs" 
SWEERTS, MICHAEL  "Old Man Near a Young Lady"
SZINEYI, M.P.  "Lark"; "Picnic in May"

- T -

TAMAYO, RUFINO  "Woman with Black Coif"
TANGUY, YVES  "The Rock Palace"; "Slowly towards the North"
TANNER, HENRY  "Banjo Lesson"; " Annunciation"; (Jesus Dining with Two Mary's ); 
TENIERS, DAVID JR.  "Surgical Operation"; "Card Players"
TER BORCH, GERARD  "Curiosity"; "The Music Party"
THOMA, HANS  "Girls Picking Flowers"; "Taunus Valley"; "Landscape"
THOMAS, E.  "The Red Watermill"
THOMPSON, JOANNE  "Boy with Bike" (1890's); "Boy with Bike" (l890's)
THOMSEN, W.M.  (mountain lake)
TIEPOLO, GIOVANNI  "Carnival Scene"; "Timocleia and the Thracian Commander"; "Chronos Entrusting Cupid to Venus"
TILLEMANS, P.  "Squire Jemmet Browne at a Hunt Meeting"
TINTORETTO, JACOPO  "The Last Supper"; "Battle"; "Tarquin and Lucretia"; "The Temptation in the Wilderness"; "Presentation of the Virgin"; "Mercury and the Three Graces"; "The Baptism of Christ"; "Christ and the Adulteress"; "Adam and Eve"
TISSOT, JAMES  "Dance on the Ship"; "The Ball"; "Garden Bench"; "Seaside"; "Young Woman in a Boat"; "Young Woman Looking at Japanese Articles"
TITIAN, VECELLI  "The Rape of Europa"; "Venus and the Lute Player"; "Venus and Adonis"; "Man in a Red Cap"; "Flora"; "Madonna and Child with St. Catherine and Rabbit"; "Salome with John the Baptists Head"; "Young Man with a Glove"; "Vanity"; "Birth of Venus"; "St. John the Baptist"; "Ecco Homo"
TITO, E.  "Downhill"
TIUADAR, K  "Ride on a Sea-Horse"
TOBEY, MARK  "Advance of History"; "Broadway 1936"
TOMASO  "Sweet Friends"
TOOROP, JOHANN  "Desire and Fulfillment"; "The Letter"
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, HENRI DE  "Father Driving a Coach"; "The Milliner"; "Woman at the Window"; "Jane Avril Dancing"; "Eglantine"; "Jane Avril, 1893"; "Jane Avril, 1899"; "Moulin Rouge"; "Poster- Galerie "65" Cannes"; "Bar"; "Couple"; "Mme. Honorine P."; "M. Boileau au Cafe"; "Profile of a Woman"; "Quadrille"; "Seated Clown"; "The Clown Cha-U-Kao"; "The Lady Clown Cha-U-Kao"; "The Salon in the Rue des Moulins"; "At the Cafe"; "At the Moulin Rouge"
TRAINS & RAIL ROADS  (Many RR related prints )
TRIVELLA, A.  "Interior of a Country House"; "Court-Yard"; "Old Mill"; "A Wood in Abruzzo"; "First Reading"; "A Southern Village"; "Alberobella Castellana"; "White Azalea"; "Tree with Grazing Sheep"
TRAVEL  (Posters of all types )
TROYON, CONSTANT  "Return of the Flock"; "Watering Cattle"
TUKE, H. S.  "All Hands to the Pumps"; "Ruby, Gold and Malachite"
TURNER, JOSEPH M. W.  "Venice, Bridge of Sighs, Ducal Palace and Custom House"; "Ulysses Mocking Poliphemus"; "The Ancient Pier at Brighton"; "The Sun Rising Through the Mist"; "The Canal Grande"; "Fighting Temeraire"; "View of Orvieto"; "The Port of Calais"; "The Port at Dordrecht"; "Boats with Anchors"; "Landscape"; "Rockets and Blue Lights"; "Peace: Burial at Sea"; "The Great Western Railway"; "Passing the Iceberg"; "Fishermen on a Lee Shore"; "Burning of Parliament"; "Mustering of the Warrior Angels"

