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<span class="newsdate">November 16, 2005</span>
<a href="history_news_2005_newpools.shtml" class="homenav">Expanded Investment Pools</a>
<span class="newsdate">October 14, 2005</span>
<a href="forms/yearendtimetable2005.pdf" class="homenav">Year-End Timetable for 2005 (pdf)</a>
<span class="newsdate">July 18, 2005</span>
<a href="history_news_2005_GiuntaPresident.shtml" class="homenav">New President for Gift Fund</a>
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<h4 class="home_leftnav">Request Information</h4>
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<h4 class="home_leftnav">Related Sites</h4>
<a href="pif_index.shtml" target="newWindow" onclick="popupNew(this.href); return false;" class="homenav">The Pooled Income Fund</a>
<a href="" target="newWindow" onclick="popupNew(this.href); return false;" class="homenav">Financial Advisor Resources</a>
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<p class="mission">The <i>Fidelity</i> Charitable Gift Fund<sup class="large">SM</sup> is an independent public charity. Our mission is to further the American tradition of philanthropy by providing programs that make charitable giving simple and effective.</p>
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<td><h4 class="home">The Basics</h4>
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The <i>Fidelity</i> Charitable Gift Fund is a donor-advised fund, a charitable giving vehicle that combines immediate tax benefits with the ability to support your favorite charities on a flexible timetable.
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<li><a href="basics.shtml" class="home">How It Works</a></li>
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<td><h4 class="home">Our History</h4>
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Since our founding in 1991, thousands of donors have looked to us to facilitate their charitable giving. Together, we have contributed over $5 billion to tens of thousands of U.S. non profit organizations, in virtually every field of interest and every state in the nation.
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<li><a href="history.shtml" class="home">About the Gift Fund</a></li>
<td><h4 class="home">Charitable Planning</h4>
We believe that charitable giving is a deeply personal expression of our beliefs and life experience. We offer philanthropic resources and educational materials to help our donors create a giving strategy that fulfills their personal charitable mission.
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