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Friday, January 21, 2005.

Search Engine Optimization Strategies

NEW: 6th Edition Just Released! - Now includes 4 insider tips on how to profit from the recent Google AdWords Affiliate Policy change that rocked the affiliate world.

Search Engine Optimization Strategies, by Michael Wong (Editor of Mike's Marketing Tools and a leading SEO expert), is a self help guide on how to get top rankings in major search engines using proven optimization and submission strategies and techniques.

Search Engine Optimization Strategies: Top 30 Search Engine Optimization & Submission Strategies For Dummies [6th Edition]


Helps you improve link your web page rankings in the top search engines.
Discover how to transform unproductive websites and sales letters, for any product or service, into successful websites.
Discover the optimization techniques and tricks used by professional search engine optimizers.

Discover how to improve link pay per click advertising click through rates, lower cost per click, and increase return on investment.
Saves a lot of time as all the essential information is nicely formatted in one place.


  • Offers indepth statistics and strategies on how to achieve top rankings in each search engine.
  • Covers all the top US-based search engines and web directories, such as Google, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, AltaVista, Inktomi, Ask Jeeves, and Lycos.
  • Discusses all aspects of search engine optimization - not just the "politically correct" tactics.
  • Top 10 price comparison shopping engines compared side-by-side.
  • Contains 296 pages.
  • Features a comprehensive glossary of internet, web design and marketing terms.
  • Viewable on virtually all computer systems, including Windows and Macintosh.
  • Free updates.
  • 12 months, 100% money-back guarantee.


I won't review my own ebook, so here's a review by an independent third-party; Judy Justice from The Midwest Book Review web site. Established in 1976, the Midwest Book Review publishes several monthly publications for community and academic library systems in California, Wisconsin, and the upper Midwest.

Here's is an unedited copy of Judy's review:

Mnyone marketing an online business knows the importance of getting top listings in search engines. Your site may be listed, but how far down the list is it?

Michael Wong, a search engine optimization specialist, achieved over 2000 top 30 positions for one of his company web sites. In this ebook he shares the secrets of his success so you can get your own site ranked at, or near, the top of the lists.

Whether you are new to online marketing or a seasoned professional, there are tips here that will help you draw more visitors to your site. If you've been spending your time submitting to search engines without doing some preliminary research on how the various search engines work, you have likely not reached the level of success - to get into, and stay in the top ranks.

Search Engine Optimization Strategies: Top 30 Search Engine Optimization & Submission Strategies For Dummies by Michael Wong is an ebook which contains detailed descriptions of many different search engines and explanations of how they work.

You'll find information about all the leading search engines: how often they search the web, how they index pages and what unique features are peculiar to each one. Having this information at your fingertips will save you months of research.

Meta tags, robot tags, improve link popularity as well as pay-per-click, JavaScripts and keywords are fully explained with easy to follow tutorials complete with sample HTML code.

Written in an easy-to-understand style, and containing an excellent index, this ebook answers all the questions on how to optimize your web pages for top ranking. If you're serious about showing up well in the search engines, and you're willing to take the time to read and follow the advice given, this book will teach you how to develop web pages that will enhance your online marketing with good search engine placement.

Very comprehensive, I would venture to say this is the definitive ebook on search engine optimization and is a must have for any webmaster's library.


  • "...went from about 2,400 to over 50,000 search engine visitors a month. And all of my sites together receive over 70,000 search engine visitors." - Alice Seba, Editor, Internet Based Moms, British Columbia, Canada.
  • "Our site now has 329 top 30 rankings, including 137 top 5, and 7 number ones." - John Gridley, First Choice Health Insurance Inc., Roseburg, Oregon, USA.
  • "I recommend his book to anyone who's looking for really detailed, comprehensive knowledge and advice on all the major search engines." - Allan Gardyne, Editor, Associate Programs newsletter.

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Revenge of the Mininet now with Dynamic Linking

Here's how You can set up a Mininet Empire, for Top Search Engine Positions and Highest Profits, just like the Leading Six Figure Income Earners.

Dear friends, affiliate marketers and SEO professionals.

dynamic duoImagine working half days and earning more money in a single day, than most average Americans can in a week. It's not fiction. It's not a pipe dream. It's reality.

What you are about to learn is fact. These are same proven affiliate revenue linking strategies, I recommend for my clients. Some of them, like me, are making over $200,000 a year in affiliate revenues. Some of them earn even more than I do and have retired already.