- U -

UBERTALLI, R.  "Road Amid the Birches"
UCCELLO, PAOLO  "Battle of San Romano"; "A Young Lady of Fashion"; "St. George Slaying The Dragon"; "The Rout of San Romano"
UTRILLO, MAIJRICE  "La Rue du Mont Cenis"; "The Seine at Paris"; "Castle at Allonjoie"; "Rue de la Fontaine a Mulard"; "Snow at Montmartre"; "Spring at Montmartre"; "The Church"; "The Road to Sacre-Coeur"; "Basilica, St. Denis"; "Chateau de Chastelloux"; "Church in Suburbs"; "Church-St. Severin"; "La Maison Bernot"; "Le Chateau"; "La Lapin Agile"; "Mont St. Michel"; "Sacre-Coeur in Winter"; "Street"; "Street in Montmartre"; "St. Romaine Quarter"; "Winter Street Scene in Tarbes"; "Street in Suburbs"; "Winter Scene"

- V -

VALADON, SUZANNE  "Bouquet of Flowers"; "Flowers"
VAN DE VELDE, WILLEM  "Amsterdam Harbor"; "The Cannon Shot"
VAN EYCK, JAN  (see E)
VAN DER LOO, JAN  "Raindrops on the Skin"; "Venus of Ampuries"; "The Virgin of Castelnou"
VAN LOO, ANDREA  "The Rest of Diana"
VAN OSTADE, I. ( see O )
VAN RUYSDAEL, JACOB  "Wheatfields"
VARGUS  ( several )
VASARELY, VICTOR  "Cheyt M"; "Folklore"; "Tridem K'; "Vega-Kontosh"; "Vonal KSZ"; "Zebegen"
VELAZQUEZ, DIEGO  "Prince Balthazar-Carlos on a Pony"; "L"Enfante Marguerite"; "Portrait of a Girl"; "King Phillip IV"; "Portrait of a Spanish Lady"; "The Maids of Honor "(Los Minos); "The Toilet of Venus"
VERMEER, JOHANNES  "Girl Asleep"; "Head of a Girl"; "Lacemaker"; "Little Street"; "Milkmaid"; "The Letter"; "Woman in Blue"; "Young Woman Standing at a Virginal"; "Girl with Pearl"; "View of Delft"; "Woman Weighing Gold"; "Young Woman with Water Jug"; "The Wine Drinkers"; "Girl with Guitar"; "The Artist in his Studio"
VERNET, CARLE  "Hunt Scene in England"; "Hunt Scene in the Forest of Fontainbleau"; "Duke of Berry Hunting Deer"; "
VERNET, JOSEPH  "Construction of a Road"; "The Bridge and Castle of Sant'Angelo, Rome"
VERONESE, PAOLO  "The Finding of Moses"; "The Rape of Europa"
VERSPRONK, JOHANNES  "Little Girl in Blue";
VERVLOET, F.  "The Grand Canal at Venice"
VIGEE-LEBRUN,  "Self with Daughter"; "Sister with Her Daughter"; "Self"
VINCI, LEONARDO DE  "Mona Lisa"; "Ginerva da Benci"; "Portrait of Isabellea d'Este"; "The Annunciation"; "Study of Woman's Head"; "The Last Supper"; "Virgin and Child with St. Ann and John the Baptist"
VINEA, F.  "The Drinker"
VIVANCOS, MIGUEL  "Village Feast"
VON UHDE, FRITZ  "Suffer the Little Children"
VONNOH, ROBERT W.  "In Flanders Field"
VUILLARD, EDOUARD  "Quay Le Pouliguen"; "The Tuileries"; "Woman Darning"

