The Wayback Machine -

Practical boat-building marine electronics information for fishing and sailing boats


Whether you are building a boat or sailing somewhere nice and warm, my boat-building electrics books will help you and save you money. Many of you already have one of my books on board and thousands of you have contributed to the website message boards. This page provides links to each of my books and detailed contents for each.

The Marine Electrical and Electronics Bible More than 400 Pages of practical information on Yacht Electrical and Electronics Systems for boat-builder or boat-owner

THE COMPLETE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS REFERENCE TOOL Marine Electrical and Electronics You Can Finally Understand!

Marine electrics and electronics for sailing and cruising yachts and boat-building

What Reviewers are saying...

“...This is, perhaps, the most easy-to-follow electrical reference to date.” Cruising World Magazine

“Everything a sailor could possibly want to know about marine electronics is here. As a reference book on the subject it is outstanding.” Classic Boat Magazine

“A bible this really is…the clarity and attention to detail make this an ideal reference book that every professional and serious amateur fitter should have to hand.” Cruising Magazine

“On electrics, the best book by far we have come across is The Marine Electrical and Electronics Bible.” Motor Boat and Yachting Magazine

“...a concise, useful and thoroughly practical guide…it’s a ‘must have on board’ book.” Sailing Inland and Offshore Magazine

“All in all, this book makes an essential reference manual for both the uninitiated and the expert.” Yachting Monthly Magazine

“…this book ranks with the very best technical works ever produced for yachtsmen.” The Island Magazine

“…An excellent book for someone fitting out a boat, or building new, and for those preparing for an Atlantic circuit or extended cruising. Well worth the investment and a must have on board book.” World Cruising Club Magazine

The text used is The Marine Electrical and Electronics Bible...The Craftsman School - Course in Marine Electrical and Electronics. USA.


This book started it all after countless requests by clients and fellow sailors for practical information, including boat-building friends. The book was first published several years ago and has undergone complete rewriting for successive three editions. Each edition is updated with all the new technologies aboard the modern boat. I am no guru, but this is what I do for a living which is something none of the so-called gurus do. Like you, I am a boater, have built, sailed and lived aboard several yachts and restored a 105 year old Dutch barge which I also now live aboard. Right now I am planning my next sailing yacht, and much of what I write about will be on this boat. Whether you are boat-building or just fixing your boat up, chances are whatever information you want will be found in one of my boat-building marine-electrics books.


500 Pages of practical information on Motorboat Electrical and Electronics Systems

By leading expert in Maritime Electrical and Electronics, Professional Marine Electrical Engineer and Consultant John C. Payne

For Boat-building, Motorboats and Powerboats - Charter Boats - Trawler Yachts - Power Cats - Canal Boats - Barges - Houseboats - Tugs - Workboats - Rig Tenders - Ferries - Pushboats - Towboats - Fishing Trawlers - Shrimpers - Game Fishing Boats - Dive Support Boats - Superyachts

This is the book cover to look for if you live in the United States and Canada. It has everything for the trawler yacht and motorboat owner and all about boat-building electrics.

Everything you need to know about motor boat electricas and electronics

This is the boat-building electrics book cover to look for if you live in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the rest of the world. This version even has an image of my 1896 old Dutch barge on the cover along with the latest Sunseeker.

Everything you need to know about motorboat electrical and electronics
For years the sailor has had all the information he needed to satisfy his electrical questions. But anyone following the beat of the cruising under power lifestyle was left to his own devices, forced to abstract information from often irrelevant sources. With today's growing interest in trawler and motorboat cruising, it is finally time for marine electrical systems to be explained in terms specific to the needs of the modern motorboat owner. Payne's book will prove to be on such resource. Bill Parlatore, Editor, PassageMaker Magazine

Diesel Engines, refrigeration, lightning protection, batteries, metal corrosion – not to mention radar, navigation and communication systems WoodenBoat Magazine

…tells the reader how to maintain or upgrade just about very type of inboard engine vessel Home Waters Magazine

…”the manual is a hands-on guide too systems now installed on motorboats” “includes practical and concise information to enable owners and crew understand, install, maintain and troubleshoot all of the electrical and electronic systems on both new and old boats” Boat Mart

..”now we have a book which actually mentions canal boats and narrow boats” –…aim is to cover every type of electrical system on every type of boat from super yachts to tug boats and this he does very well”…”making this a veritable encyclopaedia of all things technical” Waterways World Magazine

...This 500 page volume covers the full range of onboard electrical and electronics topics, including engine and auxiliary electrical systems, AC and DC power systems and all types of marine electronics Power Cruising

This is the standard text book for The Marine Electrical School Courses in Marine Electrical and Electronics and is used by many boat-building electrical people as a simple reference

UNDERSTANDING BOAT WIRING ...Is a no-nonsense technical coverage of boat wiring standards, basic electrical principles, system voltages, the nuts and bolts of installing boat wiring, how to safely ground systems and more. Written in clear terms with an emphasis on practical application. Understanding Boat Wiring is a superb reference and "user friendly" resource enhanced with numerous diagrams to make it's instructional information especially easy to follow. Also very recommended for all boat owners is John C payne's Understanding Boat Batteries and Battery Charging. Midwest Book Review

UNDERSTANDING BOAT BATTERIES AND BATTERY CHARGING Clear, succinct instructions for ABYC compliant electrical systems. Wooden Boat Magazine

THE FISHERMAN'S ELECTRICAL MANUAL The Fishermans's Electrical Manual sorts through the astonishing array of electrical and electronic devices for small fishing boats to help the fisherman make the right choices and develop a better understanding of the installation, troubleshooting, and repairs of these systems. In a well organized fashion John Payne addresses such subjects as outboard electrics, trolling motors, downriggers, batteries, boat wiring, sonar and fishfinders, GPS, charts, radar and autopilots. International Game Fish Association

The Fisherman's Electrical Manual helps small boat anglers better understand the installation, troubleshooting and repairs of electrical systems.....Soundings Magazine

We fishermen have more electrical gadgets at our disposal than ever before and thankfully the prices keep coming down even while the sophistication of these devices increases. The problem is most anglers have only a perfunctory understanding of what that new toy is supposed to do. The Fishermen's Electrical Manual is written for owners of trailerable boats, but anyone considering purchasing devices and installing them on any size craft will find this to be an indepensable reference. Rather than deal with what can be a rather dry subject in a textbook manner, the author poses common questions and answers them in a clear, concise way. He doesn't automatically assume you know electrical jargon, which I've found to be a big problem with the owner's manual that come with marine electronics. And he doesn't stop with devices like fishfinders and GPS units. How electrical charge is generated and transferred by a motor is covered at length, and there is a handy reference section on electrical trolling motors - how they work, how much power they consume, how much thrust is needed for various weight craft. Understanding voltage is critical to the proper installation and use of all electrical devices on board and Payne's view of this subject is the best I've seen. There are also discussions of batteries, wiring, grounding and fuses. And again, all this useful information is presented in a logical, easy to understand format that even someone who doesn't know an ohm from an amp can understand. I highly recommend this book, and I would stick it in the same box as that new chart plotting GPS that Santa may be leaving under the tree On The Water Magazine

All the above books have all you need to know about boat-building electrics, and this website gives you long term support for all your boat-building electrics questions.

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