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Gortys In mythical genealogy Gortys is mentioned as the great-grandson of King Arcas, the ruler of Arcadia. Contrary, the inhabitants of the Arcadian town Tegea told another story, in which Gortys ...
Rahab In the Old Testament, a monster of chaos, visualized as a sea-serpent. It is the exemplar of powers inimical to God.
Emeli-hin The name the Tuareg of West-Central Sudan use for God. It means 'my lord.' Similarly, Emeli-neneg means 'our lord' and Emeli n terna means 'lord of power.'
K'op'ala A protective god of the mountaineers of eastern Georgia. The club is his weapon and he sometimes transforms himself into one.
Ke'lets In Chukchi popular belief, a demon of death. He is said to hunt men down, accompanied by dogs.
Kamui The sky-god of the Ainu people of the island of Hokkaido. He is also called Tuntu, 'support, pillar' of the world.
Jagaubis A Lithuanian god of fire. In popular belief and tradition his function has been taken over by Gabija.
Eetion The king of Thebes in Cilicia. He is the father of Andromache.
Eumelus The son of Admetus and Alcestis. He participated in the siege of Troy.
Theras A descendant of Polynices who settled on the island of Calliste, which from then on was called Thera (the current Santorini).
Theandros A pre-Islamic god who was once revered in northern Arabia. He is known through Latin and Greek inscriptions.
Vestius Alonieus A god who was revered in north-west Hispania. He had a military function and was associated with the bull.
Yu-huang Shang-di The name given to the supreme Taoist god during the Song Dynasty. The name is sometimes abbreviated to Yu-di (see Yu-huang).
Procris Procris was the daughter of the Athenian king Erechtheus and the wife of the hero Cephalus (Kefalos). The ancient authors are giving us a romantic story with a tragic ending about this ...
Brauron Brauron, in the ancient times called Vrauron, situated on the east coast of Attica, was one of the oldest sacred-places in Greece, where the goddess of nature and the protector of fertility ...