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HEALTH & WELL BEING - The Wake Up Call for Healthy Business
"Whatever is detrimental to the well-being of the employees will also have a negative impact on the company and vice versa. A company is only as healthy and capable of achievement as its employees are." Dr. Peter Hartz, Board Member and responsible for Human Resources, Volkswagen AG, Germany, Source: European Network For Workplace Health Promotion
Don't Mistake the Bottom Line for a Healthy Corporation Caring for the wellbeing of your workforce is no longer seen as an optional luxury, but as a prerequisite for a successful business. Tired, anxious people who dislike their jobs are not going to produce the next technical breakthrough or impress your clients. The health and well being of your team is your most precious asset. Care for their wellbeing and your business will exhibit the energy, enthusiasm and creativity you need to raise yourself above the ordinary. Business today is built on relationships and a Health Incentive Program can offer a powerful relationship-building tool that will work towards a culture of healthy active staff.
Healthy Approach
  • Health Checks
  • Safety Audits
  • Care Strategies
  • Health Incentives
  • Personnel Coaching
  • Spouse/Family Care
  • Health Retreats
  • Specialist Forums
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Defined Roles
  • Management Awareness
  • Involved Employees

Innovative Approach to Well Being of Your Workforce
Using the same approach as in all our dealings, we listen to your needs. We will assist in formulating a program that works from the ground up. These "Incentives" for health, are an opportunity to motivate your organisation down the path of health and wellbeing in the workplace and into their lifestyles. Outdated, "take it or leave it" and off the rack health programs or gym classes are unacceptable solutions. We provide the stimulus and forum for self healing attitudes. We assume that eveyone wants to be "well and happy" - and through years of listening to clients - we can direct you to programs that may use many forms of rewards, incentives and teaching programs linked to rewards, accessing the people who are best suited to your needs.
It may be as simple as massage in the workplace, visiting personal coaches, nature getaways, family packages or structured forums and organisational change through identifying the need for new management attitudes - whatever it will be - it is a solution for your needs.We find the People, Solution and Package that works.

Is it Worth It ?
The EU estimates that costs arising from work-related stress come to around 20 billion annually within the EU. The ILO states that the cost of work-related mental health problems, including stress, represents 3% of the EU’s GDP.
Source; Juan Carlos Aparicio, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Spain. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

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