- W -

WALCH, CHARLES  "Bird of the Alps"
WALDMULLER, FERDINAND GEORG  "The Morning of Corpus Christo Day"; "Spring in Viennese Forest"; "The Neighbors"; "Still Life with Roses"; "Laborer with His Son"; "Picking Up Branches in the Forest"; "Roses in a Vase"
WALFINGER, R. S.  (woods with pond in autumn)
WALKER, FREDRICK  "The Vagrants"
WALL, WILLIAM A.  "Barnstable , Mass., 1857"
WALLER, S. E.  "Sweethearts and Wives"
WARD, B.  "Sloop at Sunset"; "Small Harbor and Dock"; "Skip-Jack "; "Motor-cycles Racing"(various) ; ; Hand Colored photos of 1950's Grand Prix Racing Cars (various); "Marsh Land"; "Swamp"; "Old Fort Cobb, Oklahoma Territory"
WATERHOUSE, JOHN WM.  "The Siren"; "The Lady of Shalot"
WATTEAU, JEAN A.  "Man Standing"; "Pilgrimage to Cythera"; "Three Negro Boys"; "Le Mezzetin"
WATTS, FREDERICK  "Dedham Lock"; "Hope"; "Life's Illusions"; "Love and Life"
WAUD, ALFRED R.  (Several Drawings, ACW )
WAY, A.J.H.  "Grapes"
WEBER, R.  (Village, river, lady and swans); ( Sunset, woods and lake )
WEBER, WALTER  "Three Birds in Winter Scene"
WEIGAND, GUSTAVE  "Still Life"; "Still Life"
WEIR, J.F.  "View of West Point, 186?"
WESTAL  "Breath of Spring (Old Mill)"; "Rustic Mill"; "Peaceful Village"
WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT M.  "Arrangement in Grey and Black"; "At the Piano"; "Venice"; "Mother"; "The White Girl"
WICKEY, HARRY  "Central Park"; "Hudson Highlands Under Snow"; "Hogs Near a Corn-crib".
WILKIE, DAVID  "Study of a Negro"
WILLIAMS, WALTER  "Poultry Market"
WILMER  "Timberline Lake (Alps)"
WINTERHALTER, FRANZ  "Empress Eugenia and her Court" 
WOOD, GRANT  "American Gothic"; "Arbor Day"; "Ride of Paul Revere"; "January"; "Honorary Degree"; "July Fifteenth"; "Tree Planting Group"; "Schriners' Quartet"; "Seedtime and Harvest"; "Death on Ridge Road"
WOOD, ROBERT  "Mystic Pond"; "October Morn"; "Autumn"; "Winter Morn"; "Golden Leaves"; "Sunset Shore"; "Yosemite"; "Pacific Sunset"; (rockie mountain stream); (rockie mountain valley); ( Old Farmstead); "Late Autumn"
WOODLOCK, DAVID  "Welsh Homestead"
WOODRUFF, HALE  "Poor Man's Cotton"
WOODVILLE, RICHARD  "Waiting For the Stage"
WOODY  "Sampans at Sunset"
WOURWERMAN, P.  "The White Horse"; "Calvary Making a Sortie" (detail);
WYETH, ANDREW  "Benny's Scarecrow"; "Chambered Nautilus"; "Christina's World"; "McVey's Barn"; "Mrs. Kuerner, 1957"; "Soaring"; "Study for April Wind"; "Around the Corner"; "Big Room"; "Crescent"; "Evening at Kuerners"; "Geraniums"; "Master Bedroom"; "May Basket"; "The Mill"; "Wolf River" 
WYETH, N. C.  "The Husking Bee"; ( scenes from Treasure Island); (scenes from Mutiny on the Bounty )

- X -

- Y -

YEAMES, WM  "And When Did You Last See Your Father?"
YOUNG, MAHONRI  "Walpi in Sunlight"; "Three Navajos"
YOUNG, H.  "Wagon Train"

- Z -

ZEIM, FELIX  "Return of the Fishing Fleet "; "Clipper Ship"
ZORN, ANDERS  "A Fisherman"
ZUND, ROBERT  "Way to Emmaus"; "Wood of Oaks"; "Wheat Harvest"