You spent hours creating a great Web site, so make sure that you have the vital information you need to create the best site possible. provides accurate, up-to-the-minute reports on how your Web pages are being used by visitors to your site.
- Quick online access to your Web site stats 24/7
- Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly stats in an easy-to-use format
- You'll be able to see
- Which Web browsers your site's visitors are using
- The screen resolution of your site's visitors
- Which Operating System they're using
- Which sites are referring others to your site
- Which search engines are being used to find your site
- Which keywords visitors are using in those search engines
- Four styles of counters including an invisible counter
- A weekly page view statistics e-mail alert
- Online customer support to answer your questions on setup, reports, and more!
Subscription Information:
- Register your Web Site - for $21.95/ year per account*
- Place the HTML Counter Code in Your Web Site
- Log in to your password protected traffic reports page and check your stats
FREE - Test Drive and see sample pages showing real-time data that your subscription offers.
* counts/tracks only the page on which it is installed. If you want specific statistics for more than one page, you must install a separate counter (with separate account number) on each page that you want tracked. If you want to know only how many visits or visitors you receive to your Web site in general, you can install the same counter code on all of your pages.