The only difference is, they have the freedom to sit at home in their pajamas, while you probably commute, slave away in an office some place, and put up with demanding clients or a badgering boss, for low wages. But you know what? It doesn't have to be that way.

There's no reason why you couldn't be doing the same thing as my clients, and making the same kind of money they do. All it takes is some basic search engine optimization knowledge, a couple of affiliate programs and a simple - but little known - linking strategy.

Just so you know, this ebook is not a bunch of theory, or hard to understand words. These are pictures, actual diagrams, of how to improve link everything together. You can add them to your existing marketing mix or use the various linking strategies together.

People used to phone me for this information and I'd tell them how to do it. It was - and still is - my most popular coaching topic. The only problem is, sometimes it's difficult to understand without visual examples. At $250 an hour, most people spent between $400 - $800 to fully understand this information. Now with everything in pictures, you'll be able to learn the same information, but at a fraction of the cost.

I'll even help coach you through it, and include a discount coupon for my services in the back of the book. But before we go any further, there are a few things that I need you to know about:

What this ebook is not.

This ebook is not about SEO (search engine optimization). There are several good ebooks on that subject already, so writing another one would just waste your time. If you want to learn SEO, here are three excellent sources.

Winning the Search Engine Wars - an advanced professional SEO guide

Stomping the Search Engines - a learn SEO from home audio CD course

Totally Non Technical (TNT) Guide - beginners guide to SEO and search engines

Okay, so what is this book?

This ebook is a diagramed, step by step, how-to. It shows how to set up and design a cluster of sites, with highly targeted keywords, and improve link them together, for natural link popularity, and favorable search engine rankings. Actual sketches and diagrams, from proven models, showing exactly how all the sites improve link together.

These are the same linking strategies my coaching clients use. Like I said, some are making over $200,000 a year in affiliate revenues alone. No job, no boss, no commute. They just sit quietly at home creating minisite networks. In a few weeks, they start taking the checks to the bank. That simple...{top}

Internet Directories to Improve Link Popularity

Description: one way of jumpstarting you link campaign is to get directory links. Building links, by listing your website in the search engines and directories, is one way of increasing your link popularity, especially if yours is a new site or one with no inbound links. However, you should choose your directories and search engines well.

You can jumpstart your link campaign by getting directory links. Building links, by listing your website in the search engines and directories, is one way of increasing your link popularity, especially if yours is a new site or one with no inbound links. However, you should choose your directories and search engines well. But, the shortage of inbound links puts your site at a severe disadvantage because link analysis is an important part of every search engine's ranking algorithm.

So, you can overcome this disadvantage by getting a few quality links. And a good way to start is to get listed in as many directories as you can. There are many directories out there, and the more you can get into, the better. If you have a business related website, and it can’t be accepted by non-for-profit directories, then you should try submitting it into business directories and should be prepared to pay a small fee for it. A good strategy is to contact a site that doesn’t offer advertising or paid listing and offer a small amount of money in return for a link. Chances are that few will be willing to accept your link. A few that you should try and get your site listed in, are Open Directory (, Yahoo(, LookSmart (, Zeal (, Joeant ( and (, ( or any other business directory if you site doesn’t qualify for free submission.

And these directories and search engines are gold mines as linking partners, waiting and begging to be mined by an enterprising and prospecting webmaster. The most obvious Internet directory to start with, when beginning a comprehensive link search, is the well-known DMOZ directory. Its complete category and sub-category classification system makes it convenient for any website owner to find numerous sites within their area of business. With DMOZ, there’s no need to contact them for link exchanges if you’re concerned about loss of visitor traffic to their sites. However, if you’re not listed in the DMOZ directory, you can still find the category where your site would probably be included. And the process remains the same for finding link partners, whether your site is listed or not.

Another directory that is good is The Yahoo! Directory which has many of the same sites in its list as DMOZ. This is inevitable. There are, however, many sites listed in Yahoo! that are not part of the Open Directory Project. And this fact opens up many more possibilities for the webmaster. When you go to the Yahoo! Directory, you must first go to your category, if you’re already listed. But if you’re site is not listed, you should select the most probable one. However, keep in mind that the listings are in alphabetical order, and may not have the same descriptions as the DMOZ directory. Then, use the same procedure as before, and your list of potential linking partners will grow larger.

A third important Internet directory is the Google Directory. They use listings supplied by the Open Directory Project and the listings are very similar to those found in DMOZ. But, Google is different in that it orders the results from the highest PageRank listing to the lowest, making your sorting that much easier. Though, it should be remembered that some of the PageRanks on display are most probably out of date, and may not reflect the site's current PageRank.

