The Wayback Machine -

Call us: 253.520.1284
LinkHelpers Smart Relevant Link Exchange

Relevant Linking
Made Easy

Webmasters helping webmasters deliver targeted traffic
No Pretenses

A lot of folks spend a lot of effort to appear larger than they are.
How it Works

Software is the magic behind a self serving site. We write the code. You help keep the lights on.
The More the Merrier

Keeping a good idea like this to yourself only hurts you. Every new webmaster is an asset to all of us.
Full Service Link Management

For more information on our link management please call us at: 253.520.1284

Who We Are?

We are a bunch of webmasters who realize we can't win alone. We need every other webmasters help. I am Steve Mapua, just another webmaster...

Why Are We Doing This?

Someone's got to do it. It all starts with an idea. Freedom and Liberty started as an idea...

What Can I Do to Help?

Hosting a site is not free. We will be glad to write the code to power the site, but we need money to keep the lights on. Donations are always welcome but not obligatory. Five bucks goes a long way to paying our bills...