But, if exchanges, for higher PageRank purposes are important to your site, then the Google directory is the answer to what you’re seeking. However, as a general rule, don't let PageRank determine your linking partners. It’s far more important to make your site helpful, for your visitors and customers. And, since directories are an excellent source of theme related link partners for any website, you should use a major one for the search such as DMOZ, the Yahoo! Directory, or the Google Directory. So, finding potential linking partners is very easy when you use the major directories or search engines.

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The Right Way to Improve Link Popularity


It all began with Google and now most major search engines use link popularity as an important ranking criterion. At Google, they call it PageRank (PR), which has been its hallmark since 1998. PR evaluates Web structure through link analysis to determine relevancy. It's an algorithm factor that gives higher rankings to sites with many strong, quality links leading to their pages. Such sites are deemed to be highly relevant because of all the incoming links.

To quote Google software engineer Matt Cutts, "Google's PageRank search technology works by first identifying the link structure of the entire Web, then ranking individual pages based on the number and importance of pages linked to them." Note that the popularity and relevance of the backlinks are more critical than their number.

Linking no sooner became the rage than people began to look for short-cuts to link popularity. But there's a right and a wrong way to create backlinks, and short-cuts can get you in trouble. One of these short-cuts was the creation of link farm services that provide hundreds of irrelevant links. Google calls this spamming and will remove sites associated with link farms from its index. Other engines also hate spamming and will do the same.

How do you define a link farm? It's a network of sites that link to other sites for the sole purpose of increasing their PR score or link popularity. You get hundreds of links to your site from totally unrelated sites and in return, you must link to hundreds of other unrelated sites. This is counterproductive because you need to link to related information to provide value to your customers. In fact, if they're sent to unrelated topics they'll probably abandon your site because this is frustrating.

So how can you build link popularity the right way? You need to link to information that expands your customers' knowledge in topics related to your business and of interest to them. There's no short-cut for doing this, it takes due diligence. Below are five tips for getting started on the road to link popularity.

Five Tips for Improving Link Popularity

1. Directory Listings: Ensure your site is listed in ODP (free) and also include Yahoo! Business Express ($299 yearly) and LookSmart Express Submit ($299) or Basic Submit ($149). Directory listings boost link popularity because they rely on human editors, known to result in relevant content. There are many lesser-known directories that might be advantageous to be listed in. You can find many industry-specific and smaller directories in Search Engine Guide's Search Engines Directory.

2. Request Links: When looking for possible link candidates, start by visiting a search engine and typing in your most important strategic keywords. You'll see a lot of competitors, but look for non-competing, complimentary sites. Screen those sites, selecting only the ones that might be receptive to your link request. Give them a compelling reason to link to your site and be sure to suggest where a link might be appropriate. A good strategy is to link to them first and point this out, which might help get a link back.

Another way to do this is to identify a well-established site with good content that targets the same audience you want to reach (non-competitive, of course). Then perform a link analysis from that site, noting the incoming links and soliciting those sites.

3. Promote Linkability Within Your Site: There are many ways to do this. Basically, you want to provide quality resources and outgoing links as appropriate. This can include links to search engines, news hubs, weather reports, industry resources, industry professional groups and so forth. Outgoing links can be important in two ways: they provide incentive for other quality sites to link to you when you're already linked to them, and if internal linkage is done properly, it can improve your PR score. For technical information on PR see the white paper by Chris Ridings "PageRank Explained."

4. Publish Articles: Get the experts in your company to write informative articles your audience is interested in, then submit these articles to appropriate online publications in your industry. Provide a brief bio containing your Web site URL and make it a condition for publication that the article must appear with a bio containing your company URL. This can generate a lot of links, but it takes time and editorial skills.

5. Testimonials: It can be worthwhile to start a testimonial page of products and services you find useful. Say you admire certain marketing sites or publishing sites. Contact the company, telling them why you value their services or find their products effective. Be earnest and concise. The company may respond asking for permission to display your comments on their Web site. Grant them permission provided they agree to link to your site. Sometimes it helps if you post the testimonial on your site first and refer them to that page.

In conclusion, this is an important SEO strategy and one of the best ways to improve your visibility and rankings. So you want to do it the right way.

Paul Bruemmer is the CEO of Web Ignite, a search engine optimization company. Founded in 1995, Web-Ignite has helped promote over 15,000 Web sites and was recognized by Iconocast and MarketingSherpa as a top SEO firm based on reputation.

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